Name: Toda
Level: 5
Gender: Male
Species: A mix of Shroomish and Skarmory
History: Toda was born about a week after Lekke was born. He was created to be a perfect partner for her and all of the attacks that are strong against her are weak against him. Lekke mentors him and has taught him to battle proficiently. He hasn't socialized very much with the other splices and prefers to just stick with Lekke.
Personality: Toda is loyal and naive. He is rather antisocial and would rather be with Lekke than have to socialize with the other splices. Since he only talks to Lekke, he doesn't understand much about the world. He just knows that Team Rocket is great and everything he does should be done for the glory of Team Rocket.
Other: Other than Lekke, he doesn't really have opinions on any splices. He views Lekke as his mom since she teaches him how to do everything. He likes his trainer and thinks of him as a leader. He considers everyone else to be irrelevant.
Looks:Tall, skinny, black hair, brown eyes, pale skin, kind of muscular.
History:Unknown beyond the fact that he joined team rocket with the hopes of rising in the ranks and returning it to greatness.
Personality:Very loyal to Team Rocket. He doesn't feel much for other people, but he greatly sympathizes with his splices. He isn't afraid to order others around, especially when they mess up. He has a low tolerance for failure.
Other:Unlike most of Team Rocket's members, Felix knows that pokemon are intelligent and understand human language and emotions, despite the fact that most of them are incapable of speaking. He trains Lekke and Toda.
Looks:Tall, tan, brown hair, green eyes.
History:Not important and unknown. he was likely recruited into team rocket with the promise of money.
Personality:He doesn't really care for being ordered around and is apathetic to just about everything that doesn't involve food, money, or himself.
Other:He's a minor character. Not too important really. Just putting this here so I won't forget him. He trained Zane, but due to his incompetence Zane escaped him.