5:09pm Jul 12 2012
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No. Vin will not marry you, CH!! >>
So stop asking!!! D<
Okay, this is a Private Roleplay between CH and myself. Unless you are her, or me, please refrain from posting. ^^
You know the deal! Arranged marriage.
Prince = You. Princess = Me.
[ Is a princess, yay! It's always what I wanted! ]
You want bio? .... Then make it yourself. Vin isn't going to do everything for you, you lazy bum!
... c:
5:24pm Jul 12 2012
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Please marry this lazy bum? :c
Ohhhhhh yeeeeah. You be gettin' meh sexy Travis. <3 He doesn't have just shoulder muscles, Vin. He has sexy muscles... Every where. -another awkward smile-
Name: Travis Patterson Age: I dun' like small teenage romances. D: Can we do... 18 or up? Gender: A sexy creature we'll call - male. Appearance: The picture I have doesn't come close to how hot I want him to be. But it's the best I can find. ... Ignore the zipper thing. I just... I don't know... o.e So pretty much this is what the length and color of his hair is. That's pretty much the only thing I like about this picture compared to the image of Travis in my head. D: Green eyes instead of brown. And his body so beats this. I had been wanting Travis to be the big one, like not just muscle but really tall but... Big too, you know? xD While Nicholas would be more... Skinny. |D But I'm still working on finding an amazing picture that meets my standards... Sorry for rambling. I just have no idea how to describe my image. |D
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5:31pm Jul 12 2012
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[[ I was gonna say... Damn, CH. That boy better zip up his pants before meeting Laina. She might not be too excited by that. xDDD Bahahahaa! ]]
Name: Laina Stevenson Age: 20. That's right. I said she's twenty! Gender: Well, last time she checked, she was a girl. o.o Looks: Her eyes are an olive-green color. ^^
5:35pm Jul 12 2012
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How you wanna' start?
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5:37pm Jul 12 2012
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[[ Hmm... How about, like, 5 minutes before the wedding? xD ]]
5:41pm Jul 12 2012
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Okay. |D
Who starts? I'll post later, if you want me to start. I'm still watching the movie. ]]
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6:26pm Jul 12 2012
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[[ I can start. ^^ ]]
"Oh, Laina! You look beautiful! That handsome fella waitin' for you at the alter is going to just swoon!"
Laina looked at her chambermaid, and her best friend, and grimaced. How could she be so excited about this forced arrangement? Laina was about to throw up from nerves. What was her new husband going to be like? Nothing like her father, or Lord help her.
"Oh, Princess, please. Look more excited! He's so handsome! If you don't like him, give me a chance!" Claire dropped into the chair next to Laina, fanning her face from the Prince's opposed hotness. Granted, Claire found every one of Laina's suitors handsome. Let's just say that Laina was a little more picky when it came to her suitors.
The Princess fixed the veil clipped into her hair. Her long, curly black hair was pulled up and away from her face. Her olive-green eyes accented with black liner stood out even under the thin white fabric, along with her plump red lips. Laina even thought she looked pretty. If only it were a different occasion.
"I'm not ready, Claire..." Laina finally said to her chambermaid.
"Hun, you're 20. Most Princesses are married and have two children by now. You should just be thankful your father let you wait this long."
Laina sighed, knowing her friend was right. She was quite old for this being her first marriage. She just hoped she could put up with this man for the rest of her life. It was a long time. Too long, if you asked her.
Shaky hands gripped the bouquet of white roses. Everything was white on Laina. It was the color of purity, which suited the girl quite nicely. She hadn't even had her first kiss yet. Well, in about five minutes, that would change. She hadn't had her first willing kiss yet.
The music started. Laina's heart rate spiked. Her fists clenched the roses as tight as they could. She gave the King a small smile before taking his hand, letting him escort her down the aisle. If there was one moment that topped all others on Laina's 'Fear' list, this would be it.
[[ It's bad because I'm still eating. xD ]]

9:49am Jul 13 2012 (last edited on 9:49am Jul 13 2012)
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[[ LOL. Oh Vin. <3 ]]
My fists clenched behind my back as I awaited Princess Laina's arrival, as did everyone else. I was told of this marriage long ago, but I hadn't thought much about it. I was too busy worried about how I would be as king. I breathed deeply, trying to have my thoughts away from my ill father. I would at least try to make this a enjoyable occasion.
My eyes left the aisle to look at the audience seated. They looked antsy. Or was it just me? A bead of sweat made it's way down my forehead. I hadn't wanted to do this. Before my father became ill, I had begged for me not to marry this princess. I had my eyes set on another...
No. No. I wouldn't think of her. I promised my father I would do this without a thought of my former love. No matter how much it hurts, I promised my father. And I always stay true to my word.
The music started and everything in me tensed. I wasn't ready for this. But I had to be. But I wasn't... But it was for my father! But I couldn't do this... My eyes found Nikki's in the back of the sanctuary. I had to take the ring back from her yesterday. To give to this new princess. I swallowed, leaving my ex pression emotionless so she wouldn't no how bad I was hurting, not to be able to marry her.
Nikki left through the back door, knowing she wasn't welcome. Tears were in her green eyes, and I wished I could comfort her, while following my father's orders of not thinking of her during my wedding. My heart broke once the door closed as silently as it could, no one knowing she was even there.
And then my eyes found the princess. Every member of the audience was standing, the little girls looking at her in awe of her beauty, while the adolescent boys gawked. The older men looked more with pride. Like, 'that's our princess'. And yes, her as my wife would bring me some pride. But that didn't mean I was ready.
Her hair was black, the complete opposite of Nikki's bright blonde locks. But the green of the princess's eyes pulled me in the way Nikki's could. Guilt wrapped around my heart and squeezed. I shouldn't be comparing her to Nikki. I shouldn't be thinking of Nikki. I should be thinking of my new bride.
For my father.
My last words as a single Prince. My first words as a married king.
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6:39pm Jul 14 2012
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[[ Oh dear, Vin. The second page. -cuedramaticmusic- Dunn Dunnn Dunn...
BUMP. ]]
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9:03pm Jul 14 2012
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Laina held her head high as she walked down the aisle, but her eyes were concentrated at her feet. She refused to look at the Prince until she was forced to. She kept her face void of all emotion as she approached the Prince, not wanting to upset the lad with her total lack of excitement for the event.
The Princess turned her head slightly when she heard her father say her name. One awkward second later, the girl realized they were at the alter. Any ideas she had of turning and running away were gone now. It was her time.
"You'll be a great Queen, darling."
Laina bit back tears as her father whispered those words to her. The king pulled her veil back, exposing her pale face to the world. He kissed both her powered cheeks before leaving her there. The king walked back to his seat next to the Queen, her horrible woman she called her mother.
None of that. Laina mentally scolded herself and turned back towards the Prince. She walked up the few stairs and stood next to his side, looking only at the Pastor who was to marry them. She didn't want to look up at the man, for fear of attraction to him. Funny thing, not wanting to be attracted to your future husband... Granted, she had never been normal.
Oh God. He's so handsome.
Laina couldn't resist taking a peek at the Prince, instantly regretting it the second she did. It wasn't just the strong facial features that pulled her in, it was his dark hair and those green eyes. Her eyes skimmed his side. She could tell that he was thick, muscular, from just a glance, even through all the thick wedding material he was wearing.
You could say Laina hated the fact she found this man attractive. You'd be correct in that statement. What was his name? Trevor? Odd name. Not that her's was exactly normal either. Wait, Trevor? No, that didn't sound right... Tra.... Travis! That was it.
"Laina, do you take this man to be your husband? Through sickness and health, richer or poorer, and til death do you part?"
Laina took a deep breath, to steady her voice.
"I do."
No, no, no, no, no!! I don't!

9:19pm Jul 14 2012 (last edited on 9:32pm Jul 14 2012)
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As the princess made her way closer to me down the aisle, I noticed her eyes were on her feet. It was obvious she had no desire to look my way, at least that was my guess of what I could see of her through the veil. When her father finally pulled the veil back, my stomach dropped. To say she was stunning was an understatement. And I hated admitting that. My heart was pounding, wishing for another glance at the door Nikki escaped from. I could run away with her. Right now. This princess deserved a husband that wasn't in love with another.
But I had no way of getting to Nikki now. She was gone with my heart, probably already in the carriage. She had told me that she would go as far away as possible, not wanting to be so close, knowing I'm a married man. My jaw clenched, keeping my face just as flat as the princess. I finally tore my eyes away from her as we turned to the priest after realizing how I was staring. Hopefully she didn't notice.
Well, it technically wouldn't matter if she caught me staring. I was the groom, after all. Either way, I felt guilty. Like I was cheating on Nikki by marrying the princess. And cheating on my wife for wanting another. I swallowed, finally coming to the present after hearing the princess's words.
"I do."
Blood rushed to my cheeks. She had a voice of a beautiful melody. I didn't like how I was reacting. As the priest repeated the vows to me, the blush turned to a flush paleness on my cheeks. Maybe I would be blessed and die before I had to say the words.
For my father. For my father. For my father.
I kept thinking right before I finally opened my (Hot. |DDDDD ) lips slightly. "I do."
I said in my low, gruff voice. But everything in me wanted the opposite. I looked to a little boy (I guess. |D) that held both of the rings. The priest gave one to the princess while I took the other one from the boy before the priest could hand it too me. I just wanted this over with. Turning so that I faced the princess, I waited a moment for her to turn. (D: -scold CH for power playing later-) Grabbing her left (?) hand, I tried to ignore how my rough big hand held her more smooth one surprisingly gentle. Slipping the ring on her finger, I finally looked into her eyes. I wished she had the ability to know the words behind my eyes. Like how I promised to be a good husband, no matter how badly I wished I wasn't her husband. How I promised I wouldn't compare her to Nikki, or won't resent her for having to be my arraigned wife. I would learn to love her if that's what it took for us to at least find a companionship.
Finally, I tore my eyes away. Awaiting for the ring to go on my finger. The sign of commit to this woman that I never even met. I swallowed, the meaning of a marriage finally sinking in.
[Do they put rings on now? Or were they supposed to during the vows? o-o-o-o -confused- )
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9:22pm Jul 14 2012
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[[ ..... I've never been to a wedding before, so I guess I don't know. xD
Uhm. How about now? Since they're pretty much married. -shot- |D ]]
9:27pm Jul 14 2012
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[[ Kay, let me edit my post. |D You've never been to a wedding? ;-; ]]
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9:32pm Jul 14 2012
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[[ It's edited ^^ ]]
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1:02pm Jul 15 2012
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[[ Nope. Nor a funeral. o.o ]]
Laina was pleasantly surprised by the deepness of the Prince's voice. She didn't think she could stand to be around someone who called himself a man who had a voice like a woman. After all, she would be the woman in the relationship. Granted, her headstrong personality might say otherwise.
Laina reluctantly took the ring from the priest, noting that the Prince didn't even wait to grab his. It couldn't have been from excitement, that much Laina knew. So, she assumed it was from wanting to do this as quickly as possible. Unlike Travis, she didn't want to get this over with quickly. After the wedding would be the reception, then the honeymoon. Both of which she was dreading.
Laina couldn't help but be shocked when the Prince grabbed her hand. Unlike most with his ti tle, Travis' hand was rough, like he had actually done work in his life. Not like he had just mooched off of his father's money. It made her self conscious of her own delicate hands.
The ring fit perfectly, and it was beautiful. It wasn't just a traditional ring, either. The large diamond in the middle was complimented by her favorite gemstone: the emerald. She wondered if her father had it made just for her. It was perfect. But, enough marveling in the beauty of jewels. She wasn't like most girls; she couldn't be bought with riches.
With hands shaking slightly from nerves, Laina took Travis' left hand and put the ring on him. She let go of his hands as soon as she could, liking the rough feel of it more than she should have.
[[ .... Uhm. They do the whole 'you may now kiss the bride' thing now, right? xD ]]

1:54pm Jul 15 2012
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[[ Oh my. O.O I've been to three funerals, from what I remember, and even more weddings. And. Uh. Vin? Travis doesn't sound like a woman... o-o He sounds sexy and manly. -pokes first paragraph-
Post... Coming...
It's hard to concentrate with a party going outside of my room. The door has to be open because I'm downstairs - we have no basement - and the only bathroom on this floor is the one in my room.
So yay. I get to talk to people and show them where my bathroom is. -.- ]]
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5:24pm Jul 15 2012
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[[ Oh, I meant that she was like, thankful that Travis didn't have a girly voice, because she wouldn't be able to stand him if he did. xD
Sorry, my horrible way of describing things strikes again.
And poor CH. D: Stupid bathroom.... grr.
Also. I'm in love. -Sighs and swoons-
Have you seen the new Amazing Spiderman movie? c: ]]
5:26pm Jul 15 2012 (last edited on 5:26pm Jul 15 2012)
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[[ Wait. You're in love with Andrew Garfield? -sighs and swoons with Vin-
The Amazing Spider man was just so... -faints- <3 He's so hot. I can't take it. |D I'm guessing you've seen it? It was so much funnier then I expected. "Stick your thumbs up what, Daddy?" |D
Or when the lizard and hottie peter were fighting in the library, and all you heard was classical music. |D
I just re read your post. I get it now. Sorry for the confusion. Post coming. D: ]]
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5:40pm Jul 15 2012
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[[ Oh my god. I just saw it a few hours ago...
His shy smile just makes me want to scream! He's so.... Just.... :DD
I loved it. I am seeing it at least twice more in the theater. xD ]]
6:21pm Jul 15 2012
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[[ The second one is coming out in november. GAHHH. So hot.Mannnn. |D Hmm...
YUM. Or wait. What about...
Boy do you look good in spandex. <3
-is procrastinating on responding by looking at hot pictures of Andrew- ]]
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