2:07pm Sep 24 2011
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[[Oh LMAO. |D I like. Phail at Norweigan. |D]] Vert looked up to see the slave master speaking with a rather intimidating man. Well... intimidating to him, but almost all humans appeared intimidating to him. They didn't give a damn for the lives of Monteckos. Given half the chance, they often killed them for fun or for sport. He saw another person as well, a human who appeared around his own age. Not that it mattered. Age was never really an issue with humans. From the day a human was born, they were taught to believe that Monteckos are bad. He'd once even met a child who used to go around throwing rocks at people, accompanied by the 'good boy' that his parents would be saying. Hurting his kind was encouraged greatly. Sighing, he mumbled under his breath. ''Don't pick me... Don't pick me...'' Although being in the cages was bad, and they didn't get fed at all, it was better than working on a farm for at least fourteen hours a day. With his leg in the state it was, he knew it'd be pure hell. Not that his new masters would care.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:26pm Sep 24 2011
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Posts: 1,557
Fremmed looked at the Montecko, then up to his father. "There's a cut on his leg. He won't be able to keep up with the others if we simple put him out in the field." The teen said, attempting to drain all emotions from his voice. He heard the creature's plead, and he was going to at least try to help him.
Fremmed's father looked at the Montecko's leg where the cut was. He knew his son was right. He didn't care about the monster's feelings, but even he could tell when one of them was in pain. And anyway, they did do a bad job when they were hurt.
"I'll cut the price in half." The trader quickly said, not wanting to lose the sale. "He's a green, and he'll heal quickly." Fremmed's father thought for a second before agreeing with the trader. "We'll buy him."
5:06pm Sep 24 2011
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Vert's eyes widened slightly when he heard the human boy speak. Actually heard and understood. What was wrong here? He still couldn't understand any of the other humans, but this boy... it was unnatural. Incredible. It seemed that... this boy, whoever- or, rather, whatever- he was, was trying to help him. He had told the man that he was too injured to be much good. This seemed like good news to him, but he couldn't be sure. He didn't know if he was bought or not, because he couldn't understand a word of what the salesman and the other man said still.
Looking at the strange boy closely, he looked doubtful for a moment before speaking. Was there any point? He wouldn't be understood... But, if he understood what the boy said, why shouldn't the boy understand what he said? Bearing this in mind, Vert opened his mouth and spoke. ''Why can I understand you? Can you understand me?'' If the boy could, Vert didn't know what this meant. Did it even matter? Make a difference? Would it possibly make the biggest difference of all time, or would it just be like ever other human, and he wouldn't care about them? What he said a moment before, though, made it seem as though the boy did care. But... No. No humans cared about Monteckos. They were disliked by all.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:18pm Sep 24 2011
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Posts: 1,557
Fremmed glanced at the Montecko, opening his mouth. The slave traded hit the bars with his fist. "Shut-up!" He snapped at the creature. The father looked at the Montecko once then nodded. "Yes, he'll work." The mad dug into his pockets and pulled out a few coins and gave them to the trader. Fremmed turned his attention back to his father, who told him to wait with the Montecko while he brought the cart around.
Fremmed nodded and his father left. The slave trader glanced at the boy before wandering off with his sign that said 'green' on it.
5:28pm Sep 24 2011
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Vert jumped as the slave-trader punched the bars, and gave a small wince of pain as, when he moved out of the way, his leg buckled. Stumbling a little into the bars, he held onto them to keep himself upright. Leaning against the bars once more when the slave-trader left, he looked back to the other boy. Maybe the lad didn't understand Monteckos, after all. Or, maybe he was just ignoring him. Either way, it did crush the small hopes he'd managed to build up. ''I guess you can't understand me, then.'' Vert said. His right shoulder was slumped down in dissapointment, but he kept his left one held up slightly. If he tried to lower his left shoulder, it hurt. He was smart enough to figure that much out.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:33pm Sep 24 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[I just realized the 'Creatu' is 'creature' without the 're' o.0 ]]
Fremmed glanced at the caged creature again. Oh, he understood perfectly well, he just wasn't willing to be caught dead talking to a Montecko. After a few minutes of waiting, Fremmed's father pulled up in a cart pulled by two horses. He pulled out the key the slave trader had given him and unlocked the monster, gesturing for it to go into the cart.
[/fail didn't want to powerplay]
5:39pm Sep 24 2011
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Posts: 3,809
[[Trololololol. Understandable. |D And. Are you serious? |DD You ONLY JUST realized? xD Did you even notice that Gon-dra is dra-gon swapped around? |D]] Vert sighed, and limped out of the cage. Jaw clenched in concentration on not falling over, he got into the cart and slumped down immediately. His leg was causing him excruciating pain, but humans didn't like it when Montecko's made noise at all, no matter what the reason. It surprised him a little, actually, as they always seemed so... loud, at least to him.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:52pm Sep 24 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[...holy crap 0.o I did know the 'Skaldyr' is Danish for 'shellfish', though]]
Fremmed got in after the Montecko and his father got onto the seat area part. "I can't believe you got him, dad. It'll take a month for him to actually be able to do everything properly." Fremmed snorted when they left the trade area. Now that it was only them, he was much more confident.
"The only thing I can think of that he can do right now is for him to work on mother's herb garden." His father grunted in agreement at this. Bending over in the field all day putting seeds into place was hard work, and you mess up when you're wincing in pain.
The cart hit a bump, and Fremmed fell against the Monotecko.
6:01pm Sep 24 2011
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Vert listened to their conversation in earnest. How strange it was. The boy seemed to be talking to his father... of what was to become with their new possession. Namely, Vert himself. He swallowed as he said that he couldn't believe he bought him. Vert'd heard stories of what happened to Monteckos who could no longer work. Either they were sold off again, or... 'put out of their misery'. When the boy said something about herb gardnes, he became curious. What was this herb garden? He knew what herbs and gardens were, but this seemed to be a new thing, and he wondered if they would be- His thought was cut off as the young human fell against him, and he gave a slight whimper of pain. He had knocked straight into his shoulder- his bad one- and now it hurt so badly that tears stung his eyes. A single tear actually rolled down from his glowing eyes, and he reached up with his other arm to hold his shoulder.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:09pm Sep 24 2011
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Fremmed jumped off of him. "Are you all-" He stopped in the middle of apologizing, remembering that the male was just a Montecko. There was nothing to apologize about. If he wanted, the teen could have gotten someone to beat up the creature for being in the spot he had landed on. Fremmed turned his attention back to his father, who was looked at his son, his eyebrow raised. "Forgot again?" The man asked. "Don't worry, it's not like they understand what you're saying. These monsters are so dumb-"
"They don't even know how to communicate with each other." Fremmed cut him off. "Yeah, yeah, I know. I've read all of the books, dad. I even had to learn about them for two months. I think I know that they will never be able to understand my words." He gave a pointed look at the Montecko at this. "It's just natural for me to apologize, though."
6:21pm Sep 24 2011
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Vert remained holding his now excruciatingly painful shoulder, the tears stinging his eyes now of more than just pain. They were of the sadness that he knew every single human really believed that. That him- and all his kind- were moronic idiots. When he looked at him like that, while saying this, Vert looked down and tried not to meet the humans gaze. ''If only you knew, human, how much I wish that were true. If it were, maybe I wouldn't feel so much... hurt, knowing what all you humans think of both myself and all my kind.'' He said, even though he knew the other boy couldn't understand what he said. Just because the Montecko could understand the human, after all, didn't mean it worked both ways, and he knew from the absence of replies every time he spoke that it didn't.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:29pm Sep 24 2011
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"There's a rumor going around that there is a person out there who can speak with the monsters. You're mother was talking about it just the other day." Fremmed winced at his fathers words. he really didn't wanted to be reminded about how much a freak he was. The man had the horses come to a stop in what looked like the middle of nowhere. Fremmed, though, knew that they were just at the outskirts of the manor. "I'll bring him to the others." He said, jumping out of the cart and waiting for the Montecko to follow. He wondered if the creature would try to make contact with him when his father rode off the the house, but he pushed the thought from his mind.
6:38pm Sep 24 2011
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The Montecko painfully stood up, but when he jumped off the end of the cart, it grew too much for him to stand and he fell to his knees, trying to get to his feet as quickly as possible to avoid being punished for slacking. ''You have other Monteckos?'' He asked, wondering to himself why he was still talking when he knew the other boy didn't understand. Maybe it was out of some buried hope that he did, but was just choosing to ignore him, and if he talked enough, he'd reply. Resting all his weight on his good leg, which was beginning to ache now as well from the strain of over-use for the past two days, he waited for the human to show him where he was to go.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:30am Sep 25 2011
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When his father pulled away, Fremmed put his arm around the Montecko's waist. "Put your arm around my shoulder. I don't think you'll make it to the barn without help." He started, ignoring the monster's words. There was just about nothing he could say that would get Fremmed to actually talk to him. Well, there were a few things he could think of, but he pushed those thoughts out of his mind.
8:58am Sep 25 2011
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Vert sighed and did as he was told. It was like having a conversation with a brick wall. Then again, he had done that, once, albeit when he was a little ill. Oh well. ''Thanks.'' He mumbled. Well, it at least appeared this human wasn't completely bad. Most humans couldn't stand to be within five feet of a Montecko unless they were hurting it; at least this boy was better than that. He began talking to the boy again, even though he knew nothing would happen. ''Y'know, when I first heard you and realized I could understand you, I got really hopeful. I guess it was kinda stupid of me, huh? It doesn't look to me like it's a two-way thing.''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:45am Sep 25 2011
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Posts: 1,557
Fremmed almost winced, but he was used to this. All of the other Monoteckos in the barn always tried to talk with him because they could understand his works. It was very annoying because a part of him wanted to reply to them, but he could never do that. Monoteckos were and would always be slaves to the human, nothing more. His strange ability was just about useless.
He started walking, wanting to get the Monotecko off of him as soon a possible. It smelled weird, which was understandable because he had been a cage most of his life. Regardless, he there was something about it that bothered him.
9:55am Sep 25 2011
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Sighing as they started walking with still no response, Vert decided it would be futile to continue talking. But so was even trying to survive in this world, so why shouldn't he keep trying? ''I wonder why it is Montecko's are so hated by humans?'' He said nonchalantly as they walked. ''I mean, you can't communicate with dogs or horses or such, but people are still fond of them, and they've been treated better than Montecko's in most cases.'' He stopped talking afer that, remembering a partiular time when that had been too true for his liking. A baby Montecko had been born to one of the slaves, but it was a harsh winter. They left the baby out to die in the cold, preferring instead to tend to the new-born pups of the family dog. It still hurt him that, to this day, he didn't know if that baby would've lived, had it been shown more care.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:13am Sep 25 2011
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Posts: 1,557
[[can you have Vert say his name so I can actually call him something, please?]]
Fremmed winced and his grip around the Montecko's waist tightened. He knew exactly what the monster was talking about. You could get in trouble for kicking a dog, but you're praised for breaking a Montecko's leg. There was so much wrong in his society, it wasn't even funny. The only good thing that had happened recently is the freeing of the human slaves. Now that there were beasts they could use, why every have a human working?
Fremmed looked up and saw that they were nearing the barn.
10:30am Sep 25 2011
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Vert felt the human tighten his grip on him, and he grew slightly suspicious that maybe the other boy could understand what he was saying, after all. Either that, or he was going crazy and the other boy really couldn't understand a word that came out of his mouth. Sighing as he saw they were almost at the barn, he decided he may as well let the other lad know that, if he could understand him, he had a name. ''My name's Vert, by the way, in case you were wondering. Guess Montecko's are smart enough to have names, huh?'' He said, giving a grim chuckle. [[Lawl there ya go. |D]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:40am Sep 25 2011
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Posts: 1,557
Fremmed didn't even bl ink at Vert's words. He knew perfectly well how smart the Monteckos could be, he just choose not to acknowledge it. And anyway, his father would kill him if he ever saw his son talking to the creatures. "Here we are." Fremmed told Vert, slowly letting go of him. Vert was warm. Fremmed didn't know what had made him think that, so he ignored the thought and walked forward and opened the barn doors. The old, red wood creaked as the door opened. Fremmed guessed that they were going to have to get another barn soon before twister season came around. He ushered Vert into the barn.