4:30am Jul 31 2011
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((You can choose. :D I have scenarios either way, but I guess if Draco's parents die, Harry could be all 'don't cry I'll be here for you'! xD)) "I'd rather not advertise the issue," he said dryly. "Come." He turned and strode out the Great Hall, not waiting for Harry to respond. He trusted his curiosity to get the better of him.
4:33am Jul 31 2011
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((lol XD then Draco would know how Harry felt about his own past... oooh! How fun! I kind of want to do that...)) Harry tilted his head and curiousity got the best of him. He followed Draco and quickly caught up. He wanted ot know what the boy wanted and why he needed him. He continued to follow him adn walked quickly.
4:37am Jul 31 2011
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They continued walking for a few minutes, before Draco found an empty classroom and burst the door open. He briskly walked in and stood facing Harry with his arms crossed, waiting for him to follow.
4:43am Jul 31 2011
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He followed draco and pushed the door closed. "So, Malfoy, what is it that you wanted me for?" He crossed his arms across his chest and looked at Draco, a serious look on his face.
4:45am Jul 31 2011
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Draco ignored Harry's question for the moment, taking his wand out and casting the appropriate spells on the door to ensure they would not be heard and/or interrupted. Then he turned to the boy, seriousness etched all over my face. "You can see into Voldemort's mind, right?"
4:47am Jul 31 2011
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"Well yes... I have been able to do that for a while. Why do you want to know?" He looked at the boy, who was a man since it was their 6th year here, and glared slightly. Did he have to wicked evil scheme. ((What is the outcome if Harry says they are dead? alive?))
4:51am Jul 31 2011
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((If Harry says they're alive, Draco will be all cold and rude again. xD And if he says they're dead...well, Draco will probably break down, and I'm hoping Harry will be there to give some sort of comfort?)) Draco let his mask of cold indifference fall, and underneath was vulnerability and desperation. "Voldemort...I think he's killed my parents," he said, slightly flatly. "It was in a dream I had last night. I was hoping you could check."
5:04am Jul 31 2011
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((They're dead....)) Harry's eyes widened slightly behind his glasses. Did that really just coem out of Draco's mouth. His paretns were dead? "U-Um.. Yeah.. I'll see what I can get.." Harry closed his eyes in a prolonged bl ink and breathed in deeply. He opeendhis eyes and concentrated. He closed them again. Harry could see fuzzy images but they got clearer with every second. He could see himself in Voldemort's body. He saw something else. On the floor. two people? no. Two bodies. He quickly brought himself out and opened his eyes. "I'm Sorry Draco... They're gone.. Seems like they are deceased since... well, last night. They say you usually have dreams of people you love most when they are in a desperate situation.. I'm really sorry Draco." His ex pression was still blank, unsure of what to do.
5:10am Jul 31 2011
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Draco stared at Harry for all of two seconds before he slumped. Without consciously thinking of it, he conjured a large armchair and fell into it. "Oh Merlin," he muttered, feeling faint. He closed his eyes to help relieve the pain of the sudden realisation. "They're...dead." And before he could stop it, a tear slid out of his eye and down his cheek.
5:14am Jul 31 2011
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Harry's mouth dropped open at the sight of Draco's rich brat demeanor faded and was replaced by this boy. He stepped closer and gently, but hesitantly at first, wiped the tear from Draco's pale cheek. "Draco.. I mean, Malfoy... Are you going to be okay?" Even if Draco was his worst enemy, he couldn't help but feel absolutely sad for the boy. His own past springing to his head. He knew just how Draco did. ((ugh! Broke my heart to type that!! T-T I kind of want to his paretns be alive and the people Harry saw looked like his paretns.. ugh! teraing me apart! Q.Q))
5:20am Jul 31 2011
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Draco froze when Harry touched his face. His first instinct was to lash out, but he deflated when he remembered why he was crying in the first place. "Thank you for telling me," he said quietly. "And for looking into Voldemort's mind."
5:25am Jul 31 2011
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Harry looked at Draco when he spoke. He nodded slowly and bent down so he was on his knees. He placed his hand on Draco's lap. "List Malfoy... No.. LIsten Draco.. I know we've had our differences and we've had many fights, but.. I want you to know that I'll be here for you. Even if you wish to continued your cold acts and insults out there among your peers, I'll be here for you if you wish to speak to me." Harry placed his other hand on Draco's other leg. "Just.. If you need anything, even if it's to talk, just call me. even if you use a harsh tone so you don't seem vunlerable, then do it. I know this is probably hard on you." ((Can i make the people harry saw Look alikes?! I'm dying.. Poor Draco...))
5:31am Jul 31 2011
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((Sure. xD But could it be maybe later on in the evening or another day or something? Just so that they can continue this moment until they have to leave. <3)) Draco didn't even notice Harry's hands laying in somewhat inappropriate places on his person. He was watching Harry's face, which seemed very sincere and more tender than he had ever seen it in his life. And he felt very intense feelings of like at the moment. Too much for even him. So he did the first thing he could think of. He gave Harry a hug. ((I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I know this is meant to be sad, but I laughed loudly when I typed that last line. xD))
5:35am Jul 31 2011
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((Of course! Harry will continued to be curous and when Voldemort calls for Luscius, he will notice that the people were look alikes. later though. :3)) Harry stiffened slightly but relaxed when he remembered why Draco was so soft right now. He breathed out and wrapped his arms around Draco as well. He squeezed a little tighter. He felt so bad for the guy. "Draco, it will be okay. Maybe not now or maybe not next month, but you'll see that it will get btter and easier." He hugged the boy, not letting go just in case Draco gave in
5:46am Jul 31 2011
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Draco didn't mind the tighter hug at all. In fact, he enjoyed it a lot. And it calmed him down. "Are you sure?" he asked, his face buried in Harry's shoulder so it sounded muffled. He felt like a child again, waiting for someone to say it was all a joke. Somewhere deeper in his mind, he knew what he was doing at the moment was totally unacceptable and completely out of character, but he didn't care.
5:50am Jul 31 2011
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Harry leaned his head against draco's slightly. He never really had someone to say that everything was going to be okay. Even if Draco was the son of the Death Eater, he couldn't see him like this. "Yes. I'm sure. I've gone through most my life without parents. I've never had someone to hug me and say that it was all going to be okay. But that's not you. You have someone right now. And I promise you that things will get easier."
5:53am Jul 31 2011
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Draco's head snapped up, and he looked into Harry's face as if he had never seen it before. "Thank you for comforting me," he whispered. And then, without another thought, he lowered his head and met Harry's lips with his.
5:57am Jul 31 2011
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Harry's eyes widened when Draco kissed his lips. However, he didn't really mind it. For some reason, he actually felt like this was slightly right. He gently kissed Draco back, pressing thier lips otgether even more than before. He felt good about comforting draco, even if he was the boy who had tortured him throughout the years.
6:00am Jul 31 2011
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Draco felt Harry apply more pressure, and he felt blissfully happy. It was like Harry was sucking all his troubles away, until he wasn't thinking of his parents anymore. The only thing in the world was Harry Potter. Harry Potter. Oh god. He was kissing Harry Potter. A boy. His enemy. Harry Potter. Freaking Merlin. He wrenched himself away from the embrace, going red with anger. "What the bloody hell are you doing, forcing yourself on me?" he shouted, raising his wand with every intention of using it.
6:06am Jul 31 2011
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Harry flinched when Draco brought out his wand. He knew Draco was going to treat him this way anyways, so he decided he had better just play along. "I didn't mean to! You looked too sad about the news I gave you and I just had to see if that would snap you out of it! Merlin's sake, put that away!" He glared at Draco, not wanting to completely be ''afraid' of the boy. He growled slightly and looked at Draco, bringing out his own wand.