6:18pm Aug 4 2011
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(how about two puppies, and we each play one and they look like a mix between Thaybian and Neveah?) Sediam smiled. -- "My nightmare...was that you left me. and then my sister came."
6:21pm Aug 4 2011
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(( Okay :3 )) Neveah slept. ~ Koga went back into the forest, and layed down next to a tree. (( Time-skip, I'll be a male puppy, and you can be female? Its up to you ))
6:24pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(sure.) (obviously sediam knows she was pregnant now that we've done the time-skip, so yeah. You'll need to be the first one to post. Just have it like she just had the puppies or something.)
8:29pm Aug 4 2011
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(( Okay )) Neveah licked her two pups. She looked up at Thaybian with a smile. She remembered about Koga, and stared at Thaybian. She blankly looked up at him and said, "Koga? Is he coming back?" Koga was all skin and bones. He had only eaten one whole elk carcass since he left, because it was hard to find food alone, and take it down. I have to go back. He thought to himself. He took the long journey to home. He arrived at the field, and howled. ~ Haji jumped down from a tree and stretched. He looked over to Lythia and Cheza. Crow was still asleep. The times got colder, but not like the time where white stuff falls. He licked Lythia's forehead and smiled at her. Cheza sat. (( Cheza's boring. Maybe her and Pike could meet and figure out that they knew each other as pups or something? lol :3 ))
12:18am Aug 5 2011
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Thaybian looked down at the two pups, smiling. "Koga can come back." Thaybian said. "But he will not see the pups until they are old enough to defend themselves" He said, then sat down next to Neveah, looking down at the pups. he looked at the smaller of the two; a light dusty brown colored female with a pattern simmilar to Neveah's. Neveah had black and rust-colored spots, while the pup had gray and silver spots. She also had a white underside, like both Thaybian and Neveah, and had markings around her eyes almost identical to the ones thaybian had, which were gray, but she had a gray mark over each of her eyes, which looked kind of like scars over her eyes. Thaybian smiled. He looked at the male pup, and smiled again. "What should we name them?" (sorry for only posting as Thaybian, my phone only lets my posts be so long. also, I'm going to draw the female pup and post the picture so you have a better idea of what she looks like. I didn't describe the male pup because you get to design him.)

9:50am Aug 5 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Okay :3 But I might not be able to draw it up or describe it very good :( But I'll try my best to get a picture up of him )) Neveah looked at the male pup. "I can name this one, and you can name the female." She said, smiling. She looked at the pup's unique appearence, its differant colored eyes, like hers. His pelt was the color of Thaybian's, dark gray and light gray in spots. He had very few rust colored spots, two of them. He had the marks on his eyes like his sister. Neveah thought for quite a long time, and finally came up with, "Toboe." She barked. Koga weakly trotted around the field, hoping that he will have the guts to show his face here again. He growled to himself, and looked at Sediam's den. He stopped growling and wimpered. His paws started to travel towards the den, but he didn't want to go back, not yet. He stopped and wimpered. He sat down. Neveah smealt the air. "Do you smell that?" She asked Thaybian. "A wolf."
12:11pm Aug 5 2011 (last edited on 12:13pm Aug 5 2011)
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Posts: 1,016
Sorry, It's not my best, and the rust-colored spots arn't that good either x] 
Sorry if this came out like poo... I didn't do that good xD
1:23pm Aug 5 2011
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(It's good! It wasn't like it needed to be perfect, I just wanted to see the pattern.) Thaybian looked down at the dusty brown female. Her eyes were amber, and her left eye had a streak of blue through the middle. "Karma." Thaybian said. (I'll start drawing Karma right now.)
1:24pm Aug 5 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(It's good! It wasn't like it needed to be perfect, I just wanted to see the pattern.) Thaybian looked down at the dusty brown female. Her eyes were amber, and her left eye had a streak of blue through the middle. "Karma." Thaybian said. (I'll start drawing Karma right now.)
3:50pm Aug 5 2011
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Posts: 3,371
6:26pm Aug 5 2011
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Neveah smiled. "Karma," She repeated. She got up and looked outside, looking for something to drink before her pups started to suckle again. She saw a wolf in the field, with the same pattern as Koga. But it can't be Koga, because of its pathetic weight loss and weakness. "Thaybian? Is that Koga?" She asked. ~ Koga growled and kicked a pebble. He wimpered as his stomach growled. He saw an elk carcass, a long way away, and padded over to it. He took a strip from it. But that was it. That was the only sorce of meat on this skeleton. He sat down and sighed.
8:14pm Aug 5 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Thaybian took a look out into the field. "Oh...my god...yes." He said. "It's Koga." He laid his ears back. "Koga!" He barked, hoping to get Koga's attention. Sediam's ears perked up as she heard Koga's name. She bolted out into the den, smiling, expecting to see the big, muscular wolf she'd seen before. But...all she saw was Koga's pattern covering an extremely thin and weak looking wolf. Her smile faded and her mouth dropped open, her ears going flat to her head. No...no! It can't be him... -- Pike ran, eventually coming across a pack of wolves. (Lythia and Haji's pack.) He stayed in the shadows, wondering if they had been warned about him by that other pack he had fought.
9:35pm Aug 5 2011
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Posts: 3,371

Here, this is Karma. I decided to color in some lineart (lineart which was for free use) instead of drawing her.)
12:39am Aug 6 2011
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2:14pm Aug 6 2011
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4:15pm Aug 6 2011
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(( That's really good, better than mine, lolz :) )) Koga looked over to Thaybian, wondering if he was gonna be punished, or welcomed. He laid his ears against his head. He looked over to Sediam's den and perked his ears up and wagged his tail. He was so happy to see her. Neveah watched Koga grow very hesitant, and wimpered. "Maybe he thinks we'll hurt him...?" She asked. ~ Haji caught the smel of a new wolf scent, and his hackles raised. That female in Lythia's ream? He padded over to Lythia and latched onto her side, glaring toward the scent. Cheza watched Haji grow more defensive, and wondered why.
6:02pm Aug 6 2011
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Thaybian padded over to Koga, signalling to Neveah to stay where she was, just in case. "...Koga?" Thaybian asked, not even one hundred percent sure this was the same wolf. Sediam stayed back, not moving until they knew if it was really Koga or not. --- Lythia narrowed her eyes, searching for the scent. It was out of sight, the shadows of the forest making seeing it impossible. But it was there. It smelt faintly like her sister, but Lythia could tell that it wasn't. She growled, then stood next to Haji, but was facing the other direction, not the way Haji was facing. Pike gasped, noticing the wolves had smelt or heard him. nervously, he crept out of the shadows and into the light where they could see him.
6:29pm Aug 6 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Neveah stayed back. Koga stared at him for a moment, watching for any sign of aggresion. There was none, so he smiled. "Thaybian." He barked weakly. ((( Aww :( I am listening to a sad song, it's so sad... :) )) ~ Haji watched the wolf come out of the shadows. This was not Lythia's sister. It was a male. And he was injured. He lessened his tenseness and stared at the wolf."Who are you?" He growled.
6:36pm Aug 6 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(what song? Look at my signature at the cow thing if you want to feel better XD) "P-Pike..." Pike stammered, afraid. He was in a submissive stance, not letting his injured foot touch the ground. he was practically skin and bones, too, since he couldn't hunt with a broken leg. "Poor thing..." Lythia whimpered, then looked sadly at Haji. --- Sediam came forward, up to Koga. "What happened to you?" She asked, seeing how thin he was. Thaybian waited for Koga to answer Sediam's question.
6:41pm Aug 6 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Lol, I read that already, and I cracked up laughing xD And I acually don't know what it was called, because I heard it on TV while these 2 kids were breaking up x] )) Neveah walked up next to Thaybian. Koga was embarressed of his pathetic appearence. He lowered his head and said, "I couldn't find anything to eat. There are no elk carcasses around because all the other loners get to them before me." Stupid... He thought to himself when he called himself a loner. ~ Haji glared at the wolf. He sighed and softened his gaze. "What are we gonna do with him? Cheza backed away against a tree, a little scared. Crow flew onto Cheza's back.