5:37pm Aug 5 2011
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"I didn't to anything!! My cloak was set on fire by someone! I din't do it!" His cheeks filled with bright red. Oh merlin help him. He felt to embarrassed and even more angry. He didn't like this one bit. He wanted to walk out but he couldn't. "I-I'm sorry sir..." He slipped on his cloak and sat down.
5:53pm Aug 5 2011
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"Detention for the next week with Filch," Snape drawled, "for interrupting a class with no satisfactory reason. Twenty points from Gryffindor, as well." His gaze ever so slightly shifted to look at Draco, who only smirked back. The brat. He really was a nuisance. Looking around the classroom, he noted that everyone had stopped working to watch. "Back to work, all of you!"
6:04pm Aug 5 2011
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Harry felt the glares of everyone in Gryffindor house. He sighed and quickly wrote the rest of his summary. His body trembled with anger and rage. He hated this.he didn't do anything and yet he was being treated as though this was all his fault. He puts his quicl away and looked at his summary. 1 full page. He put it down. His day was miserable.
6:12pm Aug 5 2011
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"Don't you think you've made Harry's day bad enough?" Blaise asked. "He looks absolutely miserable." "Not my fault," Draco said dismissively, writing the last line on his summary. "It is, and you know it," Blaise replied, his tone serious. "Why don't you leave him alone for the rest of the day? Whatever happened between you two, I'm sure it wasn't so bad that you have to bully him along with Snape." "Oh, it was bad alright," Draco sneered, turning to his friend. "Stop defending Potter." "Tell me what happened," Blaise said, ignoring Draco's last remark. Draco raised an eyebrow. "No." "Draco," Blaise said warningly, "we're best friends aren't we? We tell each other everything." "We aren't girls, Blaise, so no, we don't." "Fine," Blaise said quietly, "Legilimens." Draco had no time to put up his shields, so astonished was he that his own best friend would use Legilimency on him. He had never thought Blaise would turn his talent on him. Blaise rifled through the images of the morning. He looked horrified when he wrenched himself away from Draco. "Your parents are dead," he said flatly, "and you kissed Harry. And liked it." Draco didn't reply, shaking with anger. "Don't you dare say another word to anyone," he hissed, and he stood up and fled the room, not caring that Snape was watching him intently. The Potions Master let the boy go, also being an accomplished Legilimens and also having seen what had happened that morning.
6:34pm Aug 5 2011
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Harry sighed and knew his detention was nkt going to be fun at all. He sighed heavily. His own dorm mates probably hated him for loosing 30 house points.
"Harry, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself." Ron assured his friend.
"Whatever.. This is all Malfoy's fault and you know it. He did everything." He sighed and put his head down.
"Harry.. Come on.. You can tell me."
"Harry! Come on.. You're being a child."
"A child? You don't get it." He waited for the bell to ring.
6:39pm Aug 5 2011
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At the end of the lesson, Snape dismissed the class. "And I want 20 inches on the history of Veritaserum, due next class." He bared his teeth in a feral grin, enjoying the moans that followed this announcement. "Mr. Potter, please stay back. We must discuss the terms of your punishment."
6:48pm Aug 5 2011
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Harry remained seated as his friends pat his shoulders and walked oit together, hand in hand. Harry packed up his stuff, just to be able to walk out of the detentiom as soon as it was over. He heard nothing but silence as the last students left. He looked at Snape. "Yes Professor."
6:59pm Aug 5 2011
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In a bl ink of the eye, Snape was standing in front of Harry, towering over him and trying to intimidate him. "I know what happened this morning."
7:03pm Aug 5 2011
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Harry looked up at Snape. He was already feeling elbarrassed and intimidated by his daythat Snape's intimidation was barely cold. "I see.. It wasn't my fault.." He sighed and looked down. "I only tried to be nice to him after what happened.and he turned his action against me.."
7:13pm Aug 5 2011
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"You had informed him of his parents' death," Snape said coldly, "of course he would look for comfort. Slytherins are human, contrary to popular belief." He sneered. "And you took advantage of his emotional instability. I thought you couldn't get any closer to being like your father, Potter, but there you are, unfeeling as James ever was."
7:17pm Aug 5 2011
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Harry was pissed. "How dare you say that about my father! He was a good man and a caring man who lo ed people!" He growled. "And i didn't take advantage! He started that first! He sought comfort from me! I know what he's going through, so that's why! He started it all.. And then blamed me." he glared.
7:25pm Aug 5 2011
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"There is such a thing as the word 'no', Potter," Snape growled. "I will not have you treat my godson like that. He has already been through enough without you sticking your head in." He paused for a moment, his eyes glittering angrily. "But if it will convince you to leave him alone, I will tell you something. This stays in strict confidentiality, do you hear me?"
7:32pm Aug 5 2011
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Harry sighed and nodded. "Fine.. I'll leave him alone. But i swear, if he tries to seek comfort from me.. I can't promise he'll be getting away unscathed.." He sat down again and looked up at Snape. "Now what is it."
7:38pm Aug 5 2011
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Snape sneered at his lack of patience. Typical Gryffindor brat. He took out his wand, for the fun of it looking as if he was going to point it at Harry, before directing it to ward all doors and windows, and to Silence them so they would not be overhead. "This is a very important matter, Potter," Snape said, "and it'll be on my head if word gets out. Therefore, we will take a Wizarding Oath to keep this secret. If you do not agree, you have until ten to get out of here." He realised he sounded remarkably like Draco had that morning.
7:40pm Aug 5 2011
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Harry sighed. "Alright. I'll take the oath. And i won't be leaving hogwarts until I graduate. So let's take the oath. I don't plan on speaking of anything anyways." He stood up and looked at Snape. He hekd out his arm and hand. He knew about these, but he'd never really done one before.
7:46pm Aug 5 2011
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"It's not an Unbreakable Vow," Snape sneered at his incompetence, "it's only an oath." He took his wand out and pointed it at Harry, "Do you vow to keep all that is said in this classroom at this time confidential, and not to tell anyone, even under the influence of Veritaserum?"
7:48pm Aug 5 2011
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Posts: 5,542
((whoops! XD i so confused them.. My bad! Harry's just distressed))
Harry lowered his arm. "Sorry. I'm not myself right now.." He listened to Snape speak. "Yes. I do Sir.." He continued to keep his gaze on Snape and he felt like he might not really want to hear what he was going to say.
8:04pm Aug 5 2011
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Posts: 2,184
((No, it's fine. I didn't explain it. xD)) "Then let it be pledged," Snape murmured, and he felt a tingle of magic surround him. He relaxed now, slightly. Looking carefully into Harry's face, he said, "I am a spy."
8:31pm Aug 5 2011
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Posts: 5,542
((ooh. Okay.))
Harry looked at Snape, a bit surprised. "For Voldemort?" He let out a small whimper since Snape was a powerfuo wizard. And him being a spy made it all the worse. He didn't want that to be true. Sure he was intimidating, but he was really scared of that. "Sir.. Are you here for Voldemort?" his voice a little shaky.
8:32pm Aug 5 2011
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"No, you stupid boy," Snape hissed, resisting the urge to hit the daft student over the head, "if I was a spy for Voldemort, do you think I would be telling you?"