10:45pm Aug 30 2011
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(I have a random question. Have you ever read The Hunger Games?) In the distance a small white she-wolf with dark brown markings (Just like the one in my siggy :D) laid her ears back to her head as she heard the howl. The mournful sound of it made her shake slightly, but as a polite little wolf, she replied with a high-pitched, beautiful sounding howl: I am sorry for your loss. was what it basically translated to. "I didn't even know that was possible." Pike said. "I think they went swimming." Thaybian replied. "Or hunting, maybe." Karma sighed and layed down. Sediam smiled and jumped up onto a boulder, then jumped off it into the lake, crashing into Koga. She swam back up to the surface. "Sorry." She said. "Are you okay?"
6:00pm Aug 31 2011
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(( I have heard of it, but never acually read it. So what are you planning going to happen with Lythia? Will she be found? Or do you wants it to be a surprise? ]) Haji perked his ears at the sound of the answer. He relized that it was feminine. Lythia? He thought. No, it can't be. It doesn't sound like her. He did a quick 2 second howl back,translating to, Thank You. He sighed and walked along on his way. He lookedd up at the sky, which was darkening quickly. I should find some shelter. He walked around, and found nothing. Thebest shelter was a tree. He shrugged and limped his way over to a tree. He whined with every step he took, hispaw hurting severley. He climbed up, which was harder than usual because of his paw. He got up and laid his head on his paws, lieing down. He couldn't sleep without Lythia on his side. (Aww. The 'he couldnt sleep without lythia on his side' part is so sad. This song goes with it. Sorry for showing you all this junk, lol, bit this song is so sad and just right for Haji. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZp6pmgbZyU) Koga hit his head on a rock when he hit the bottum. It didn't hurt that much. He smiled at Sediam and said, "I'm, fine. That was fun." He saw the day starting to turn into night. He didn't want to go back, because he loved being here with Sediam. He looked around, and looked at Sediam. He smiled and swam over to her. He stood there for a second, and then splashed her with water with a swipe of his paw, laughing. Neveah sighed. "I hope they come back soon. It's almost time to sleep for the mroning. He walked into Sediam and Koga's den and asked Karma, "Did you learn your lesson?" Without waiting for an answer, she picked up Karma and brang her into her den on the grass bed. She layed her down on the bed. "Good night." She said, nuzzling her. Toboe opened his eyes slightly and saw that his mother had brang Karma back. He felt sorry. "Sorry Karma." He said, nuzzling against her. "I promise never to ever ever ever bite you again." Cheza smiled. "Would you like to know how to do it?"

6:37pm Aug 31 2011
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(If you ever want to read something, I reccomend that book. It made me CRY and books NEVER make me cry O.o) (And what happens with Luthia will be a suprised. Hmm. I just realized I misspelled Lythia in that last sentence and put Luthia instead. I like how 'Luthia' sounds XD) The white she-wolf thought for a moment, trying to decide whether to stay alone or go find this poor wolf. She was afraid of the wolf, wondering if he would attack her, and usually her fear ruled over all her other emotions. But the sadness of this other wolf caused an arguement in her head between bravery and fear as she tried to decide where to go. She began talking to herself. "Alright, Malu. You're going to go to this wolf whether you like it or not. And if he kills me...then that's too bad. But I suppose everybody dies one day." She looked up at the moon, then toward the direction of the mournful howl. Sediam laughed, then looked up at the sky. "Koga, it looks like it's getting kinda late." She paused, looking at him and away from the sky. "We should head home." "Goodnight, mama." Karma said. "I won't scratch you either, brother." She whispered. "...Sure..." Pike replied. He didn't really want to climb, in fear of falling, but he decided to anyway.

6:48pm Aug 31 2011
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(( I think I'll look for it, lols. And Luthia. Lolz. )) Koga looked up at the sky, staring at the moon. He sighed. "Do I have to..." He said kind of child-like. He immediatley answered after that. "Okay. Lets go." He ran over to the shore and shook his pelt. He looked back and waiting for Sediam. Haji sighed. Tears once again streamed down his face in thought of Lythia. And the pain from his paw, that was lifelessly dangling from the branch. He closed his eyes and thought about Lythia. He buried his face in his paws. He wasn't one to cry alot, and he hated to show it. He tried to stop crying and sighed. He closed his eyes and tried, just tried to sleep, but couldn't. He snrled and shifted his head in a differant dirction. Toboe smiled and slowly drifted to sleep. Neveah heard the pups saying sorry, and walked over to Thaybian. "That's what I like to hear from them." She said, smiling. Cheza barked and jumped down, landing on all fours."Okay. Its simple really. Um... All you have to do is grasp onto the tree's bark with your claws, and climb up, making sure you dig your claws really hard in the bark so you don't fall."

7:06pm Aug 31 2011
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Sediam heard a splash in the water toward the edge of the pond behind her. As she looked behind her, she had originally been afraid, thinking something had jumped into the water, but she could only see ripples. A fish must've leapt out of the water or something. She turned back toward Koga, and began swimming toward the side of the pond Koga was on. The water where she was was DEEP. And the darkness made it hard to see. (Lol it's so obvious something's gonna happen.) She heard another splash, much, much closer to her this time, and she felt teeth go into the back of her head. She yelped, and whatever it was let her go, and she turned to face it. It was hard to tell in the dark, but in the water in front of her, was a dark brown she-wolf who was all too familliar. The wolf laughed evilly, her voice alone enough to terrify Sediam. The splash in the water HAD been something jumping in. The wolf. It'd swam underwater until it got close to her, and then attacked her. And just as Sediam realized all that, the wolf pushed her under the water, went down with her, and slammed her all of the way to the bottom of the pond. Malu finally got to the wolf. "Sir...it's me. The wolf who howled back to you...I came to see you." Kaema fell asleep. "I wish we heard the same from that other pack." He said. "With the alphess I almost killed. They freaking INVADED us." Thaybian sighed. "We kicked their a**es though. Pike began to climb.

7:14pm Aug 31 2011
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(( Thaybian's so funny. Lolz. )) Koag wimpered and jumped in to get whatever it was away from ASediam. He went underwater and looked around. He saw abrown she-wolf attacking Sediam. He growled and pushed the she-wolf away from Sediam, making Him and the she-wolf float to the top as Koga bit her paws. Haji lifted his head slowly and looked at the female. "Oh." Was all he said. "What?" He said, trying to sound tough, and not like he just finished crying. Neveah laughed. "That was months ago, Thaybian. We most likley won't be seeing them ever again." She nuzzled him, and then turned to go into the den. She stopped and looked back at Thaybian, smiling. "Love you." She went into the den and layed down, watching the sleeping pups. Cheza saw Pike begin to climb. She went under him in case he fell, just so he wouldn't fall on the hard ground. She was used to it, thoough. When she first started climbing, she fell all the time.
7:24pm Aug 31 2011
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Sediam was unconciosus at the bottom, and she wasn't floating back up. She just laid there, blacked out. The she-wolf snarled and laughed again, even as Koga bit her. She bit Koga's face, holding his mouth shut, and tried to dunk him under. --- "I came to see you, sir." Malu repeated. "What happened?" --- "I love you too." Thaybian said, smiling, and he looked up at the stars. He didn't take his eyes off them. Pike fell, but pretty much bounced off Cheza, then hit his head on the ground. He laughed and stood up. "Are you alright?"
7:35pm Aug 31 2011
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Koga saw that Sediam didn't come back up. He got nervous, and slashed the she-wolf on the face with his claws and got his muzzle free of the wolf's grasp. He swam underwater and grabbed Sediam by the scruff. He quickly swam under water, away from the wolf, and quickly set Sediam on the shore. He looked back at the she wolf and snarled. He swam back to her and bit her neck. He dunk her underwater and tried his best not to let go. Haji stared at the wolf for a moment. "Thats kind of persona-" He stopped, knowing that this wolf just wanted to help. He sighed, and said. "My mate's gone, and a human shot my paw." He said, shaking his bleeding paw back and forth for Malu to see. Neveah couldn't sleep. She had a weird feeling, and not that feeling you have when you ate to much. Much worse than that feeling. She wimpered, and thought about Sediam and Koga. She wondered where they were, and she was really worried. She barley worried this much. Maybe it's for a reason. "Thaybian... should we go look for the other to?" She said from inside the den. Cheza maughed and easily got back up. The wind got knocked out of her, but that was it, and she as fine. "I'm okay. I meant to do that. Just in case you fell." She shook her pelt free of dirt and debris and smiled at Pike. "Are you okay?" She asked.

9:41pm Aug 31 2011
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The she-wolf snarled and bit Koga's neck. --- Malu narrowed her eyes, looking up at his paw. "Is the bullet still in your paw, or did it fall out?" She asked. "And come down from there." "I'll go." He said. "Stay here and watch the pups." He padded toward the pond, without waiting for her response. "Oh." Pike said. "Thanks!" He paused. "Oh. yeah, I'm fine."
4:47pm Sep 1 2011
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(( I love the new siggy. xD )) Haji shrugged. "I don't know. I didn't check." He jumped from the tree and stumbled, hitting his chin on the ground. He got back up and shaked his pelt. He put no pressure on his paw, and looked at it to check for a bullet. "I think it only scraped against my paw. But it hurts like h*ll." Koga shook his head back and forth to get away from the wolf. He broke free, a massive wound on his neck from the wolf's teeth. He snarled and backed away. "Who are you, and what do you want?!" He growled. Neveah watched Thaybian leave, and she laid her head back on her paws and watched the pups. Cheza smiled. She looked around and wagged her tail when she smelt something good. She lifted her nose in the air and walked around. Even though it was dark, Cheza was not tired. She lifted had traveled a little bit away from the tree her and Pike were climbing on. She lifted her head and stared at a heard of elk. She stared at the herd for a moment, but sighed, knowing that 2 wolves and a crow wouldn't be able to bring down an elk. As the herd went out of sight, she walked back to where Pike and Crow were and sat down.

5:09pm Sep 1 2011
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(Thanks XD) "You don't remember me, Koga?" The wolf laughed as she remembered the last time she'd seen these wolves. She remembered exactly what she had said: 'You might've saved your girlfriend from that bear...but you can't save everyone now. CAN YOU?' "Koga, you are foolish to think I would leave a fight unfinished." ------------------------------ Malu shoved him onto the ground. "Sorry, sir." She apologized, but she had needed to do that to help him. She began looking at his paw, then reached with her paw for a spiderwebs on a tree. The web stuck to her foot, and the spider felt onto the ground and she stepped on it. She pulled the dead bugs out of the spiderweb and set them aside, then wrapped the web around Haji's foot. -------- Thaybian ran toward where Koga and Sediam had gone. -------- (don't have enough time to post as pike, sorry.)
5:30pm Sep 1 2011
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(( Lolz x] And I just finished making a new wolf Rp. I personally love the plot. Do you want to check it out? You can be co-owner if you join. :3 You don't have to join, though. Okayz. Lolz. )) Haji watched as the wolf wrapped the spider web around his paw. "What are you doing?" He asked her, staring at the spider she crushed. Koga stared at the female for a moment, but then remembered who she was. She was one of the wolves who had raided his pack. He snarled l=louder and jumped at her, leaving her and himself tumbling into the water. Neveah watched the pups.
4:43pm Sep 2 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(That rp's gonna be epic. I joined :D) "Helping to fix your paw." She replied, stepping away from the spiderweb as the little white wolf finished her work. Aevra snarled and bit him, breaking free of his grip. She dove under and swam toward the unconcious Sediam, then climbed out of the water and bit the defenseless black she-wolf's neck, hard for a few seconds. She then let go, the wolf dropping to the ground, and Aevra watched as the black she-wolf woke up, breathing quickly as a pool of blood formed around her and leaked into the pond, and started to turn the water red.
5:43pm Sep 2 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Thanks, Lolz. I'll announce you co-owner in a bit, lolz. :3 )) Haji stood up when she finished. He put no pressure on his paw and the web was sealed tight. "Thanks." He said. She limped over to her, closer, and said, "I'm Haji." Koga just emerged from the water when he saw Aevra biting Sediam's neck. He growled and got out of the river. He went behind Sediam and saw that she woke up. He licked her wound and looked up at Aevra, growling. He jumped at her and left them tumbling in the river as he bit her neck as hard as he can.
12:14am Sep 3 2011
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Aervra snarled and chuckled at the same time -which was very creepy sounding- even through her pain as her blood leaked into the river. She had a evil grin across her dark brown face, Sediam's blood leaking from inbetween her teeth. Her glance focused on Koga, and the life faded from her bright yellow eyes. Aevra was dead. But she had done what she needed to do; she'd finished her fight with Koga and Sediam. Koga had beat her, but the Aevra had died knowing that she'd probably taken Sediam with her. So even when Koga beat her, he paid dearly for it. "I'm Malu." Malu said, then turned and started walking away. "I...uh...I'll be going now. I don't really want to bug you anymore, Haji." She paused. "And howl if your foot gets any worse and I'll gome and look at it."
8:15am Sep 3 2011
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(( Aevra is so creepy. She's a creeper. Lol. )) Haji smiled for the first time in a while. "Okay. Will do." He sat down and thought about Lythia as his smile faded. Koga bounced up when he realized he killed her. He just killed another wolf. He wimpered and didn't know what to think of it. I didn't mean to kill her. I didn't want to. He thought. He remembered about his past and how he just re-lived it. That didn't matter now. Heran over to Sediam and licked her forehead. "Are you okay?" He nervously looked at her wound. (( I got something romantic planned out. Hehehe. ))
11:39am Sep 3 2011
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(She's supposed to be creepy XD) Malu was shocked and quite disappointed when Haji didn't tell her to wait and that she could join his pack. She broke into a sprint and left Haji. She had faced her fears for nothing. Stopping in the middle of the woods, she sat inside a hollow log. Sediam closed her eye when Koga licked her forehead, then opened it to look up at him again. She didn't answer his question, but the tears coming from her eyes showed that she was in real pain. She sobbed and tried to catch her breath, which was extremely difficult. She looked at Koga. "....D-don't go!" She whimpered through the sobs.
2:27pm Sep 3 2011
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(( I can tell, lolz. )) Haji sighed and growled at himself. I shouldn't have let Lythia leave. This is all my fault. He thought, starting to sob. Koga wimpered. "I'll never leave you." He said. He walked around and stared at her neck wound. "What am I gonna do? I'm so scared that I might lose you." He closed his eyes so tears didn't come out. Hearing Sediam cry was the worst pain of all.
2:51pm Sep 3 2011
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Malu sighed. "...Why do I have to be so...afraid...of everything?" She said, talking to herself. "I'm nothing but a coward." She curled her tail around her legs, but couldn't sleep. Sediam smiled slightly when Koga said he was staying, but only for a brief second. Sediam could see the sadness and worry on Koga's face. She didn't want him to be upset. You are going to lose me. She thought, but didn't say it out loud. Sediam was no fool. She knew that her injuries were far beyond Koga's ability to heal. Beyond anyone's, probably. She wasn't afraid to die, not at all. She licked Koga's cheek. "It'll be okay."
9:30pm Sep 3 2011
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Koga wimpered. "And I killed her. I killed a wolf." he was still stariing at Sediam's injuries. He never wanted to relive his past, but it happened. "Please don't go... Because I..." He paused, thinking of a way to say it, but he plainly said, "I love you." (( D'aww! )) Haji stopped sobbing and sighed. He decided that he should go back with the pack. But what about that wolf that helped me with my paw... I think she's a loner. I really owe her one. He thought to his self. He sniffed at the ground and Smealt for Malu. He found it and followed the scent. He finally arrived and saw Malu, but he stayed in the bushes for a moment to watch her.