6:10am Jul 31 2011
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"Definitely not!" Draco hissed. "What if you attempt to touch me again? You're taking advantage of me being emotionally unstable!" He didn't even cast a glance at the wand Harry was taking out. He was very, very angry. "Potter, I'm going to count to three. You better be out of here by then, otherwise...let's just say it won't be very pleasant for you." "One, two, three."
6:16am Jul 31 2011
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Harry quickly turned, just so darco would be happy or at elast not hurt him. He slammed the door shut behind him and walked out. He walked down the hall and cupped his mouth. He just kissed a Malfoy and he saw Draco's parents dead in their own house! It was horrible!
6:30am Jul 31 2011
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Draco took a moment to calm down, but he couldn't do it. Instead, he began shooting off the darkest curses he knew at the walls, which only absorbed them. That little punk. He just kissed Draco Malfoy, and he was going to pay. A plan already forming in his head, he left the classroom. First lesson was Potions, which would be perfect.
6:35am Jul 31 2011
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Harry sighed and quickly walked to his first class, potions. He walked in and sat down at the desk with his friends, which were ntoa couple. He sat down on the end and sighed. Nothing was going good today. His morning had been horrible. (what Draco gunna dooo~~?)
5:35am Aug 2 2011
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((No idea. xD It's going to be impromptu.)) Draco was still very angry and disgusted with himself as he walked to the dungeons, Blaise trying to keep up with his long strides. His dark-haired friend knew something was up, but had enough sense to keep his mouth shut. He’d never tell him, but Draco was grateful. He couldn’t talk at the moment. He hadn’t had much time to think about what had happened in that abandoned classroom, but he knew one thing. One of the reasons he was so angry and disgusted was because he had liked the kiss. He’d liked the feeling of pressure on his lips, familiar but foreign. He had kissed girls before, but never in the same manner he had kissed Potter. It was different, and it felt comforting and…good. Draco felt extremely guilty. While he was planning his revenge on Potter, his parents were still out there, lying dead. He pushed it to the back of his mind, however, because he knew he was going to have a very long night crying. He loved his parents, and his life had now been changed forever…for the worst. He was now the Malfoy heir, the head of the Malfoy house, and he wanted to make sure he’d make his parents proud. However, at the current moment, he had a certain green-eyed saviour to deal with. Plastering on a fake, but very evil looking smile, he strode into Potions.
5:22pm Aug 2 2011
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Posts: 2,184
((Bump. o3o))
5:40pm Aug 2 2011 (last edited on 6:18pm Aug 2 2011)
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Posts: 741
((... *pokes Pere* i'm going to stalk you. ....and Malfoy.))
2:07am Aug 4 2011
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Harry laughed with Ron and Hermione. They were together, yet still treated Harry as a close friend. He smiled as they walked into potions. He nodded when Ron pulled Hermione out of the classroom. Harry sighed and closed the door to the potions class.
Hqrry walked to his seat, making sure to keep himself innocent to draco's sudden kiss. He smiled to himself and walked to his seat. His smiled diappeared when he realized that Draco had mentioned getting back at him. He groaned slightly. This was going to be a long class day.
4:03am Aug 4 2011
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“Why are you looking at Harry as if you’re waiting for him to realise you’ve put dungbombs in his bag?” Blaise asked worriedly. Draco dismissed him. “I’d never do something so immature and uncouth.” When Blaise raised an eyebrow, he just sneered. “Mind your own business.” “You seem to be in a very snappy mood,” he observed, looking at Draco’s face carefully for signs of what he was wrong. He seemed to have found something, because his eyes widened. “I know what’s wrong.” Draco went still. “You snogged a girl and she wasn’t good enough!” The blonde started at how close this was to the truth. “Shut up, Blaise,” he said, his teeth gritted. Blaise looked put out. “Fine. Don’t tell me the gossip.” Draco resisted the very, very strong urge to hex him until he was in desperate need of the Hospital Wing. Suddenly he saw Potter arrive, and he sat up straight, his face going solemn and his lips thinning into a smirk. He pulled out his wand and, looking around to make sure Snape wasn’t here yet, he flicked it, casting a spell on the unsuspecting boy. He wouldn’t feel the effects until just after Potions ended, so Draco relaxed, waiting for the Potions Master to arrive.
4:18am Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 5,542
Harry felt something tingle around him. He shivered and quickky shook it off ashis friends came and sat mext to him. He smiled and nudged Ron. He knew they had snogged and he wamted to make his friends blush.
"So how was it? Did Snape catch you two?"
"shut up harry!" Ron growled and nudged his friend back.
"Oh Ron, you're making it more obvious when you get too protective." She giggled.
Harry smiled and looked at the classroom. It seemed different slightky. He shook it off amd watched as the potions master strode in with the same sneer on his face and the same dark ahra following him.
((what is the spell going to do to harry??))
4:42am Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 2,184
((A surprise. :D Something moderately evil I thought of.)) "Mr. Potter," Snape drawled, sweeping in dramatically, "I'd rather not here the details of Mr. Weasley's and Ms. Granger's immoral affairs. Do not bring such matters into my classroom. 10 points from Gryffindor."
4:51am Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 5,542
Harry growled. "I did not say anything.. They implied it the wrong way!" He sighed and slumped down in his seat. He didn't like getting house points taken off. He always lost points in Potions. The Professor really didn't like him.
5:02am Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 5:03am Aug 4 2011)
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Posts: 2,184
"If you wish to raise the amount of lost house points to 50," Snape replied frostily, "then by all means continue." He smirked at the glares people seemed to be throwing at Harry. His eye twitched when he saw Draco, however, throwing a darker glare at the boy than usual. Interesting, he thought as he observed his godson. "Now, before we are interrupted by anymore of Mr. Potter's incessant chatter, I shall be explaining today's potion. Who can tell me anything about Veritaserum?"
3:15pm Aug 4 2011
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Harry looked at Hermione who he had hoped would know the answer, but she hadn't been studying recently. He rolled his eyes and sheepishly raised his hand. He didn't want any more glares and he wanted to get some house points back. Oh dear Merlin hope he was going to get this right!
He left his hand up and felt a darker glare coming from the Slytherin side od the room. He knew something was up. And he knew the glare had come from Malfoy. He tried to ignore it.
4:39am Aug 5 2011
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Posts: 2,184
To no one's surprise, Snape bypassed Harry's hand entirely. "No one? What a shame." He sneered. "Veritaserum is the strongest truth potion used in interrogations by the Ministry. It is clear, and has the consistency of water, but has less shine than the other. It is almost impossible to fight the effects of such a potion. Turn to page 318 of your textbooks, and summarise the four pages on Veritaserum."
5:02pm Aug 5 2011
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Posts: 2,184
((Bump. <3))
5:12pm Aug 5 2011
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Harry growled. He was never chosen even if he knew the answer. He opened his book and began to read the book. He hated that, but he had to calm down in order to read qnd really get the information from thefour pages. He sighed and continued to read, flipping he page. He pulled out parchment and his quill. He began to write his summary on the potion and the effects and whatnot.
5:17pm Aug 5 2011
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Posts: 2,184
Draco did as his Professor told him, still laughing mockingly at the fact that once again, Potter's knowledge had been unrecognised. He contemplated throwing a few jinxes at the boy, to amuse himself while waiting for the other...curse to take effect. Concentrating on his cloak, he whispered, "Incendio."
5:24pm Aug 5 2011
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Harry wasn't paying attention to the flame that had started on his cloak. He cotinued to scribble until hermione screamed and jumped out of her chair.
Ron jumped up and quickly pulled Harry up. "Harry! You're on Fire!!"
Harry quickly stripped his robe and began to stomp out the flame. He was out of breath. He felt the stares and giggles of all his classmates. He hekd his cloak.
5:28pm Aug 5 2011
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Posts: 2,184
"Mr. Potter!" Snape roared, "Why are you interrupting the class?"