9:31pm Aug 2 2011
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(sorry I couldn't reply sooner, there was a blackout over here.) Sediam turned and ran away from him. She couldn't bear to look into the eyes of a murderer, especially one she had used to love. Her family had been killed by wolves like that and she hoped Koga wasn't the one who had killed them. Thaybian heard what Koga said. Will my pups even be safe around him? (MMMMM Oreo pie is so good XD)
9:41pm Aug 2 2011
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Koga watched Sediam run off. He sat down and sighed. Of course. This is exactly why I didn't want to tell her. He thought. He saw that Thaybian heard. He whined and looked over to Neveah, who had a disgusted look on her face. He stood up and padded away, into the forest with the evil wolves that left, where he belonged. Koga ran for the wolves, eager to get his jaws on them. He smelled for them. He cought there scent and followed it. Those wolves would be back for his pack, and he was gonna stop it. He will let them take his life for Thaybian, Neveah and Sediam. Neveah watched Koga leave, and looked over to Thaybian, wondering what to do.
9:52pm Aug 2 2011
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"Let him go." Thaybian said. "Our pups wouldn't be safe around a murderer." He sighed. Sediam ran. --- "They're coming!" Pike yelled. Aevra ran off, leaving him to face them alone.
10:13am Aug 3 2011
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Neveah sighed. Her pack was coming apart. She ran after Sediam, to cheer her up. "Sediam, wait!" ~ Koga ran through the forest, and finally saw, only one, of the two wolves. Pike. He growled lowly, hackles raised. After he's through with this one, he will go for the female.
4:07pm Aug 3 2011
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Pike backed up in a submissive stance. "Please, let me go!" He pleaded, refusing to let his broken paw touch the ground. Aevra laughed as she ran, getting easily farther and farther away. She was a master at escaping wolves. Sediam stopped and looked at Neveah.
9:07pm Aug 3 2011
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Neveah walked up to Sediam and frowned. "Are you okay?" She said, looking back at where Koga left. Koga growled and tackled Pike to the ground. "Give me a good D*** reason why I should!" He growled.
9:25pm Aug 3 2011
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Pike thought for a moment, then looked back to the wolf. "I...I can't." He said, giving up and knowing it was likely he would die. "Kill me." "It...what he told me....it just shocked me. I thought he was good...I honestly loved him." She admitted, whimpering. (Pike is not really bad. O.o)
9:34pm Aug 3 2011
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Koga narrowed his eyes at the male for a long time. He got off him, and said, "Leave. Now. Never come back. If you hurt my pack I'm honest to god I'm gonna kill you." He paused. "Keep that female away from my pack too. Or I will kill her." Neveah stood shocked. She sighed, and said, "It's okay. It was all in the past. He's a changed wolf now, Sediam." She looked over to Thaybian. "But Thaybian doesn't trust him around me anymore, but for a good reason." She sighed, remembering about her pups.
9:44pm Aug 3 2011
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"Aevra?" Pike asked. "I have no control over her! She ran away and left me here to die, and she probably won't come back. I will...I will leave your pack's land." He got up, and began to run off. He stopped, and looked back at the wolf. "Thank you." He said, then ran off. --------- Sediam tipped her head to the side. "What reason?" "None of your buisness." Thaybian growled.
9:49pm Aug 3 2011
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Koga watched Pike leave, and started to smell the air for the females scent. He stopped to think for a moment. What's the use? What thanks do I get for helping my pack? None. I'll just lay here and die. He thought to himself. He layed down and watched the clouds go by as his stomach growled for something to eat. Neveah shot a look at Thaybian, and then looked at Sediam with softer eyes. "You'll find out, in time." Is all she said. She wanted to change the subject quickly. "Uh, what should we do now?" She asked.
9:57pm Aug 3 2011
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"Go to-" Thaybian yawned -"Sleep." He was tired, and thought maybe the wounds from the fight would be a little better when morning came. He padded into his and Neveah's den, and sat, then layed down. He waited, wondering if Neveah would come in. -- Sediam went into her den. She layed down, curling up into a ball, but not closing her eyes. with only one small wolf in the den, it felt so empty. She let out a short whimper, hearing thunder outside, and watched as it began to rain. She hated the rain, especially when it was dark. It made it difficult to see, and something could sneak up on you at any second. She whimpered, staring at the woods outside, with no one to protect her. (Sediam's post make's me sad :C)
10:04pm Aug 3 2011
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(( Aww me too :( )) Neveah heard the roar of thunder, and sighed. She looked the way Koga had left. "Good luck." She whispered. "Please come back." She walked into the den and layed down next to Thaybian. She let out a deep breathe and closed her eyes. Koga sighed. He rolled onto his side and scratched his stomach with his paw. He thought of Sediam, and the look on her face when she heard about his past. It started to pour down rain, and he just laid there, wimpering, thinking of Sediam, thinking of her alone in her den. ~ "Dad, Ohjain hurt my ear!" A pup wimpered. Lythia walked to the pup and grabbed her by the scruff. She set her in the den. Haji watched, staring, and shocked to see that the pup looked exactly like him. Haji woke up with a gasp. He sighed and looked over to Lythia. He yawned and fell back to sleep.
10:16pm Aug 3 2011
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Lythia slept, dreaming. Well, not really a dream. A nightmare. "Haji!" Lythia's dream-self screamed. "Help Me!" "Nobody can help you now." Came another wolf's voice, laughing as it came toward her. Lythia growled. The wolf was dark brown with yellow eyes, looking slighty similar to Haji, but obviously wasn't related to him. "Aevra..." She snarled. Aevra knocked her onto her back in seconds. "Why so serious?" She growled, but she was also...laughing. "You're a traitor!" Lythia snarled bravely. "You're my sister!" "Yes, I realize that. Father always liked you more." She shrugged. "Whatever. After I tell your pack you tried to kill me, no one will love you anymore." Lythia snarled. Aevra laughed. "Let's put a smile on that face..." She opened her jaws and they came towards Lythia's neck. Lythia woke up, gasping. --- Thaybian fell asleep. -- Sediam couldn't sleep.
9:49am Aug 4 2011
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Koga sighed. He got up and shook the rain from his pelt. Koga let out a long, mournful howl. He sighed and walked under a tree for protection of the rain and dark. Neveah heard a howl. She perked her ears and lifted her head. Was it Koga? She listened carefully, and the howl sounded, like Koga's. She laid her ears onto her head and laid her head on her paws, wimpering. ~ Haji heard Lythia gasp. Did she have a bad dream too? He yawned, and said awkwardly, "Are you okay?"
2:11pm Aug 4 2011
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"Lythia turned her head instantly toward Haji, still afraid, and she had forgotten he was there. She sighed with relief when she saw it was just him. "Well....I had a nightmare." She admitted, then regretted it, sounding like a weak pup. -- Sediam heard the howl. She padded out of her den and howled back, her howl sounding sad and lonely and afraid. Her howl, however, didn't ask for Koga to come back. She was just replying. Thaybian turned to Neveah. "He is not going to be alloud around here anymore, especially around you." Thaybian said, looing into the woods where he had heard the howl. -- Pike ran.
5:40pm Aug 4 2011
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Koga heard the howl, and it sounded a lot like Sediam. He perked his ears and stood up. He barked weakly and then wimpered. He sighed and padded over to a tree. Neveah didn't reply at first. "But, he changed. You just figured out that he did that stuff in his past, and now he is suddenly dangerous to the pack. But before that, he was very nice and he didn't even try to hurt anyone." She wimpered. ~ Haji shrugged. "I had a dream too. But it wasn't a nightmare. It was just strange..." He said, recalling the pup dream. Cheza woke up to the sound of Lythia and Haji talking. She lifted her head, yawned, and laid her head back down with her eyes open.
5:43pm Aug 4 2011
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Lythia sighed. "What was your dream about?" She asked. She remembered the dream about her sister, Aevra. But Aevra was dead. Wasn't she? --- "I'm not taking any chances." Thaybian said. "We don't know how long he was like that or if he still wants to be sometimes."
5:47pm Aug 4 2011
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Neveah wimpered. She laid her head back down with folded ears, Keeping her eyes open, staring out the den entrance, seeing in Koga will come back. Koga growled as the thunder contiinued to wake him up. He stood up and shook the water off his pelt, freezing. He decided that maybe, if he went back, they would accept him back into the pack?He padded out of the forest, and after a few minutes, he came across the field his pack lived on. He barked loudly, wondering if anyone could hear him in the rain. Neveah lifted her head and looked out, She couldn't se anything through th rain, but she heard a bark. ~ Haji hesitated to say it, but he did. "Uh.... there was a female pup in my dream... and she looked at me, and she called me daddy."
6:09pm Aug 4 2011
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Lythia smiled. Then her smile faded. "I had a nightmare." She explained the whole thing to Haji. -- Sediam threw back her head, howling to Koga. Thaybian sighed, knowing Sediam wouldn't hear him. "He can come back when your pups are born and have been warned of him." (we should time-skip to when Neveah has her puppies. I have no patience lol.)
6:16pm Aug 4 2011
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(( Lol, okay xD Yayy puppies <3 how aout one puppy, anf the pup looks like Thaybian, and one of us roleplay him, or her? :3 )) Koga howled back to Sediam, and the howl clearly said, I will be back, I will be back. Neveah nodded. That was good enough, because she really wanted Koga back. ~ Haji listened carefully, his hackles raised. "Okay. You know how sometimes dreams could be real?" He said. "I will never leave your side, for a while, okay?" He said, worried. He got up and laid on the branch next to Lythia. Crow woke up, but fell back asleep on Haji's back.