6:57pm Sep 4 2011
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"Thanks to your WEAKNESS, She's dead!" He paused. "And it sounds like you were able to defend yourself pretty well when you were running around KILLING everyone! You're just a coward!" Thaybian growled."If you had protected her while she was still alive instead of killing the wolf who killed her, she would still be alive right now!" --- Malu nodded. "Come on, let's go." She kept walking.
7:04pm Sep 4 2011
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Haji let the rabbit go and it hopped back over to what used to be its home. He followed Malu. Koga snarled. "I don't need this. I HATE you, Thaybian! You were always accusing me of something." He rolled over and got out of Thaybian's grasp. He stood up and looked over to Neveah and Toboe. "Bye Neveah, and Toboe." He wimpered. He muttered curses to himself and he started to walk away. Neveah wimpered. "She walked past Thaybian and went to a stop. "Bye..." She wimpered. Toboe ran after Koga. "Wait!" He yelped. He got side by side with Koga and nuzzled his leg. "Don't go." Koga looked at Toboe, and then back at Thaybian, and then Toboe again. "Sorry. I have to."
7:10pm Sep 4 2011
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Malu walked. ---- "Hate me all you want." Thaybian growled. "I don't care if I'm hated by a murderer." He snarled at Koga. "Now LEAVE!" Karma laid her ears back. "Bye." She whimpered, noticing he hadn't said goodbye to her.
7:19pm Sep 4 2011
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Haji followed. Koga ignored Thaybian an d looked at Karma. "Bye Karma." He wimpered. He glared at Thaybian and said, "And by the way, Your pups and Neveah are just as special as Sediam was to me. I would die for them." He started to alk away, into the forest. Toboe wimpered and walked slowly back to Neveah. "Mommy, is Thaybian really a murderer?" He wimpered. Neveah sighed. "I don't think so." She said. "Apparantly your father doesn't know what he means to all of us." She said as she started to walk back to the den. He stopped in between the 2 dens, and looked inside the one Sediam and Koga stayed in. She wimpered and went into her den.
7:26pm Sep 4 2011
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Malu ran. --- "Stay the hell away from them." Thaybian growled. He watched as Koga started to walk away. "Never come back."
7:29pm Sep 4 2011
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Koga rolled his eyes and ran, disapearing into the forest. Haji followed Malu. Toboe wimpered. He followed his mother back into the den and layed down with a wimper on the grass bed.
7:34pm Sep 4 2011
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Karma ran to her mother and laid down. --- Up in a tree, Lythia could hear someone coming. She narrowed her eyes. Haji! She climbed up into the higher branches of the trees. The other wolf was one who she couldn't recignize. And at this point, jumping out of the tree and running would put her in plain sight. She hoped the wolves would just walk right under her.
7:41pm Sep 4 2011
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(( I just remembered that Lythia was preggers. Lol. )) Haji stopped when he smelt wolf. It was probably Malu, though. He stopped for a break and sat down. He looked over to Malu. "Do you think we'll ever find her?" He wimpered. "What if she's not even alive anymore?" He said, a single tear running down his face. Koga started to slow down when he was far enough away from his old pack. "I hate him so much, I just wanna..." He stopped as he remembered Sediam. "He's right. It's all my fault that she's gone." He said, breaking down into tears again.
7:45pm Sep 4 2011
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(LOL) Lythia laid her ears back. She hadn't wanted to hurt Haji, but obviously he was hurt. Malu shook her head. "It would suprise me if she wasn't still alive." She explained. "She ran after she hurt herself."
7:53pm Sep 4 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( I know, lolz )) Haji wimpered. "Ugh. Lifes so complicated." He said. He tried to think positive. He stood up and started to walk. "But wouldn't it be cool if I saw her again one day?" He smiled. "You know, maybe this is for the better. Maybe we shouldn't look for her. She ran away for a reason, and I don't want to stop her from whatever she wants to do." Koga growled at himself and scratched the dirt below him angrily. "I hate myself. Stupid." He muttered, clearing up his claw marks in the dirt and then writing 'Sediam' in the dirt with his claw.
7:53pm Sep 4 2011 (last edited on 7:53pm Sep 4 2011)
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Double posted, lolz.
8:04pm Sep 4 2011
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Lythia sighed, but not loudly. "No...you need to find her, if she ran away, something has to be wrong." Malu explained. "And if something's wrong....you should fix it." (Lol. random wolf time XD) "Wat'cha drawing?" The yellowish brown and white he-wolf asked as he saw Koga writing something in the dirt.
8:11pm Sep 4 2011
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(( Lol Kupa. I feel like I should make a new wolf. But just introducing the wolf. But I'll do it at the right time, lolz. )) Haji sighed. "But what are the chances of us finding her? She ran away for a reason and if she ran away, she knew she wouldn't see me ever again. Maybe she just doesn't love me anymore." Koga jumped up and saw an unfamiliar wolf. He moved the dirt around with his paw and the writing of Sediam was gone. "Nothing...." He said awkwardly.
8:18pm Sep 4 2011
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"Uh...okay." The wolf said. "I thought you were drawing something." --- "How do you know she was running from you? Are there other wolves in your pack?" Malu asked him.
8:50am Sep 5 2011
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"Yea, there are 2 more wolves and a crow." Haji said, scratching his neck with his back paw for a few seconds. ~ Koga laid his ears back. He never saw this wolf before. "Who are you?" He asked.
1:36pm Sep 5 2011
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"Then how do you know she wasn't running from one of them?" Malu asked him. "And why do you have a crow?" "My name is Curee." The wolf said. He suddenly backed up. "W-wait...you're that wolf...who kills other wolves. I've heard about you..." Curee was whimpering in a suvmissive stance at this point. "Please....don't hurt me..."
5:53pm Sep 5 2011
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Haji shrugged. "She might be, I don't know." He paused. "I met a crow named Crow a while back. And we became close with each other." ~ Koga sighed and rolled his eyes. "I'm over that now." He said, annoyed. "Get out of that stance. I'm not gonna hurt you." He smiled. "Unless you annoy me." He said jokingly. "I'm kidding."
6:43pm Sep 5 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Malu nodded. "Alright," She said. "Let's keep looking for her." - Curee remained in a submissive stance. "...Promise?"
6:47pm Sep 5 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( People are looking for you in the Rp you joined, the War one. Lol. So... yessum. )) Haji nodded and started to walk off, hoping for Malu to follow. ~ Koga glared at him. Then he softened his eyes and said, "Promise."
6:49pm Sep 5 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(Oh. I forgot about that Rp O.O D: I'll go post.) Malu followed Haji. -- Curee's fear faded and he sat down next to Koga. "So...what were you drawing?"