2:31pm Aug 20 2011
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Haji growled, and started to pace again, restless and worried. Cheza sighed. "Haji, we should go to sleep now." "No!" He growled. Cheza rolled her eyes and climbed up a tree to sleep. ~ Neveah went next to the pups and slept. Koga ran through a field. He stopped to see a little pup. Toboe. In the middle of the field. Toboe ran around and was playing in the grass with Karma. Koga looked up and saw a hawk, flying toward Toboe. The hawk got Toboe in it's grasp and started to fly off. Koga growled and chased after it. Koga woke up with a yelp. He looked outside to see if oboe and Karma were out late. No. He sighed. He laid his head down but didn't close his eyes.
11:49am Aug 21 2011
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(( Bump ))
3:16pm Aug 21 2011
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"Haji. Go to sleep." Pike said. He yawned. "We'll find her in the morning." ---- Thaybian slept. Karma slept.
7:57am Aug 22 2011
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Haji growled at Pike, but then realized that he was right. He laid his ears back and stop growling. He wimpered instead. He went under the tree where Cheza slept and closed his eyes, laying down.
6:14pm Aug 22 2011
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Pike sighed and layed down. (time-skip to the next morning?)
6:33pm Aug 22 2011
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Haji woke up with a start. He opened his eyes and stood up. His eyes were hopeful, hopeful for seing Lythia. But he didn't. He wimpered. He walked into the forest before the others woke up, in search for his mate. Cheza yawned and opened her eyes. She lifted her head and looked around. Haji was missing. She sighed, figuring he had probably went out looking for Lythia. But what was she supposed to do, without an alpha? She got up and padded over to pike. She nudged him with his nose. "Pike?" She whispered. "Haji's gone." ~ Neveah woke up. She looked around and noticed that Toboe was gone. She got up and looked outside. No Toboe. She started to get worried. She went over to Thaybian, and nuzzled him to get up. "Where is Toboe?" She asked worringly. Toboe woke up. He looked around and saw that Koga was still sleeping. Wait...He thought, standing up. Koga? He walked around, noticing he was in the wrong den. He must have sleep-walked over to this den, but why? Koga woke up and stood. He stretched and saw Toboe loooking around his den. "Toboe? Why are you in here?" He asked.

7:11pm Aug 22 2011
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Pike slowly opened his eyes, a rather exhausted look on his face even though he'd been sleeping all night long. "Hmmm?" He asked as he sat up. Realizing what Cheza had said shortly after that, Pike yawned then said "I would assume he went to look for Lythia." --- Lythia woke up. She looked at the morning sun and sighed. Time to keep running. If she walked or stopped travelling, her pack would find her. And that was not something she wanted because she preferred life as a lone wolf. --- Thaybian's eyes shot open. "I thought he was with you!" He barked, frustratedly. (if frustratedly is a word lol.) Karma slept.
9:37am Aug 23 2011
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Haji went from a walk to a jog, and from a jog to a sprint. He will travel for as long as he has to to find her. He arrived at the lake they were at when They decided to have pups. He sat and stared down at the reflection of himself. He growled and clawed at his reflection, causing it to tear apart. He ran off to go find Lythia. Cheza shrugged. "I guess so." She walked around, looking for something to do. "Well, what are we gonna do without an alpha?" "Without an alpha? Where's Haji?" Crow said, just hearing the conversation after he woke up. "I think he went to go find Lythia." Cheza said. "Now we have no alpha. "Well, shouldn't you go look for him?" Crow asked, frustratingly. Cheza growled. "No! He'll be back." ~ Neveah wimpered. She looked out of the den and padded around. Then she thought about Sediam and Thaybian's den. But he knows better not to go in there... She thought. Toboe thought. "I don't know. I just am..?" He said, trying to find an explanation for his sleep-walking. Koga tilted his head. "Well, uhm... Your parents are probably looking for you. and I might get in trouble." He said. He walked over to Toboe and was about to pick him up to bring him back into the other den, but smiled and stared at him instead. "Your an... awkward pup, you know that?"

9:45am Aug 24 2011
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(( Bump ))
4:46pm Aug 24 2011
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Pike sighed. "He'll be back," He repeated Cheza's words. "And if he's still gone when night comes, we'll all go looking for him. I'm not sure why Lythia hasn't come back yet, though." He paused. "There is no reason for her to still be gone...unless something bad happened to her." Lythia stood up and ran. --- Thaybian got up and walked around, tracking Toboe's scent to Koga and Sediam's den. He walked into the den. "Get away from my son, Koga." The alpha growled, picking Toboe up. "You know you aren't supposed to be anywhere near him." "It wasn't his fault, you idiot!" Sediam snarled suddenly. "Your son came into Koga's den!" "Then YOU should have taken him OUT of the den, Sediam!" Thaybian growled through Toboe's fur. "It is not my responsibility to keep track of YOUR son!" Sediam snapped. Thaybian growled and left the den, carrying Toboe in his mouth. "Koga...come on. Let's go to the lake and get something to drink." Sediam said.
5:53pm Aug 24 2011
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Haji caught Lythia's scent, but it was very faint. He supposed that the scent wouldn't help him at all, so he just walked in the direction Lythia left. "I hope not. Then Haji would probably kill himself." Cheza said. ~ Koga was shocked. He laid his ears back and watched Koga leave with Toboe. "Uhm, yea, lets go." As he started to walk, he looked back at Sediam and said, "Thanks. But you're lucky you didn't get banished from the pack." Toboe wiggled around in Thaybian's mouth. "DAD!!!!!!" He yelled. "STOP NOW!" He went from a growl to a wimper, knowing he shouldn't be talking back to his father. "Sorry." Neveah ran out of the den and walked in front of Thaybian. "What was that about? That yelling?" She asked, ears layed back.
6:03pm Aug 24 2011
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Sediam shrugged. "I'm not scared of Thaybian." She said. "I could kick Thaybian's a** any day." She said as she followed him, then passed him and began to lead him. Thaybian set Toboe down. "I got into an arguement with Sediam." He explained. He paused. "Everyone's alright." --- Lythia ran. "...Then we'd better go looking for him." Pike said. "Crow...you could maybe fly ahead of us...and tell us if you can see him?"
8:50pm Aug 24 2011
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Koga let Sediam passed, chuckling. "Yea, I know." He said, walking behind her. Neveah sighed. "Oh. Okay." She pawed at Toboe to get back inside. "Why did you leave without our permission?" She asked. "I think I sleep-walked, mom!" Toboe barked. "Isn't that cool!?" ~ Haji ran through the woods. Crow nodded. "Sure." Cheza shrugged. "Okay. But if we do, He might just tell us that he won't go back without Lythia..."
10:29pm Aug 24 2011
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"Yeah...cool." Thaybian grumbled. "You shouldn't lie, Toboe, especially to your parents." (switching to Sediam.) A while later, Sediam arrived at the lake. "Koga, wanna swim?" (sorry for only posting as a couple of wolves, I need to go to bed.)
10:31am Aug 25 2011
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(( Its okays )) Toboe frowned. "Dad, I'm not joking! You believe me, right mom?" He asked, looking at his mother. Neveah sighed and shrugged. Koga eyes brightened. "H*** yea!" He ran past Sediam and jumped into the lake, splashing Sediam with water. He emerged above water, smiling and looking at Sediam.
4:43pm Aug 25 2011
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Sediam jumped into the water after him, sinking for a little bit, the swimming back up to the surface, gasping for air for a small amount of time from being underwater for too long. She wasn't drowning, she just needed to breathe. She swam over to Koga and slammed a black paw down on the water, splashing Koga. ----- Thaybian turned to Neveah, and when she shrugged, he looked back to Toboe. "I'll believe you." He said. "But if you start saying stuff like this all the time, you'll begin to lose my trust.
8:16pm Aug 25 2011
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Koga barked and splashed his paw back at Sediam. He went below water and swam, seeing some small fish. He narrowed his eyes and caught a fish in his mouth. He quickly went above water with a squirming fish in his mouth, smiling and staring at Sediam. Toboe smiled and wagged his tail. "Okay, Dad." He ran in the den and pounced on Karma. "Wake up!" He barked. Neveah smiled as she watched Toboe pounce on his sister. She looked over to Thaybian and nuzzled him.
8:26pm Aug 25 2011
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A small 'oof' sound came from Karma's mouth as Toboe pounced on her. "What the heck?" She growled, standing up and looking angrily at Toboe. "What'd you do that for?" She growled. Thaybian smiled, nuzzling Neveah back. Sediam gasped as Koga got the fish, then smiled a little bit and dove under the water, looking for something impressive to bring back up to the surface. She dove deeper, then wanted to growl as she got algae all over herself. She swam back up to the surface, embarassed, then looked over to Koga as a small peice of algae fell off her nose.
8:41pm Aug 25 2011
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Haji howled. Lythia? Where are you? I miss you... ~ By then Koga let the fish go. He smiled. He swam over to Sediam and licked her cheek. "That was a good try." He barked. Toboe growled and puffed his tail up. "Because you are lazy and you sleep too long!" He thought for a moment. "And because you're a doo-doo head!" (Lolz) Neveah smiled at Thaybian for one more second, and then truned to the pups. "You guys are always fighting. You really shouldn't, pups." She sighed.
8:51pm Aug 25 2011
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"But...mama! He deserves it!" Karma growled. "I think you just licked some algae, Koga." Sediam chuckled. She dove underwater, most of the algae floating off her, and came up again, clean. Well, as clean as wolves get. --- Lythia sighed as she heard a faint howl. Maybe Haji just needs to think I am dead. With that, she cut a wound into her paw with her teeth, cutting a vein so that it bled all over, but she would live. She ripped out small peices of fur off her tail and scattered the hair on the ground, leaving a scene that looked like she had been killed and carried away by something more powerful than a wolf. It looked as if she had been beaten to death by humans. Then she yelped several times, so Haji would come running to the scene. She ran off as fast as she could, away from the area. (Basically, if he goes there it's supposed to look like she was killed by humans and they took her body with them.)