12:38pm Aug 9 2011
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Lythia's eyes focused on Haji but she didn't turn her head. She had a terrified, helpless look on her face and she shook as more and more blood poured out around her. (kinda like what happens to Blue in Wolf's Rain if you've seen it :C) Thaybian growled at Haji, and bit his side. Sediam came toward Cheza, snarling, then stopped and froze altogether. "Cheza?"
3:38pm Aug 9 2011
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Haji yelped and scratched Thaybian across the face, snarling. This was his fault. He jumped at Thaybian and locked his jaws on his neck. Cheza snarled at Sediam for a moment, but then finally figured out who she was. She smiled. "Sediam!" She barked, wagging her tail. Crow watched Sediam and Cheza. Wolf raids are so wierd... He thought to himself. Neveah saw Haji jump at Thaybian, and she snarled and had her hackles raised, glaring at him with her eyes. Her eyes clearly said, 'Get off him.'
8:20pm Aug 9 2011
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(( Bump ~ ))
9:26am Aug 10 2011
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(( Bump ))
4:05pm Aug 10 2011
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(sorry I didnt have a computer for a while.) Lythia kept shaking, unable to get up. (switching to Thaybian.) Thaybian snarled, and knocked the wolf off him. He bit the wolf's muzzle, and didn't let go. (switching to Sediam.) Sediam's ears went back. "Cheza...I think we have to fight. Forgive me." She growled and bit Cheza's leg, but not hard. She didn't want to hurt her friend.
5:38pm Aug 10 2011
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Koga watched Sediam and teh other female be friendly towards each other. But why? Now Sediam gently bit her leg. He laid his ears against his head. He looked over to the blood-covered she-wolf that couldn't move. Why do we have to do this? Haji tried to open his jaws, but couldn't. He rolled and Thaybian's jaws slid off, but left scrtched on his nose. He snarled and pinned him don. Cheza sighed. "Why is your pack raiding ours, anyway...?" She asked, shaking Sediam off her leg. Neveah ran to the den to see if the puppies were still okay. Toboe smelled the milk and started to bark-squeek. Crow stuck his talkons onto Thaybian's forehead and started to pack at his facee.
8:07pm Aug 10 2011
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Thaybian snarled and bit the crow that was on his face. (switching to lythia.) Lythia shuddered. Why wasn't Haji here? (sswitching to Sediam.) "A wolf with a broken leg came to our pack and said you guys attacked him."
9:50am Aug 11 2011
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Haji snarled when Thaybian bit Crow. He bit his throat and, with all of his strength, tried not to let go. Cheza gasped. "What?!?!?!" She shrieked, really loud. "His pack attacked us. We just fought back..." Koga heard the black she-wolf shriek, and growled, thinking that she was mad at Sediam. He ran to her and snarled. Neveah ran out of the den to help again. She saw Haji at Thaybian's neck, and wimpered. She ran to go get Haji off of him.
4:40pm Aug 11 2011
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Thaybian spat the crow out of his mouth and snarled as the wolf bit his throat, but the snarl eventually became a whimper. He couldn't get the wolf off him, though he tried several times. "He had a pack?" Sediam asked. "He came to us alone and half starved!" When Koga came, she stood in between him and Cheza. "Koga, it's fine. I know this wolf." Lythia shook, whimpering.
5:04pm Aug 11 2011
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Haji got off the wolf, not wanting to kill. He leapt off him and snarled, hackles raised. Cheza nodded. "His pack attacked us. That lieing little..." She mumbled. She relized she had to stop the fighting. "Stop..." She said, not loud enough. "STOP!!!" She growled, loudly. Neveah stopped when Haji leapt off Thaybian. She sighed. She heard the she-wolf from the other pack yell stop, which indeed worked. She glared at the wolf. Haji glared at Cheza. "What are you doing?" Koga was surprised to hear a she wolf with such a looud voice. He stood, shocked.
5:23pm Aug 11 2011
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Lythia shuddered again, and closed her eyes. Sediam watched as the wolves stopped fighting. Thaybian gasped for air as Haji got off him, then looked at the wolves.
8:19pm Aug 11 2011
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(( I accidently said that Cheza's pack got attacked. Sorry! )) Cheza snarled. "That lying little rat named Pike lied. He said that his pack was attacked. But it was really his pack who attacked this one." She paused. She looked over to the wolves of the other pack, and said, "I think you guys deserve an apology."
9:05pm Aug 11 2011
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(oops. maybe we could just pretend that the things Cheza said were said by Sediam and what sediam said was actually said by cheza?) (Also, Haji needs to notice that Lythia's half-dead :P) Thaybian sighed. This was all for nothing? Lythia shuddered again, her eyes closed. She was struggling to breathe. "Pike...." Sediam growled. "He's still alive?" Sediam had thought he would've starved to death since he couldn't hunt.
9:26pm Aug 11 2011
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(( Okay. And sorry... forgot about Lythia :( )) Cheza sighed. Haji padded over to Lythia and wimpered. He nudged her with his nose. He snarled at Thaybian. This wolf almost killed her. He tackled Thaybian and snarled in his face. Neveah growled and pushed off Haji. "The fight's over." Haji padded over to Lythia and wimpered.
10:24pm Aug 11 2011
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Lythia whimpered, shaking and her fur stained red. She licked Haji's foot, which was the only part of him close enough for her to lick without moving or hurting herself. Thaybian stood up, and shook dust off his fur.
6:09am Aug 12 2011
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5:34pm Aug 12 2011
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Koga didn't know what to do now. Haji wimpered and licked her cheek. He snarled and looked up at Thaybian. Neveah glared at Haji. Cheza watched Sediam. (( Fails... ))
5:43pm Aug 12 2011
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"You tried to raid us." Thaybian growled when Haji snarled at him. "I was defending my family. What did you expect?" (switching to Lythia.) Lythia shook. She wanted to be put out of her misery. This hurt so badly. (switching to Sediam.) Sediam looked at Cheza. "Is your...crow okay...?"
6:20pm Aug 12 2011
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Haji glared at Thaybian. He looked down at Lythia and didn't know what to do. Cheza nodded. "He's fine, I think." Then a idea shot into her head. She padded over to Haji and Lythia and said, "It's okay, I can make her feel a little bit better. But she will have to heal completley on her own." When Haji gave her a confused look, she said, "My mother used to be a Medical wolf." She walked into the forest in search of red herbs. She found them, and picked some up and sat them in front of Lythia when she came back. "Try some of these. They might make you feel a little bit better, at least let you able to walk again." Koga watched the she-wolf work her magic. Neveah watched. She walked back to the den to check on the pups. Toboe once again made a bark-squeak.
6:46pm Aug 12 2011
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Lythia weakly ate the herbs. She whimpered, looking up at Haji. she slowly stood up and nuzzled Haji, happy to be alive. (switching to Thaybian.) Thaybian saw that the wolves were okay. "Leave." He growled. (switching to Sediam.) Sediam sighed. "Bye Cheza." (time skip to when everyone is healed and Karma and Toboe are a little older? Like old enough to walk and get in trouble?)