6:52pm Sep 5 2011
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Koga shrugged. "Just a name." He sighed. ~ Haji walked.
6:58pm Sep 5 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(Okay. something needs to happen, we're both failing badly.XD) "I'll try howling her name." Malu said. "What is her name?" "Whose name?" Curee asked. (THIS POST INVOLVES SO MUCH ABOUT NAMES XD)
5:08pm Sep 6 2011
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5:17pm Sep 6 2011
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(( Freakin names are so weird... Lol. And yah. I don't want this to die, it's to awesome o.o )) "Lythia," Haji wimpered, and didn't really want to say. Koga snarled for a second, but sighed. "Sediam," He muttered. (( I just got a great idea that'll make this be so much more awesomer!!! :3 In a few more posts, it. shall. happen! ))
4:37pm Sep 7 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(okay. :D)
"Haji..." Lythia whispered after hearing Haji say her name. her voice was so silent only she could hear it.
"Who's that?" Curee asked.
5:23pm Sep 7 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Koga sighed and shurgged. "Someone I..." He coughed, uncomfortable saying the word. "loved." ~ Haji looked down at his paws. He hated saying that name, because it made him feel bad."
(( Could we time-skip to night time soon? Maybe not now, but in a little bit, whenever you're ready. Because night is when my awesome idea takes place. :3 ))
5:59pm Sep 7 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"...And then what?" Curee asked, not really seeming to care that this was none of his buisness. "Did she ditch you?" (lol)
(Sure, we can skip to night in a little bit.)
Malu sighed, and turned to Haji, seeing that he was upset. "We'll find her." She said reassuringly.
(Do you mind if I remake my characters? :P their names are so old and I'm dying to change their names and how they look. These are the changes I'm gonna make if it's alright:
Thaybian would be renamed Gangvar and would look like the brown wolf in my siggy (art by angelkiss.)
Lythia would stay the same, because if I changed her to Carnassial she'd have to be super mean D:
Pike would be renamed Amburus and I would post his design
Malu would stay the same
Karma would stay the same
do I have anyone else..? XD)
6:11pm Sep 7 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( I think you got everyone. Lol. Its fine if you remake them, I won't stop you. Just don't mind me if I call Gangvar Thaybian and shiz like that, lol.It'll take a while for me to get used to it. ))
(( How about Koga already said the things to Curee? And they can continue talking at night, and its night right now, lol. ))
Koga sighed and layed down. "I better get some sleep."
Haji wimpered, upset that they didn't find Lythia yet. His hopes were high, yet he was really upset, knowing he might never see his mate again.
Neveah walked over to her pups. "Toboe, Karma?" She said. "Time for bed." She said, smiling.
Toboe smiled, wanting to hurry and get to bed. He had something on his mind. And he would do it tonight, when everyone was sleeping. "Okay Mom. C'mon Karma, lets go to sleep." Toboe rushed over to the grass bed and layed down, closing his eyes, but not sleeping.
Neveah was surprised that her son wanted to go to bed. "Good night." She whispered. She walked over to Thaybian (Or Gangvar.) and nuzzled him. "Ready to go to sleep?" She shispered in his ear.

6:19pm Sep 7 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"Yeah." Gangvar replied.
Karma laid down next to her brother. "Goodnight,mama." She barked.
"Alright." Curee said. "You want me to leave?"
"It'll be okay, Haji." Malu said.
6:24pm Sep 7 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Haji nodded. He laid his ears back and looked at Malu. "I know. Kind of." He said. ~ Koga shrugged. Even though this wolf was 'nosy', he was the only one, besides Sediam, who cared about his troubles. "It doesn't matter." He said. "But maybe me and you can... you know..." He paused, embarrassed. "Be friends?" ~ Neveah smiled and went next to the pups. "Good night." She said. Soon, Neveah was asleep. ~ Toboe waited for Gangvar to sleep, since his mom and Karma were already. He kept his eyes closed.
6:53pm Sep 7 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"Sure," Curee said, sitting down and wrapping his tail around his paws.
"Kind of?" Malu asked.
Gangvar smiled at Neveah, then fell asleep.
7:05pm Sep 7 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( And my mastah plan begins! Muahahahahaahahahahaaaa! Sowwy, I am so exited, lolz. ))
Haji wimpered and said, "If we don't find Lythia, then I would never being able to live with myself. I feel like I did something wrong." ~ Toboe shot his eyes open when everyone fell asleep. He got up and sneaked out of the warmth of his den and into the dark of the night. I need to find Koga. I want him to come back. He thought. He bounded into the forest and sniffed for Koga. He caught the scent, and it wasn't to far away. He ran until he saw Koga with another wolf. He cowered down into the bushes. ~ Koga smiled but lifted his head when he heard rustling in the bushes. He looked behind thim and saw a small body if fur. He stood up and walked closer. "Toboe? What are you doing here?" He said.
Toboe wimpered. "I want you to come home. Please come back with us."
Koga sighed. "I'm sorry, but your father hates me. He might kill me if I go-" He paused and sniffed the air. The smell was familiar, a smell humans made. Koga looked into the distance and saw flames approaching Koga, Toboe and Curee very rapidly. A forest fire?! He thought. As Koga was about to tell Toboe to hurry home, he saw that it was coming this direction and already covering the way Toboe came. He looked over to Curee and said, "We have to leave!" He picked up Toboe by the scruff and ran, hoping Curee would follow.
Neveah woke up to the smell of smoke. She lifted her head, tired, and wimpered as she saw an orange luminated light in the distance. She nudged Gangvar. "Gnangvar, we have to go!" She looked over to where Toboe and Karma slept and saw that Toboe was missing. "Toboe?" She wimpered. She looked outside, just to see nothing but smokey air and a large fire coming their way very quickly. She yelped when She noticed that Toboe had left. "Gangvar!"

7:16pm Sep 7 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Gangvar opened his eyes. Smoke. "Neveah, you take Toboe and-" It was then that he realized Toboe was gone. "Take Karma and get away from the fire! I'm going to find Toboe!"
Karma woke up. "Mama, what's goinf on?"
"Haji!" Malu said. "I smell smoke. Let's try and find Lythia and get out of here!" Malu ran, looking for the wolf.
Amburus turned to Cheza. "Cheza, I can smell a fire."
7:25pm Sep 7 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Neveah whimpered and said, "Nothing Karma, it's okay." She looked over to Gangvar and said, "Be careful, I love you." She grabbed Karma and ran away, into the smoke and tried to get away from the fire. ~ Cheza laid her ears back and saw that he was right, and that smoke slowly filled the air. "What are we gonna do?"
Crow flew down onto Cheza's back. "Probably try and get away from it...?" He said.
Cheza rolled her eyes and said, "Maybe we should go." ~ Haji wimpered and looked around. "How are we gonna find her? There's too much smoke." He growled, pacing back and forth. ~ Koga tried to run as fast and hard as he can, but the fire spread rapidly. It came too close for comfort. He whimpered and yelped when he just dodged a falling tree. "Are you okay?" He asked Toboe.
"Yeah." Toboe wimpered worringly.
7:30pm Sep 7 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Karma whimpered.
Thaybian bolted into the woods, shouting Toboe's name. "Toboe? Toboe, where are you!?!"
"Let's go." Amburus said. "Crow, can you see where the fire's coming from?"
"I'll find her." Malu said. "You get out of the forest where it's safe. Don't worry about me- I'm fast from running so much when I was a loner. I as afraid of everything."
"Who's the puppy?" Curee asked.
7:40pm Sep 7 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Neveah got pretty far away from the fire where there was barley any smaoke. She set Karma down and said, "Don't worry, we're safe." ~ "My... ex-alpha's pup." Koga said firmly. He stopped just in time as another, smaller tree fell down and hit Toboe on the nose.
"Ow! My nose hurts!" Toboe wimpered as his nose started to bleed. He heard a faint, familiar voice in the distance. "Daddy!" He whimpered. "Koga, I hear dad!"
Koga stopped and listened. "Yeah. I'll bring you over to him." He said, racing toward Gangvar's voice.
"But what about you?" Toboe wimpered.
Koga didn't answer. "Honestly, Toboe, I'd prefer you life than me." ~ Crow flew up and said, "Yea, I'll look around. I'll come find you guys in a little bit." Crow flew in the direction the fire was at it's worst and largest.
Cheza didn't say a word and bolted past Amburus, away from the fire. "C.mon!" She yelled.
7:56pm Sep 7 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(You forgot to post as Haji.)
Gangvar ran towards Toboe's scent, then saw Koga and Toboe. "I should've known you'd kidnapped my son." He growled.
"From what?" Karma asked. "Nobody told me what was happening."
Amburus followed, but a huge branch fell inbetween him and Cheza, barely missing both wolves, and spreading the fire. Ambururs jumped back in suprise, then barked to Cheza. "Keep going!" I'll find another way out!" He ran the opposite direction, away from Cheza, and out of the area where she could see him, and noticed branches falling everywhere. He paid attention, trying not to be hit by one. But that didn't work out so well. Another huge branch that was on fire fell onto his back, its weight trapping him and the fire burning him. He wanted to call for help, but didn't want to put anyone else in danger. But a few moments later, he heard a familliar voice from behind him.
Lythia walked out in front of Pike. "Hold still." She said, and began to try and push the branch off him.
8:05pm Sep 7 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Sorry about that xD ))
Haji wimpered. "I'm not just going to let you go by yourself." ~ Cheza jumped back and forth, trying to figure out how to get p[ast the firey tree that separated her from Amburus. She wimpered when she heard the branches fall. "Amburus!" She yelped as a branch nearly fell on top of her. She didn't know hat to do, so she jumped through the fire, which hurt a lot. Only her tail caught ffire, so she wagged it and the fire left, some fur burnt off. She looked over to Pike and saw Lythia. She was filled with anger, because of what she made Haji do. But also relief, because they needed the help. She ran over and tried to push the branch off Amburus. ~ As Crow continued to fly, he caught site of a few male humans running out of the forest. They held beer cans in there hands, which explains the fire. He rolled his eyes and went back to Amburus and Cheza. ~ Koga put Toboe down. "I didn't kidnap him. He came to me." He growled as Toboe ran to his father.
"Yeah. I wanted him to come home, Dad. But then the fire started, and Koga and his friend helped me get away." He said. He ran under Amburus for protection and said, "Sorry."

8:14pm Sep 7 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(lol. Drunk people: let's play with fire! .______.)
"I'll be fine, Haji, trust me." Malu said.
Lythia pushed harder on the branch, andit came off Amburus. He had burns, but they would heal. Lythia started running away from the fire, and when she turned back to look at Amburus and Cheza, the look on Amburus' face told her he thought she was going to leave them behind again. "What are you waiting for?"
"You should've howled, Koga, and told me he was here." Gangvar said.
8:22pm Sep 7 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Lolz I know :3 ))
"The fire was moving to fast toward us. If I did, the fire would have gotten to us by the time I finished my howl. So I just ran away to a safer place..." He said, looking at his paws.
Toboe looked as the fire got closer. He was speechless by how close it was, and that no one else was noticing it. "Fire." He whispered, to quiet for anyone to hear. ~ Cheza went from an upset look to a happy look, knowing that Lythia wasn't leaving. She ran over to Lythia and looked back at Amburus.
Crow flew back and saw Cheza, Amburus, and, to his surprise, Lythia. He flew onto Cheza's back and said, "Humans did it." ~ Haji whimpered and layed his ears back. He stayed silent for a moment, and said, "Okay. Good Luck."