9:18pm Aug 25 2011
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(( Okays :3 )) Haji heard the yelping, and ran as fast as he could toward where he heard the yelping. He stopped when he saw blood, and what looked like Lythia's fur. He stared at the fur and blood. His eyes filled with sorrow and he padded up closer to the blood. He stared, and lowered his head, wimpering. He began to cry. ~ Koga smiled, embarressed. He watched Sediam come above water, and started to think. He had a wierd feeling that he never felt before. But he thought he should've gotten from his parents. Do I... Love her? He thought, watching her. Toboe growled. "I do not!" He walked over to Thaybian and pawed at his leg. "I think you should... eat her!!!" He growled. "Pwease?" He said less stressfully.
9:27pm Aug 25 2011
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I didn't want to hurt him... Lythia thought sadly. But it was for the best. Sediam put her paws onto Koga's head, dunking him under the water, laughing a little. She swam under the water. Hopefully he had his eyes open and would see her. She did a flip under the water. "You're the one who needs eaten, Toboe, because you steal my ideas! That was what I said to mom yesterday! THink of something yourself!" Karma snapped. "I'm not going to eat either one of you..." Thaybian said, then playfully pinned both pups on their backs "...Unless you misbehave!" "Toboe misbehaves a lot!" Karma shouted.
10:50am Aug 26 2011
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Haji sucked it up and lifted his head up. He sat down and thought about Lythia for a long time. He didn't know what to do now. He went off into another direction, toward a human campground, fury in his eyes. ~ Koga saw Sediam to a flip and smiled. He swam over to her and pushed her playfully. He backed up and went back above water, and barked. Toboe gasped. "NO!!!! I BEHAVE NICE! DON'T EAT ME DAD!" he yelped. Neveah smiled as she watched.
4:30pm Aug 26 2011
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(Lol Toboe XD) Thaybian sighed. "I'm not gonna eat you." He said. Lythia whimpered as she thought of how Haji must feel right now. I'm sorry, Haji. She wanted to howl. But...no...something was keeping her from howling. Her desire to stay alone. Sediam smiled and came above water, then barked back at Koga.
8:07pm Aug 26 2011
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(( Yea lol )) Haji arrived at a human camp. He lowered down in the bushed and peeked his eyes out. He watched as the humans were setting a fire. And the young humans were putting white fluffy things in the fire, laughing and giggling. Haji stalked around the camp until he stepped on a twig, which made him freeze in his tracks. A old human looked in his direction and said, "Look, a wolf!" The middle-aged human brought out a gun and pointed it at him as the little humans ran in the shelter shaped like a triangle. The human shot and just missed Haji. Haji yelped and ran further away, but still able to watch the humans. Cheza looked over to Pike. "Did you here that?" She asked. ~ Toboe sighed in relief. "Phew! Okay, let me go, please, dad. But you can eat her, she tastes nice." He said, pointing his paw at Karma. Koga smiled but froze when he heard a distant, faint gun shot. He laid his ears back and watched for Sediam's reaction. He shrugged and went back underwater. He grabbed Sediam gently by her back paw and pushed her under, playfully. Neveah giggled.

8:58am Aug 28 2011
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(( Bump ~ ))
4:43pm Aug 29 2011
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(Sorry i took so long to reply.) "Poor animal," Sediam said. "Whatever that gun was aimed at. When Koga pushed her under, she'd been caught by suprise, distracted by her thoughts. She swam back up to the surface, and caught her breath, then laughed and splashed some water at Koga. Thaybian let Toboe go. "You would know, Toboe!" Karma giggled. ---- "Yeah." Pike said, and there was a long pause as he thought for a moment, then his eyes got wide. "...Haji." He said, then turned to Cheza.
7:10pm Aug 29 2011
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(( Its okayz :) )) The middle-aged human sighed in relief and muttered something to the little humans and the old human. The old human nodded and the kids had tears rolling from their eyes, frightened by Haji. The older human walked into the woods in search of the brown wolf, hoping to rid of Haji for his children's safety. Haji's eyes widened as the human set his sights on him. Oh well. Lythia's gone, so I should be. Haji thought, holding his eyes closed shut bracing for impact. The human shot and got Haji's back left paw. Haji yelped loudly and ran away, blood driping from his paw. Luckily, the bullet only scraped against his paw. It bled horribly, and Haji held the tears back, the pain unbearable, both from the bullet and Lythia. He ran and came across a lake. Two wolves in it. He stopped running andtried to hold tears back, but couldn't. He put no pressure on his paw and held it up, it still bleeding horribly. Cheza perked her ears when she heard another gun shot. "Come on, lets go!" She yelped, runing into the woods to find Haji. ~ Neveah smiled, listening to her pup's conversation. Toboe nodded. "Yea. I lick you in your sleep!" he said, trying to gross out Karma. (Lolz!) Koga smiled. He perked his ears when he heard a noise from a little ways away. He swam in from of Sediam and growled at whoever it was. He saw a brown wolf behind the bushes, crying. He laid his ears back, not knowing weather to attack or comfort the wolf. He looked back at Sediam, hoping she will figure out something to do with this wolf.

7:27pm Aug 29 2011
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Pike bolted after Cheza. "Cheza...wait!" He barked. "The humans will shoot us too!" "Is that the wolf from the pack we fought?" Sediam turned to Koga. She swam toward the shore, then climbed up onto the back and out of the water. "Sir, are you alright?" She asked, looking at Haji's paw. He was shot at... "...You're stupid." Karma said.
7:35pm Aug 29 2011
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(( I wanna cry... listen to this and think about how sad Haji is... :( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnVkYjEbe8M )) Cheza stopped and looked back at Pike. "Haji could be hurt badly. I'd rather help him than stay here. I don't care if I get shot, I just don't want Haji to leave us!" She wimpered. Crow nodded, agreeing with Cheza. "I knew him for a while." He said, flying ontoCheza's back. "I don't want to lose him..." Haji stopped having the tears roll from his eyes and sucked it up. He stood tall and tried to show he was okay. Sort of. "I'm fine." He said, trying to put pressure on his paw. It hurt to much, so he gave up. ~ Toboe growled. "Your stupider! And ugly, ew! And you smell like poop!"
7:45pm Aug 29 2011
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(I listened to it :'C) "We can't let the whole pack die out for one wolf!" Pike protested. "I'm sorry, but that's how it has to be!" He paused, then remembered what Rook had told him when he killed Pike's sister in a raid against another pack. Pike spoke his thoughts out loud. "...Sometimes one must be sacrificed for the good of many." --- "You're hurt." Sediam corrected. "Why did you get close to the humans?" ---- Karma growled and swatted him across the face with her paw.
7:56pm Aug 29 2011
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(( So sad :'( )) Haji stared at Sediam and sighed. "I don't wanna talk about it... Its..." He choked the words out, tears rolling down again. "Its too hard!" He started to limp away, past Sediam. Koga watched the wolf start to walk away. "It's okay. You can tell us." He said, running in front of him. Cheza stared at Pike and tears rolled down her eyes. "But what will we do without him?!?" She wimpered. ~ Toboe held his jaw open dramatically and glared at Karma. "STOP!" He growled at his sister. He leaped onto her and pushed her on the ground, hard. Neveah growled. "Toboe, stop!" She growled. She picked him up by the scruff and set him down a little further away from Karma.
10:46pm Aug 29 2011
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"Please." Sediam stepped in front of him. She looked at his hurt foot, then back up at him. "We can help you." "...Hope that Lythia comes back, I guess." Pike replied. Karma growled at Toboe as a small amount of blood leaked out of a cut on her back.
3:29pm Aug 30 2011
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Haji stopped when both of the wolves stopped in from of him. He growled to himself, ut sat down. "Okay. But this is going to be hard to talk about to random strangers..." He thought about how he would explain his situation. "My mate ran away... I think. And humans shot her. And I wanted revenge on the humans, so I wanted to kill the ones who were in the woods. Instead, they shot me. Now I regret everything I ever did in my life. I regret leaving my pack to find Lythia. I regret going to those humans... I regret a lot of things." Koga listened. He layed his ears back and looked at Sediam, hoping she would now what to say. He was not good at this stuf at all, because he just recently learned about what love is. Crow sadly flew onto a tree branch. Cheza stared at Pike for a moment, and then sat down and looked at her paws. She layed down and sighed. She wished that they would come back, and that Haji was okay. And Lythia. She shut her eyes hard and tried to keep the tears back. She wasn't able to, so she just let the tears pour out. She had gotten so attatched to veryone in her pack, but now 2 are gone. ~ Neveah looked back at Karma and went to examine her wound. "Your fine, it's only a little wound." She licked her daughter's wound, cleaning it off. "Looks like I didn't bit hard enough." Toboe said, glaring at his sister with a devilish smile.

5:55pm Aug 30 2011
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Karma's anger was rising quicker than she was thinking, and the furious puppy tackled Toboe and slammed him into the dirt. "Maybe I didn't HIT you hard enough!" She snarled, then scratched him across the face with all her strength. (Should we make some NPC wolves to join the packs so the packs are bigger? :D) "If the humans got her, then that's the end of it." Sediam muttered, then looked at Haji. "Did you actually see the humans shoot her?" Sediam questioned. "And did you smell death? Did you HEAR an ACTUAL gunshot? Or...did you just assume that it was humans?" She paused. "You should never try to kill a human. Or they'll shoot every wolf in the forest." Pike sighed. He looked over to Cheza, and wanted to comfort her, but being the heartless wolf that he was, he didn't know what to say to her. What COULD he say? Words didn't matter...two of her packmates were probably dead and gone. He looked at her with sad brownish-green eyes, and spoke. "Cheza...I'm sorry."
6:05pm Aug 30 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Sure, that would help :3 I might make some more to in my free time. )) Haji thought for a moment. "I saw blood, and her fur. Like maybe someone killed her with a home-made weapon. By stabbing her or something." He choked the words out, not wanting to talk about it. He shut his eyes. "And, that's all I saw. I didn't hear anything. I just suspect maybe a human tribe." He opened his eyes and sighed. He looked down to his paws. "If she wasn't killed by humans, she probably got killed by something." Cheza looked up at Pike and smiled, knowing he was trying his best to comfort her. To her, Pike wasn't really a very, very kind wolf like herself. They were almost the comlete oppisate from each other. "It's okay. I might get over it." Her smile quickly faded and she rolled onto her side. ~ Toboe wimpered. "OUCH!" He growled. He got away from Karma and ran to his father. "Dad, she hurt my head!!!" He said, wimperning with his tail between his legs. Neveah growled and walked over to Karma. "You guys have to be separated. Toboe, stay here. I will bring Karma into Koga and Sediam's den for now." She grabbed Karma by the scruff, snarling at herself. She brang her in the den and let her down on the Den floor. Koga watched and listened.

6:16pm Aug 30 2011
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Sediam turned to Koga, then back to Haji. "But...she would be too fast to get away from the humans. And what else is strong enough to kill a wolf? Bears, but a bear wouldn't take the body..." She thought some more. ...A bow and arrow. She kept the thought to herself. "Maybe she just got hurt...and she isn't dead?" She suggested. Pike whimpered. "...You don't just...'get over' things like that." He said. --- Karma growled, but sat down.
7:06pm Aug 30 2011
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Haji thought and stared at Sediam. "Well, thanks for trying to comfort me. I think I'll be on my way now." He stood up and trotted away as tears rolled down his face again. Koga watched Haji leave, and then turned to Sediam. "What should we do? Should we bring him back with us?" He asked. "And sorry I didn't help at all. I don't really know about these 'love' things." He said, laughing a little. Neveah sighed. "Stay in here until you have calmed down and promise me you wont hurt your sibling." She went over to the other den and said the same to Toboe. She walked up to Thaybian and smiled weakly. "This is our punishment for having pups." She laughed, in a slightly better mood. Toboe growled and sat down moodily. "She hurt me first." He mumbled. Cheza nodded sadly. "I know. I just tried to get myself in a better mood, I guess." She paused. "But thanks." She smiled up at Pike.
7:16pm Aug 30 2011
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Pike fake-smiled back, then laid his head on his paws and turned his head away from her, not smiling any more. "Let him go." Sediam said. Even though Koga had laughed, she kept the same ex pression on her face. "He hurt me too!" Karma growled as Neveah left. Thaybian laughed a little bit.
7:26pm Aug 30 2011
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Koga shrugged. As it started to get dark, Koga still was NOT tired. When Sediam wasn't looking, he jumped into the lake and splashed her with water. He came above the water, smiling and laughing. Cheza stopped smiling and got up. She climbed up a tree as it started to get dark out. She yawned and stared down at Pike, smiling. He is... kind of unique. I never met a wolf as totally the oppisate of me as him. She quickly stopped smiling when she remembered about Haji and Lythia. She sighed and laid her head on her paws. She wanted to start conversation, so it wasn't so awkward. "Lythia and Haji taught me how to climb trees." She smiled, trying to reember good times she had with her alphas. Neveah smiled when Thaybian laughed. As it started to get dark out, she said, "Where is Sediam and Koga? They left hours ago and never caame back." Toboe moaned grumpily and laid down. He groaned louder, trying to get his parents' attention. He sighed when his mother ignored him. He laid down on the grass bed and drifted to sleep. Haji walked away and sighed, glad o be away. That was really awkward. When he was far away enough from the 2 wolves he just met, he howled mournfully.
