6:37pm Aug 19 2011
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Haji padded away from Lythia, amused. "Well. Should we tell the others?" He said, stopping and looking back. ~ Toboe wimpered. "But he's cool, dad! He doesn't kill, look! I'm still alive, see?"He looked over to Koga. "He's no differant than you, dad." Koga sighed and lowered his head, laying his ears back. Neveah padded over to Karma. "Because.." She thought and though. She looked over to Koga. "Because he is family, in my point of view."
6:57pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"No different than me?" Thaybian growled. "I have never murdered innocent wolves! I have never went on killing sprees attacking those weaker than myself! How would you feel if I never came back because some wolf killed me for no reason?" "Sad..." Karma whimpered. --- "No." Lythia said. "Why would you want to tell them? Wouldn't that be sorta awkward?"
7:02pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Haji nodded. "I know. I was just wondering if you wanted to." He paused. "They'll find out eventually, anyway. Once the pups are born. "He said, with a smirk on his face. ~ Toboe agreed with Karma. "Sad, but dad, it's not fair, because he was being real nice to me." Neveah sighed. Koga listened, his head raised and his ears perked, a little bit of annoyance inside him. Thaybian makes me feel like I'm suppsed to die. And not be around. He thought, watching Thaybian and Toboe.
7:09pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(you should join this website. http://www.alacritysim.com not sure if you'd like it...lol...it's not really like rescreatu. ...That was really off-topic.) "You can't trust him, Toboe," Thaybian said. "You never know if he'll turn on you." He paused. "I want you to stay away from him." Sediam sighed and padded over to Koga. She nuzzled him, and whispered in his ear. "Koga...don't let Thaybian make you feel bad." --- Lythia was not smiling. "Yeah." She said. She padded away from him, into the woods, to find something to do. She needed some time alone.
7:13pm Aug 19 2011
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(( Sure, I'll take a look :) )) Haji watched Lythia walk away, and tilted his head for a second. He shrugged and walked off, hoping for her to come back soon. ~ Toboe nodded, knowing he cannot defeat his father. "Okay." Koga looked over to Sediam. "I know..." He said, slightly growling, not at Sediam, but at Thaybian. He watched and Neveah pawed at Toboe and Karma to get out of this den.
7:19pm Aug 19 2011
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Lythia broke into a sprint as she ran further and further away. I seriously need to be alone. This whole pack thing...I can't take it! I've got to get away from here. I've got to leave. I hope Haji won't hate me for this. She continued to run at full speed, finally stopping when she ran out of energy. She layed down in the grass, too tired to build a den. And she fell asleep. ---- "Don't be angry at him, either." She paused. "Try not to get angry and kill somebody." It was supposed to be a joke, but the instant it came out of her mouth, she regretted saying it. "...sorry."
7:23pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( I'm on it right now, just starting to get used to it and stuff x) )) Haji arrived at where Pike and Cheza were. "Hey." He barked, sitting down. Cheza smiled. "Hi Haji!" and started to wag her tail. Crow flew off of a tree and onto Haji's back. "Where have you been?" He asked. "Just walking around." Haji answered. ~ Toboe wagged his tail and looked at Karma. "Bet I can beat you to the den!" He said, being his challenging self. Again. Neveah giggled as she walked to the den. Koga shot a glare at Sediam, but then softened his eyes. "Yea, I know." He watched Neveah leave. "I just hate being treated like this. I was never treated like this before I told you about the past." He wimpered.
7:41pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 3,371
((My username is Kupala on that website too. What's yours?) "Hey, Haji!" Pike said, tail wagging. He walked over to Haji and sat down. --- Karma ran ahead of him. "Uh-uh, Toboe!" She laughed, since she already had a head start. "Well, it's just that we were all shocked." Sediam said. "To be honest, I didn't even believe you when you told me. It didn't seem like...you." She paused. "Thaybian'll learn to trust you. It'll just take time. He's only being protective of his pups."
8:39pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( WolfDemon. lol )) Haji smiled as his packmate greeted him. "Hi Pike." ~ Toboe growled and pounced on Karma. After he pounced, he ran ahead of her and into the den. "I win!" He shouted from inside the den. Neveah frowned. "Now Toboe, thats not fair." She said, walking into the den. "You can't do that to Karma." Koga shrugged. "Yah, your right." He answered. He listened as the pups played. "I always liked pups. They're a ton of fun, really." He smirked.
9:10pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(I'll send you a message on Alacrity so you know who I am on there.) "Hey!" Karma growled. She bounded over to the den. "That wasn't fair!" She growled. She kicked him with her back leg. Sediam was quiet for a second. "I know." --- "Where'd you walk to?" Pike asked.
9:22pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Okay )) Haji thought for a moment. "Just taking a walk with the alphess to the pond." He responded. ~ Toboe wimpered. "Dad, she hurt me!" Neveah rolled her eyes and sighed. "You both win, let me tell you that." She laughed. Koga stood up and stretched. "Toboe is a strong pup. He acually forced my head down when he jumped at it!" He laughed.
9:36pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Pike nodded. "So...where is she now?" --- "You're a wimp." Karma growled. "Wow!" Sediam said. "I didn't know pups could even be that strong."
9:41pm Aug 19 2011 (last edited on 9:42pm Aug 19 2011)
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Posts: 1,016
Haji shrugged. "For a walk. I think she's upset of something." He sighed. "I really hope it's not something I did." ~ Toboe growled. "NO you are!" He pushed her down and bit her nose. "See? Your the wimp." Neveah sighed. She picked up Toboe by the scruff and carried him away from Karma. You stay her," She said, placing Toboe against the wall of the den. "And you go over there, Karma." She said, pointing her nose over to the oppisate wall. Koga smiled. "I just wish that I can have pups of my own one day. But that'll never happen." He laughed patheticly at the last sentence.
9:47pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Pike nodded. --- "OW!" Karma yelped, the tip of her nose bleeding. "MAMA, Toboe bit my nose!" She paused, thinking. "Eat him!" (LOL) Sediam licked his muzzle. "You shouldn't be so doubtful."
10:12pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Lol, Karma! )) Haji started to get worried about Lythia. She is usually back by the time it starts to get dark. He should do a howl to call her. Haji howled, a long howl. Lythia, where are you? ~ Neveah laughed. "I'm not gonna eat him. But both of you, stay there until I say you can get up." She started to walk out, until she heard the sound of claws against the ground of the cave. Toboe stalked toward his sister, growling. Neveah growled and looked back at Toboe. Toboe scurried back to his spot, wimpering. Koga shrugged. "Yes, I know." He paused to think. He heard the sounds of pups fighting and laughed. "Man, I love those pups."
10:26pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"The only reason mama didn't eat you was because you'd taste like poop." Karma said. (LOL) ------ Lythia was awoken by the howling. I'm not far away enough! She got up and ran further, not responding to the howl. ----- "So do I." Sediam said.
11:06am Aug 20 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( I love Karma, lol! )) Haji heard no response. He sighed and looked down at his paws. "Where is she?" He asked hiself. He looked in the direction where Lythia ran. He laid his ears back and wimpered. ~ Toboe growled at his sister. "No, I taste like elk, that's how good I taste! But mama loves me more than you to eat me! You taste like moose poop!" He stood up and glared at his sister. Neveah ignored the pups. She lokoed over to Thaybian and shrugged, smiling. Koga stared out the entrance of the den. He saw a duck and her ducklings on their way to a pond across the territory. He smiled as the ducks went out of site. (( Who's the older sibling? Toboe or Karma? ))
12:27pm Aug 20 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(I would assume it's Toboe. It just seems like he should be older.) "Sure, you taste like Elk. Elk BUTT." Karma growled. "And they don't love you more because you taste like elk butt!" Thaybain smiled at Neveah, then laughed at the pups. ---- Lythia was now miles from Haji and the pack, but she kept running. When she could go on no longer, she collapsed into the dirt. She was too tired; she couldn't keep running any longer.
1:05pm Aug 20 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Okay )) Haji paced back and forth, looking down at the dirt. He panted anxiously as the moon rose. He stopped pacing and looked up at the moon. Then toward the direction Lythia ran. "Guys, we have to look for her." ~ Neveah walked over to Karma. "Time for bed." She said, nuzzling Karma. She went over to Toboe and nuzzled him. She picked up Toboe as he struggled to break free of her grip. She layed Toboe on a bed of grass and went over to Karma. She picked her up and layed her on the bed. Toboe layed down. "Moose pooh." He muttered under his breath while going into a ball. Koga walked over to the edge of the den to fall asleep. He layed down and sighed. He closed his eyes.
1:24pm Aug 20 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"Maybe she went hunting?" Pike suggested. "She'll come back, Haji." --- Karma growled, but fell asleep. Thaybian stood guard outside of the den. Sediam padded over to the den and fell asleep a few feet away from Koga. ---