Moonrise (Wolf 1x1, Kupa and Demon ONLY)

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2:07pm Sep 18 2011 (last edited on 2:10pm Sep 18 2011)

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The she-wolf shook her head. "No. They'll kill me if I leave. They'll probably kill me anyway since I was talking to wolves outside the pack."
Lythia whimpered. "We'll help you get away." She said.
"There's three of you." She said, "And fifteen in my pack. You should go."
Lythia sighed and started to walk off, but turned back to the wolf. "What is your name?"
"Barusa." She replied.
Malu sighed. "Look, decide where you're going." She said. There was a pause. "And...wherever that is, I'll come with you."


5:40pm Sep 20 2011

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Bump D:)


7:04pm Sep 20 2011

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Haji stared at the she-wolf in disbelief. His pack could never beat off her huge pack. He sat down and sighed. "We can easily fight off fifteen wolves." He said, although he knew it wasn't true. He was trying to do the right thing, which was very, very hard. "Just come with us." He mumbled.
Cheza watched the conversation, and looked over to Haji, now concerned about her pack's safety. She growled and said, "How the hell are we gonna fight off that many wolves, Haji?"
Koga stared at Malu for a minute. "Why would you want to go wherever I go?" He asked. "I should stay with my pack, though." He said, not waiting for her answer.

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4:38pm Sep 21 2011

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"To make sure that you heal." Malu lied. "The amount of smoke you breathed in could get you sick."
"What?" Amburus asked in disbelief. "We can't fight off that many wolves. And... the fact that you would put everyone else in danger to help a wolf we don't even know is horrible. If you decide to try and fight this many wolves off, I'm leaving." He challenged. "Cheza, are you with me?" He asked after pausing for a moment.


7:58pm Sep 21 2011 (last edited on 8:00pm Sep 21 2011)

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Koga sighed and looked back where Neveah and Thaybian and the pups were. "Well, if you really do want to come, I'm going back." He said, leaving towards his territory.
Cheza padded over to Amburus and agreed, "I just don't wanna be killed, sorry Haji." She felt bad going against her alpha, but it was for her saftey and everyone else's. She nodded at Amburus and looked over to Lythia, waiting for her decision on the matter.
Haji stared at Amburus and Cheza, mad but upset because they weren't on his side. "Then we'll just run away from them all?"  He sighed. "And what are we gonna do with this wolf?" He said, looking over at the she-wolf.

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4:43pm Sep 22 2011

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Lythia made no move toward Amburus and Cheza. She wasn't leaving Haji.

Amburus growled. "Leave her, if you ask me." He said. "Keeping her will cause us nothing but trouble. And if you don't kill her, I will."

The she-wolf whimpered at the threat that she was going to be killed. She looked up at Haji. "Please...sir, have mercy..."


5:20pm Sep 22 2011

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Haji shot a look at Amburus and looked back over to the she-wolf. "No one is gonna get killed." He sighed. He snarled lowly. The life of an alpha was so hard with too many important desisions. He sighed and looked over to his pack, he opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He was going to say, Life as an alpha is too hard guys. Instead he said, "Ugh... I don't know what to do." He said, ashamed of himself and looking down at his paws.
Cheza stared at Haji and looked over to Amburus, her ears laid back.

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5:24pm Sep 22 2011

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"I do." Amburus snarled. "We have to kill her. Unless," He paused, growling at Haji, "You're too weak." This was clearly a challenge, and Amburus meant that he was challenging Haji's rank as alpha.
(Should we make a public wolf rp? O.O)


5:45pm Sep 22 2011

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(( Sure. Plot ideas? ))

Haji glared at Amburus, astonished that he would try to take make alpha from him. He trusted Amburus, and now Amburus has turned on him. "Is that a threat?" He snarled, the fur on his back raising.
Cheza backed up by Lythia with a worried look on her face.
As Koga walked back, the vision of Sediam came into his mind. As he walked, he become more depressed and slouching down. He quickly tried to get over it, though it was nearly impossible, and looked back to see if Malu and Curee were following.

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6:05pm Sep 22 2011

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(I had this super awesome one but I used it on a small group rp. D: Maybe we can use it again. Wanna hear it?)

"You bet it is." Amburus laughed slightly. A little bit like Aevra. He snarled.

Curee followed.

Malu hesitated for a moment, then followed.


6:17pm Sep 22 2011

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(( Sure. :D ))

Haji snarled and backed up. He looked over to Lythia in one quick glance and back, alert on Amburus. He  didn't really want to fight with Amburus... but... Looks like he had no choice.
Cheza snarled and padded in between Amburus and Haji. "If you two fight, I'm leaving the pack." She announced. She really, really didn't want to, but she will keep her word if they do fight.
Koga sighed and continued back onto his territory. He stopped when he passed by the lake he and Sediam played in... and where she died. He stared into the waters of the lake, seeing colored leaves falling into the lake. He held back tears and continued on his way.

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6:28pm Sep 22 2011

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Amburus growled. Turning away from Haji, he turned and bit Lythia's flank.
Lythia yelped.
Malu and Curee walked.

(A pack of wolves is being trained constantly, and warned not to trust anyone or get too close to anyone, for they just might be ordered to kill them one day. However, the young wolves in the pack have not been told what they're being trained for, and the alphas refuse to tell them. All they know is that groups of wolves dissappear from their pack each night and come back smelling like blood. But the alpha knows vert well that the young wolves are being trained to become Raiders. Raiders are a rank only in his pack, and their name explains what their job is; to take over other packs.

So the ranks would be alphas, betas, raiders (instead of pack members) (Raiders can be assigned to train a certain young wolf, like mentors in the warriors books.) Raiders-in-training(basically apprentices. These are the wolves being trained, and are all teen-age-ish.)))


6:39pm Sep 22 2011

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(( That is sooooo awesome! Really, that is. We should make another one, yeah. ))

Haji growled lowly and leapt onto Amburus, and pinned him down. He bit at his neck and tried his best not to let go.
Cheza whimpered and left into the forest. She sighed and went for a stop when she was far enough away. She looked up at the sky and mumbled, "Well, there goes my feeling for Amburus."
Koga walked.

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6:51pm Sep 22 2011

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Amburus yelped, and shoved Haji off him, blood pouring out of his neck. He sprinted off into the forest, the opposite way that Cheza had gone. He turned back, a while later, and then was convinced that they weren't chasing him down to kill him. He collapsed onto the ground from blood loss and being tired.
Malu and Curee walked.

(I'll go make a thread.)


7:02pm Sep 22 2011

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Haji watched Amburus walked away and growled at himself. Like he really had to bite the throat. He looked the way Cheza left and sighed. "Pack life is too complicated, anyay..." He mumbled under his breath.
Cheza listened to the growling and snarling come to a stop. She hoped that Amburus and Haji ere both okay, and she just stood up and continued walking, wondering what to do with her life now.
Koga walked.

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7:23pm Sep 22 2011

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(Muahahahaha. I get to use my evil plan I've been wanting to use for weeks now.)
Amburus lay on the ground, waiting for death to take him. But...what came to him wasn't death. It was a group of wolves, the first one a dark and light brown wolf with white markings, with an ugly scar on his neck. The second was a tan and black and white wolf with yellow eyes that seemed eager to kill, and this wolf seemed to be the leader. The third was a dark brown she-wolf with yellow eyes. And she laughed at him, her laugh echoing slightly. The last was a black she-wolf with dark gray on her neck, face, and tail. And
She glared at him, and the dark brown and white wolf turned to her and asked; "What're you gonna do with him, Sediam?"
"I don't know, Ailos." She replied.
"We could take him in." The brown she-wolf said. "I know him, he's a good fighter and-"
"Shut up, Aevra!" Sediam snarled. "You are an omega, you need to keep your mouth shut!"
"-And he's like us." Aevra said, ignoring Sediam's command.
Sediam growled. "What do you think, Rook?"
Rook sighed. "Leave him. He's not worth much, he's almost dead anyway."
"I wonder what happened to him." Ailos said.
"Something stupid, I'm sure." Rook said.
"A fight?" Aevra suggested.
"Well DUH." Rook said.
"Come on, guys, let's get out of here." Sediam said. "We have to find that pack I told you about by midnight, or the raid will be a huge waste of time."
Amburus was lying on the ground, shocked. A raid? What pack? Was it Haji and Lythia and Cheza? If so, he had to warn them. But... the strangest thing of all was that...Sediam, the wolf who was in the pack he'd attacked and gotten his leg broken by, Ailos, a wolf he'd heard had gone rabid, Rook, his alpha, And Aevra, the insane murderer...Sediam was their leader somehow, and they were all alive.



8:48pm Sep 22 2011

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( Sorry I took so long. Just went through a terrible loss... )

Cheza padded alongside a stream, trying to figure out if she should go back with Haji and Lythia. She sighed and sat down, flicking her tail.
Haji layed down and sighed. Every noise made him look to see if Amburus came back.
Koga walked.

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10:00pm Sep 22 2011

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(What happened?If you don't want to tell me, you don't have to.)

Lythia whimpered. The spot where she'd gotten bit had really hurt.

Amburus watched the groupof wolves walk away. He had to warn his pack, whether they would belive him or not. He pulled himself to his feet and slowly went toward where Haji and Lythia were. When he got there he sat down, exhausted. "They...they're coming. All of them." He panted.

Malu saw that they'd gotten back to Neveah and Gangvar, Toboe and Karma.

Curee was panting.


12:39pm Sep 23 2011 (last edited on 12:40pm Sep 23 2011)

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(( My kitten died. He as only 2 months :( And during that time me and him became really, really close . I've become very depressed latley. ))
Haji glared at Amburus, wondering what he was talking about and weather or not to believe him. "Who are they?" He snarled.
Cheza looked back where Haji was, and decided it would be best to make sure everyone was okay. She padded sadly over to them, and saw that they were all there. Her eyes widened when she saw Amburus's condition, but she stayed in the bushes to watch and see what was going on.
Neveah walked lazily out of her den and watched Malu, Curee and Koga come back. She faintly smiled as she stretched and watched them approach. "Hello." She barked. "Where were you?"

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4:41pm Sep 23 2011

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(D: That's really sad! I'm sorry.)
"Sediam, Rook, Aevra...Ailos...All of them. They said something about a raid...I've got to go warn that other pack that lives in the forest." He tried to get up,but fellback down again.

"...I'll go instead." Lythia said. "The rest of you stay here,and watch Amburus." She paused, then looked at Hajiand repeated "Stay here." And then ran off toward the other territory.

"Going for a walk." Malusaid. "Is it alright if I stay with your pack for a while to make sure Koga heals?"

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