6:57pm Aug 12 2011
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(( Okay, one last post before the time-skip. )) Cheza wimpered. "Bye." Haji nuzzled Lythia, and left, hoping for his pack to follow.
10:07am Aug 13 2011
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( Bump ))
1:55am Aug 14 2011
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(timeskip.) Karma tackled her brother and laughed playfully. she tugged on his ear. (switching to Pike.) Pike sat. (switching to Lythia.) in the reflection in a puddle, Lythia sighed as she saw the huge scar on her neck. (sorry for all the fails
9:35am Aug 14 2011
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Haji walked up to Lythia and licked her cheek, seeing how she was looking at her reflection. He smiled and wagged his tail. Cheza sat. Crow sat on Haji's back. (( Is Pike still with Haji and Lythia's pack? )) ~ Toboe barked and tackled his sister back. He didn't know what to do then. "Uhm... I'm better than you." He said. "I'm the stronger one!" Neveah laughed as she watched her pups play.
1:47pm Aug 14 2011
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(I think so.) "Yeah, but that doesn't matter 'cause you can't even catch me!" Karma barked, running around him. Thaybian nuzzled Neveah. Sediam looked over to Koga. --- Lythia's ears went flat to her head. "Look at this huge scar..." She touched it with her paw. "..It's embarrassing."
11:29am Aug 15 2011
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Neveah smiled and nuzzled Thaybian back. She set her eyes back on her playing pups. "That's no fair! Stupid!" Toboe growled. He ran over to his parents. "Tell her to stop!" He wimpered. "It's not fair." (( Now Koga is almost back to normal. He isn't skinny and stuffs anymore, but still needs to gain a bit more weight. )) Koga looked over to Sediam, and smiled. ~ Haji sighed. "Fur will grow over it. And I don't think it really looks that bad. A lot of wolves have scars. At least you don't have one on your face." He said, looking down at the scars on his muzzle, from Thaybian. Cheza couldn't get Sediam out of her mind. She missed her so much, but they will probably never see each other again. She wimpered and laid her ears against her head. Crow forced a worm out of the ground and swollowed it.
1:41pm Aug 15 2011
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"Yeah, but your scars on your face make you look stronger, to be honest. my scars just make me look like I tried to hunt a mountain lion." (switching to karma.) "Mama, Toboe called me a stupid!" she whined. "And it's perfectly fair! Maybe if you didn't eat so much you would be able to catch me!" (Switching to Thaybian.) Thaybian looked down at the pups. "Why don't you both practice hunting?" He paused, then whispered "You can sneak up on Sediam."
4:07pm Aug 15 2011
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Neveah smiled. Toboe completley forgot about Karma's harsh comment, and ran off. "Come on! Lets sneak up -" He paused, and then whispered, "Lets sneak up on Sediam!" He ran to the other den andpeeked in. He saw the male wolf his parents have warned him about, and then Sediam. ~ Haji sighed. "Trust me. You still look beautiful, inside and out," He said, nuzzling his mate. Crow had gotten full. He sighed and flew back on Haji. Cheza sat.
4:44pm Aug 15 2011
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"Thanks, Haji." Lythia said, smiling a little bit. - Karma crept toward Sediam, trying as hard as she could to be sneaky. Sediam sat, oblivious to the puppies. She smiled at Koga.
5:39am Aug 16 2011
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11:38am Aug 16 2011
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Haji smiled. He nuzzled Lythia one more time and then layed down. ~ Koga saw the puppies creeping up on Sediam. He laughed to himself for a minute. Toboe raced past his sister and pounced on Sediam, laughing. He climbed up her back and playfully bit her ear.
5:09pm Aug 16 2011
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(( Burp ))
9:56pm Aug 16 2011
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Sediam turned around to see what was biting her. Seeing the pups, she smiled and played along, wincing a bit as Karma bit her tail and fake growling as if she were supposed to be some scary enemy. -- Lythia layed down beside him. "Haji...can I talk to you about...something?"
11:27am Aug 17 2011
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Toboe growled his most menacing puppy growl. He jumped onto Sediam's face and barked wildly, licking her muzzle. Koga watched, amused and smiling. ~ Haji stood up. "Erm... Okay." He said, not sure what she would ant to talk about.
1:40am Aug 18 2011
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Lythia stood up and began to walk away, hoping Haji would follow her. She needed to talk about something that Pike and Cheza didn't really need to hear. --- Sediam play-growled and pushed the pup off her gently with her paws, then barked and dropped into a play-bow stance. She barked again.
10:02am Aug 18 2011
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Haji followed. ~ Toboe went into his play-bow stance. He barked and pounced on Sediam's paw.
9:03am Aug 19 2011
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(( Bump ))
4:30pm Aug 19 2011
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Lythia turned to Haji. "I've been thinking...that we should have pups." She said, looking at him. (this rp needs something to happen in it so it doesn't die. O.o) Sediam barked at Toboe and Karma bit her tail.
6:09pm Aug 19 2011
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Haji stood and thought for a second. Was he ready for such a big commitment? "Uhm... Er, okay." He attempted to say. ~ Toboe saw how the wolf killer Koga has been left out. Doesn't look like a killer to me. He thought. He jumped off of Sediam and galloped toward Koga, his tail high. Once he reached Koga, he went into a play-bow stance. Koga stared at the pup for a moment, and then laughed. He went into a playbow stance, too. Toboe leaped on his head and slid down his back when Koga purposley sat up.
6:26pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(skip scene ._.) Thaybian growled under his breath as he noticed Koga with his son. Padding over to the wolves, Thaybian picked Toboe up by the scruff of his neck and carried him a few feet away from Koga, then set the pup down. "I've told you to stay away from him, Toboe." Thaybian said, then was temporarily distracted as Karma left Sediam to see what was going on. The pup padded over to Thaybian. Thaybian resumed his lecture. "Koga is a murderer." "...Then why do we keep him in our pack?" Karma challenged.