5:46pm Jun 21 2010
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Kimi smiled"He sure is!But he gets on my nerves though"Kimi laughed Aron came back with Kana's soda"Here ya go!"Aron said as he handed her the soda
8:46pm Jun 25 2010
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"Thanks and i know right." Kana said taking a sip of the soda

8:55pm Jun 25 2010
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Kimi smiled and said''Where's my soda?''
Aron laughed''Your're part of the weirdness the soda came with''he joked
9:16pm Jun 25 2010
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9:27pm Jun 25 2010 (last edited on 5:10pm Jun 26 2010)
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Kimi walked away and went in line for the scary ride Aron followed''Are you mad at me teapot?''He joked ''Teapot?Since when have I been known as teapot?''Kimi asked ''Since now!''Aron laughed
4:26pm Jun 26 2010
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((I havnt been able to get on in the past weeek...soooo sorry, I DIDNT ditch you guys!))
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be back tonight
5:10pm Jun 26 2010
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((I believe you Fun ;) ))
5:38pm Jun 26 2010
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((thanks kool :D))
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6:06pm Jun 26 2010
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((Haha how r ya?))
6:16pm Jun 26 2010
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((im happy, relieved and kinda annoyed...and you?))
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6:47pm Jun 26 2010
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((bump hi fun!))

8:05pm Jun 26 2010
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((hey anti! :D is there anywhere I can jump in?))
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8:22pm Jun 26 2010 (last edited on 4:35pm Jun 27 2010)
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((oh right here are my charrys :D)) Name: Mora Gender: female age: 16 looks: 
personality: fun to be around and kind to some, however she can have a cold attitude and is not fond of strangers but she has a great sence of humor and is a great artist....she has a temper but for the most part rp it out :) crush: open ________________ Name: Jason age": 16 gender: male looks: 
personality: mysterious but kind to most, loves to be around people but can be hard to get. He is good friends with Mora, but even she dosnt get him sometimes crush:open
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8:29pm Jun 26 2010
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((Oh hai sry guys was listenin to musice hehe ^^' and Im good Fun!was kinda bored cuz none of mai friends were on earlier so ya.We're at the carnival xD))
When they came out of the scary ride neither Kimi nor Aron were scared.''You said I would wet my pants!''Aron teased
''Dont worry you will!''Kimi joked
9:13pm Jun 26 2010
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((haha ok, let me jump in.)) Jason took Mora's hand and lead her through the crowd of people. Mora smiled as Jason joked as she went at a trot to keep up with his quick pace. "I really want you to go on this one ride, you'll go crazy!" Jason laughed pulling her to a line. Mora gave a wicked grin, "I am crazy." she smiled slyly. Jason chuckled, "Well crazier." he said.
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9:21pm Jun 26 2010
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Kimi walked into the same line that Mora and Jason were in.She couldnt wait to go in.Let's see if Aron will survive this!she thought.
Kimi waited patiently and elbowed Aron''You still owe me a soda''she joked
Aron laughed''I owe you nothing,except for...well oh yea...nothing!''Aron joked
9:36pm Jun 26 2010
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Jason turned and saw Kimi in the crowd, he gave a quick wave as the line moved foward. He grabbed Mora's arm to make sure she wouldnt sneak up on him, he hoped this ride would scare her out of her wits. However, Mora was hard to scare. Mora smiled deviously as Jason lead her through the ride's doors.
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10:04pm Jun 26 2010
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Kimi was about to enter when she noticed Aron had wandered off somewhere''Aron!''she sighed and saw him sitting on a bench eating cotton candy
Aon smiled''Sorry I got hungry''he grinned slyly
Kimi sighed and sat down next to him''Give me some and we'll call it even''
Aron laughed and handed her some of the cotton candy
10:57pm Jun 26 2010
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Mora and Jason disappeared into a dark room. When the lights flashed on it was a narrow hallway, lit dimly with cieling lights. of course its one of those walk through rides. Mora thought. She followed Jason through the hall as they arrived at an elevator shaft. "After you." Jason smiled wickedly.
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8:14am Jun 27 2010
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((ima make a new girl charrie thats friends with jason and morana)) name: Lin age: 16 gender: Female crush: Jason persona: Funny, Loving, Caring, Gets along with mostly guys and some girls Looks: Other: Very friendly
