2:36am Jul 12 2011
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Ailos took a step back, trying to think of what to do. coming up with no ideas, he simply responded with; "Um, sir, do you ENJOY being unpleasant?" (Posting from my phone. enter key doesnt work. after this ooc im posting as Lythia.) Not noticing Haji looking at her, she looked at him with her eyes which were emerald green. "When I was little, my father used to call me 'Jem' because my eyes reminded him of emeralds." She smiled a little bit. (after this Ooc im posting as Sediam) Sediam growled, but there was fear in her eyes. "You're right," She said," I've seen much bigger runts." (posting as Thaybian.) "Really?" He smiled."Look, I hate living by this pond, and I'm sure it's no fun staying in the shadows, so...Maybe we could both travel and look for a better place?" He would've slapped himself in the face at that moment, realizing how dumb he must sound.
10:19am Jul 12 2011
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Neveah's eyes grew wide. She always wanted to do that. Just not alone, because all of the dangers out there. She got a big grin and simply said, "Okay!" ~ Haji smiled. "I could tell. You have very... beautiful eyes." He said. His eyes were... a... poopie brown. (Lolz)And he hated them. But what soulful green eyes this wolf had, it almost made him jeolous, but made him start thinking of her as more than an aquaintance, and more of a friend... ~ Cheza stopped growling but glared at her. Hmm... She is a very interesting wolf... She thought. She smiled and said, "I love your coat! My mother had a coat like that." ~ "If that means hurting every wolf in sight, I guess so." Koga snickered. He didn't like other wolves because of what happened when he was a pup, and didn't wanna trust anyone. This wolf was no exeption. He continued to growl and glare at the wolf.
11:14am Jul 12 2011
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Lythia smiled up at Haji. "Normally, anyone who said that to me, I would bite their face." She 3"But...I'd consider you my friend." (still posting from phone, after this OOC im posting as Sediam.) Sediam's face saddened. "At least you had a mother." Sediam's mother had been killed by another wolf when she was very young, And Sediam had been lucky to survive. (posting as Thaybian.) Thaybian smiled and began to run, hoping Neveah would follow him. He barked over his shoulder. "Keep up!" (posting as Ailos) Ailos laid back his ears. "Why?" He asked. "What have I ever done to you?"
11:31am Jul 12 2011
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Haji chuckled, and said, "Yea, that would be awesome." He laid his head on his front paws and just remembered how hot it was. He sighed. There was not too much water around, since there wasn't any rain for a while now. The only real sorce of water was the pond, that was long ways away. But he didn't care, as long as he was with Lythia. ~ Cheza listened carefully. She knew a wolf that went through that, and that wolf had a very depressing life. She didn't want this wolf to go through that, no matter how mean she was to her. "Well, I know how you feel. My father died, years ago. It's hard, I know..." Her face saddened as well. ~ Neveah easily cought up to Thaybian. She was running side by side with him now. "Well, I can easily keep up," She laughed, her fur blowing in the wind. ~ Koga stopped in his tracks and glared at the wolf. "Well... If I wasn't treated so good as a pup, I don't think anybody else should be treated good now." He sighed, "I wasn't treated like you probably were as a pup. I was treated like garbage..."

11:49am Jul 12 2011
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"You're like this because of how you suffered when you were a pup," Ailos snarled, "And you know how horrible it is to be treated like that, and you want everyone else to have to feel your pain?!?" Ailos had a good personality, but he was angry. (posting as Lythia.) Lythia looked at Haji. "Hey, I've got to go get a drink." She said. "I'll be back in a little bit." She Purposely slipped off the branch, but was in a position where she was going to land on her back when she hit the ground. She twisted in midair and landed on her feet, then ran toward the direction of the pond in a fast sprint that would be very hard for most wolves to keep up with. (posting as sediam.) Sediam paused for a while, thinking. "I'm sorry." She said. She didnt know what else to say. (posting as Thaybian.) Thaybian smiled, then sped up to the point where he was probably going to fall. He was at full speed,.
12:07pm Jul 12 2011
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Neveah tried to catch up, but then an evil smile spread across her face. She stopped in her tracks and said, "Hey... Thaybian... Look at that!" looking toward the forest. ~ Haji nodded, and was amused by that way she got off the tree. And she was a quick runner. He wanted to follow her, but that would probably make her feel awkward. He waited for his friend to come back. ~ Cheza nodded. "I'm sorry, too. I guess I should mind my own buisness..." She sighed. "I'm Cheza." She introduced herself. ~ Koga stopped, and said, "Well... it's just not fair, how I had to be abused and punished for no reason. Everyone else had a normal family, who loved them. I only got pain." (( Sorry about the short parts... ))
3:37pm Jul 12 2011
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"So that makes it fair to torture every other wolf in the forest?" Ailos growled. "Do you have any idea..." Ailos snarled "...how many families you might've destroyed by attacking every wolf that you see? How many wolves you have probably made suffer like you have? maybe some pups waited for their mother to come back from a hunt, but she never did because you injured her so badly?!" ailos was furious with the wolf's selfishness. (posting as Sediam.) "I'm Sediam." She said. She smiled. "it's alright. when I yelped like that I should've known someone would hear it." (Posting as Thaybian) Thaybian looked where Neveah was looking but he couldn't see anything. "Look at what?" He asked, gazing at Neveah with a confused ex pression. (Posting as Lythia.) Lythia sprinted to the edge of the pond, then skidded to a halt and took a drink. She then looked at the trees, getting an idea. She climbed up into the nearest tree, then jumped from tree to tree until she was next to Haji again.
5:00pm Jul 12 2011
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Neveah Smiled. "Look at nothing!" She joked. She sprinted past him, amused by her joke. She hoped this didn't get to him badly... ~ Haji saw Lythia jumping from tree to tree. He was amazed that she could do that. Could he? "How'd you do that?" He barked. "I wanna try!" He got up and pounced for the tree nxt to them. He almost got it, but just missed. He fell to the ground with a lout Thud and said, "Hmph. That was just too far away, thats why." He climbed back up and shot for a closer tree. He missed it too, and hit his jaw off of the branch He fell again, with a Thud. He looked up at Lythia, embarressed and blushing, with a smile. ~ Cheza smiled back. She felt like she made a fool of herself, but it was worth it, to help a new friend. "Anyway, is your paw okay?" She asked, examining it carefully. ~ Koga growled. He didn't like being wrong. It made him feel stupid. He did feel guilty, though, because he knew the wolf was right. The thing about the pups made him cringe. That's me? He thought. But he didn't like being wrong. He leaped onto the wolf and bit its back, only causing some blood.

10:39pm Jul 12 2011
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(( Bump... ))
5:43pm Jul 13 2011
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"You okay?" Lythia smiled at Haji. "I must've just gotten lucky." She said. She gently pulled him up by the scruff of his neck so he could stand up. "I'll teach you if you want." She said. (Fail, sorry.) Sediam looked at her paw. "It's just a little sore." She placed the paw back on the ground and winced. "It'll heal." She said. Thaybian whipped his head around and saw Neveah already ahead of him. "Hey!" He barked playfully, then ran after her, trying to catch up. Ailos yelped, then turned around and snarled. He bit the wolf's face, hard, then attacked the wolf's face and neck. after about thirty seconds, Ailos backed off, and snarled at the wolf. "I don't want any trouble!" Ailos barked.
10:36am Jul 14 2011
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Haji smiled and said, "Sure..." He was embaressed to admit it, but she might've been a little bit better than him. (( Fail on Haji's part, too... D: )) ~ Neveah laughed, and sprinted faster into the forest. "Keep up!" She mocked to him playfully. While she was looking back at Thaybian, she bumped into a tree, hard. She yelped but got over it quickly, and continued to sprint into the forest. ~ Cheza nodded. "That's good..." She said. She noticed that Sediam really couldn't put pressure on her paw. "Are you sure? My mother used to be a Med wolf... and she taught me a few things. I bet I can make this heal quicker." ~ As Koga continued to growl, the feeling of guilt went through him like lightning... He never really wanted to be this way, thats what his parents taught him to do. Fight. And kill. He stopped growling and backed off, stumbling, but not falling. He was so ashamed of himself and everyone he has killed. Will the wolf lord (Lolz) forgive him for what he has done?
4:47pm Jul 14 2011
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Ailos stared at the wolf, suprised he'd stopped snarling. "Why..." Ailos snarled. "Why do you need to be like this? What does it accomplish?" Ailos questioned the wolf. There could be no good purpose or reason, just something stupid. "Do you think it's fun?" Ailos was disgusted by the wolf. "It's horrible." He looked at the gray wolf, and then looked away and into the distance. "You make me sick." ~ Sediam nodded to Cheza. "You could?" Sediam asked. "How?" Do you use herbs or something?" Sediam was very curious. (fail on Sediam's part.) ~ Lythia smiled. well, first, climb up into this tree...." She clawed her way up into the branches and ran to the brach she planned to jump to the next tree from, then she patiently waited for Haji. ~ Thaybian smiled and sprinted, now by her side, but panting. "You're fast!" He exclaimed as he ran alongside her, then sprinted past her, which took lots of effort and energy. "But you're not faster than me!" But Thaybian knew that she was.
8:42pm Jul 14 2011
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Neveah laughed, and sprinted to his side. "Well, I think I am faster than you!" She barked, then ran past him. She dodged all the trees, luckily. There was a strem up ahead, and, she didn't notice, because she was too deep in thought. She ran headfirst into the water, and sunk down. She came back up within seconds, and giggled, her fur soaking wet. ~ Haji watched carefully, and climbed up the tree with ease. He was very antsy, and couldn't help but try to jump over to the branch Lythia was on. He attempted a jump, and barley made it, his claws digging into the branch. He attempted to climb up onto the branch. He smiled, proud of himself. ~ Cheza looked around the area, and said, "Acually, yes, but the types of herbs..." She paused, spotting something. "Are usually hard to find, but right over there..." she said, surprised to find them so easily. She trotted over to a nearby bunch of herbs, green and speckled red in color. She took just the right amount, and brang them back to Sediam. "Eat these.. Thay kind of taste like... apples." She barked, happy to help. "It should kick in in a few minutes." ~ Koga stared at the wolf. "Of course not, that's not the reason!" He growled. "My parents taught me to fight, and kill. They said it would..." He stopped, just then realizing how stupid he has been. "Keep the wolf population down..." He looked down at his paws, mubling the words.

8:52pm Jul 14 2011
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Thaybian followed Neveah through the water and ran ahead of her again, then skidded to a halt and stared over the edge of the cliff he was standing on. Below the cliff was an area of the woods with water, forest, and fields, and it was close to the mountains. "Woah." He whispered. ~ Lythia smiled and jumped over to Haji. "Now, try it again." She said. "Let's make sure you didn't just get lucky." She jumped back and waited for Haji. ~ Ailos snarled, looking at the blood on the ground from his back. He pointed with his paw to the blood. "I'm sure you've kept it down. No wonder there are no packs here!" ~ Sediam ate the hebs, and Cheza was right. they did taste like apples. "They do taste like apples!" She exclaimed, then chuckled a little. "Funny." She said.
9:07pm Jul 14 2011
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Neveah climbed out of the water, and shook her pelt. She turned to see Thaybian gazing past the cliff. She trotted up next to him, her fur still dripping with water. She stared down at it for a while. She wagged her tail, and said, "It's perfect." ~ Haji nodded, and jumped over to the branch Lythia was on. He landed perfectly, and wagged his tail in delight. "Thanks!" He barked. "For teaching me!" ~ Cheza laughed along with Sediam. "I guess it is!" (( Fail... On Cheza's part. )) ~ Koga nodded. "I knnow." He snarled. He felt like attacking the wolf, but thought about it. You suck. He thought about hisself. He didn't know what to do now. Just walk away?
9:18pm Jul 14 2011
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Thaybian stared at the land for a little while longer. He looked arond, then eventually saw a way to get down there; a series of small cliffs that they would be able to jump up and down like stairs. He ran to the 'stairs' and began jumping down. When he was about halfway down, he looked back up at Neveah and shouted. "What are you waiting for?" -- "No problem." She said. She looked up at the sky. There was a colorful sunset, and she smiled, emerald green eyes shining. "Look, Haji." She said, not taking her gaze away from the sunset. "It's beautiful." -- Sediam's foot was already beginning to feel less sore. She let it touch the ground. "Thanks." She said. -- "Uhh..let me show you something." He said. He ran off, hoping that the savage wolf would follow him, and that the wolf wouldn't kill what Ailos was going to show him.
9:40pm Jul 14 2011
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Neveah followed down the 'stairs', and almost stumbled on the way down, but didn't. As clumsy as she as, she wasn't going to embarress herself in front of her crush... ~ Haji looked up at the sunset. He smiled and gazed up at it. "Your right. It is." He saw how her emerald eyes shined. "Just like... Your eyes." He said. ~ Cheza smiled, happy to help. "No problemo!" She barked. Her tail wagged vigourously. When they first met, they were insulting each other... But, now, She just helped Sediam... She smiled. ~ Koga hesitated, but followed far behind. He wasn't going to get to close. He didn't know if he was about to get punished. Sunndely, memories came back to him. "Are you seriously that stupid?!?!" Koga's father growled at Koga. Koga was trying to swim, to get a duck in the pond, but couldn't. Koga ran back up onto the shore, in a submissive stance. "I... I'm so sorry, daddy!" Koga yelped. Koga's father, Flash, swiped him with a massive paw. Koga yelped and backed away from his father. Flash scratched his face. "You don't do anything right! NOTHING!" "Father, stop!!" Koga yelped. Koga winced, and followed the wolf even slower.

10:13pm Jul 14 2011
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Haji's comment caught Lythia off guard and she froze and looked over to him. normally, she wouldn't reply with a compliment, but she was in a very good mood ever since she met Haji. "...Just like you." She blushed under her fur and gave him a nervous smile. __ (I feel so sorry for Koga :C) "Shh." Ailos warned Koga as they approached the area. Through the bushes, he could see a mother wolf watching over her two pups as they played. "Even after all the things that happen...whether you caused them or not, Life goes on...see?" He looked at Koga, not knowing if he would understand. "Of course, that doesn't make it okay to hurt people." Ailos was sure he hadn't helped at all. --- Sediam looked up at the sky. "Sunset." She said. "I'd better go home for the night. I'll meet you here tomorrow, okay?" She said over her shoulder as she began to run back to her den. ---- Thaybian smiled. "Neveah." He said," This is where we will stay." He looked at her joyfully, then looked around, and saw a hill. "We can dig two dens in the side of this." He said, and began pawing at the ground.

8:57pm Jul 15 2011
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(( Awww I know... D: Me too! )) Neveah walked down the rest 0f the mountain, and was next to Thaybian. "Okay, I'll build another one." She started pawing at the grownd, a few yards away from him. ~ Haji smiled nervously, and blushed also. He layed there, gazing into her eyes. He rested his head on his paws. "I haven't seen a wolf in a long time. I forgot how nice some could really be." His last experience with a wolf, a few months ago, almost a year, wasn't good, at all. It attacked him for no reason at all. (( That's Koga )) He winced at the thought. ~ Cheza nodded and said, "Okay!" She trotted back deep into the forest, took one look back at the landscape, and continue on her way. ~ Koga stared at the pups and mother in confusion. He tilted his head. Why was she being so nice to the pups? His mother was never like that. He watched, amazed, at what a good life could be like. She isn't teaching them to kill... He wondered.
9:09pm Jul 15 2011
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Thaybian finished the den after a while, and crawled inside of it. "These will work as shade during the day when it's hot," He said, "And we can watch for danger from the top of the hill." --- Lythia smiled. "I haven't seen wolves in a while, either." She said, turning away from the sunset and toward Haji. "I used to think it was a good thing to be alone, but now I realize how wrong I was." Lythia paused, thinking to herself. "Haji..." She said. "What if...we found more wolves? And started a pack?" She looked at him, wondering what he would say. --- Sediam traveled back to her den and fell asleep. (fail on her part. :P) --- Ailos watched the pups. One of them tackled his sister, who yelped. Suprised, the other pup sprang backwards, off her. "Leha, are you okay?" The bigger of the two pups asked. Leha, the smaller pup, smiled and tackled him, knocking him to the ground and pinning him on his back. (the pups are temporary characters who will only be used for a few posts.)