8:40pm Sep 23 2011
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(( It's okay. Sorry If I'm not on as much as I'm used to, but I should be back to normal in a few days. :) )) Haji stared at Amburus in confusion. "Ailos? That's impossible." He said in disbelief. "He's dead." Cheza's eyes widened at the name of Sediam. The wolf she was friends with. On a raid? She whimpered and emerged from the bushes. "Sediam?" She whimpered. ~ Neveah smiled. "Sure. Whatever is best for Koga." She looked over to Koga with a soft look in her eyes. Toboe woke up with a start and darted out of the den to see his mother, Koga, Malu and Curee. "Hello!" He barked, wagging his tail but his eyes still droopy from sleeping.
4:16pm Sep 26 2011 (last edited on 4:17pm Sep 26 2011)
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(( Bump ))
5:40pm Sep 28 2011
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(( Bump ))
1:10am Sep 29 2011
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(sorry I took so long to reply.)
Amburus shook his head. "I thought so too." He said. "But I've got to go warn that other pack." Amburus said.
"You shouldn't." Lythia said. "You're bleeding too badly. I'll go instead."
"...Alright." Amburus said.
Lythia sprinted off into the woods and toward the territory of the other pack.
"Hello, pup." Curee said.
4:05pm Sep 29 2011
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(( It's fine )) Haji tried to comprehend why Ailos was still alive. He cringed when he thought of zombie wolves.(Lol.) He turned to Cheza and then Amburus. He snarled and walked off, and paced back and forth. He sighed and looked over to Ailos. "... Sorry..." He said. He hated to apoligize, and he hesitated. "Sorry for doing that to you." He was staring at Amburus's wounds. ~ Cheza stared at Haji and laid her ears back. She looked at Amburus's wounds and cringed. "Wow..." She mumbled. ~ Toboe smiled and laughed. "My name isn't pup. I'm Toboe!" He barked. ~ Neveah smiled down at her pup and shined her eyes into the den. She should talk to Gangvar about Malu staying. "Gangvar?" She barked.
10:29pm Sep 29 2011
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"It's alright." Amburus said. "It looks worse than it feels." That was a lie. It hurt like hell, but Amburus didn't want to say anything about it.
"Sorry then, Toboe." Curee said, laughing a little bit.
Gangvar turned toward Neveah. "What?"
Lythia was sprinting. She quickly was in Gangvar and Neveah's Pack's territory. She spotted the wolves, and ran to them. "Alpha Gangvar, Alphess Neveah," She panted, looking up at Neveah and Gangvar, "I need to speak with you."
7:50pm Sep 30 2011
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Haji sighed and looked at the sky, and it was a pink-ish color because of the sunrise. He let out a loud, quick snarl. "Being a loner was so much easier than this..." He growled. "Why is there always trouble wherever we go?" ~ Cheza frowned at Haji, and said, "It's okay, Haji." She sighed. "But we can get through this as a pack, right?" She asked, her tail flicking and her pale brown eyes looking at her alpha. ~ (( Pfft. I forgot about Crow. Let's just say he went with his crow family for now to be reunited with them, haha. He might come back when they need them... Lolz. )) ~ Neveah didn't tell Gangvar what she wanted to say, but she turned to the female and stared at her. "Um..." She said, walking up to the she-wolf. "What is it?" Her tail was high with alarm when she recognized this wolf from one of the pack raids. ~ Toboe smiled at Curee and directed his attention to the strange female.
4:25pm Oct 1 2011
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"All of the wolves we had believed were dead are alive." Lythia said. "Rook, Aevra, Ailos...Sediam..." She paused
Curee turned to Koga. "...Sediam? ...That's the name you were writing in the dirt...wasn't it?"
"...And they're planning to raid one pack. It's either your pack or mine, I do not know which, but I think that it would be wise for our two packs to join together so that we survive the raid. I haven't yet asked my mate if this is okay, but if we stay seperate we're as good as dead." Lythia finished, trying to sound as formal as possible, and waited for the alphas to respond.
"I agree with your idea, but if the packs would join together, which wolves would be alpha? Me and Neveah or You and Haji?"
"We could have four alphas." Lythia said.
"...Neveah?" Gangvar turned to his mate. "What do you think?"
Amburus was silent.
6:18pm Oct 1 2011
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Koga stared at the Curee with wide eyes. "Yeah..." He whimpered. "But she can't still be alive, can she?" ~ Neveah turned to Gangvar and back to the other alpha. "Okay, it'll be best for all of us." She sighed. "But I hope it can work out with 4 alphas..." ~ Haji shrugged and looked in the direction where Lythia went. "Where is she?" He mumbled. A little bit louder, he said, "Maybe we should follow her, to make sure she's okay..." ~ Cheza looked where her alpha stared and said, "Okay... maybe we should." She turned to Amburus. "Can you walk?" She asked, tilting her head.
7:28pm Oct 1 2011
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Amburus nodded and stood up. He started walking in the direction Lythia had gone.
Curee thought for a moment. "Did you ever see her actual dead body, Koga?" He asked.
Lythia howled for her pack to come so she could tell them what was going on.
4:27pm Oct 3 2011
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Cheza smiled when she saw Amburus get up, and perked her ears when she heard Lythia's howl. She broke into a trot with Haji following right behind her. ~ Haji walked behind Cheza, but went faster to see what Lythia wanted, so he was in frront of Cheza now. ~ Koga laid his ears back and said, "Well... No. Not really. But when she went missing... I..." He sighed. "The night before she was gone, she promised to be there by my side when I woke up. And she wasn't. So I guessed that she didn't want me to see her dead." He thought for a moment. "But even if she didn't die, why would she just leave me like that?"
5:43pm Oct 3 2011
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Amburus followed Cheza and Haji.
"Maybe she thought she was gonna die." Curee said.
Malu sighed. "It sounds like we're going to have to fight her, Koga."
"Show us where to go, Sediam." Rook growled.
"No." Sediam said
"Show us where to go or I'll reopen that nasty little scar that Aevra put onto your neck."
Sediam sighed and lead the way.
"So, Sediam, why did you refuse my orders for a moment? You know the deal- You lead us to the pack and we let you live."
"..Fine. But I swear, if a fang touches Koga I'll rip your throat out."
"You're horribly outnumbered, you know that?" Ailos said, laughing a little bit.
"I don't care." Sediam said.
"Wait." Came Aevra's voice. "Koga as in the serial killer? That 'Koga?'"
"...He's different now." Sediam growled as she walked.
"I've heard of him. He tried to kill me, actually. I've heard he slaughtered any wolf who crossed his path. Anyone who was weak enough to not be able to defend themselves."
"Well, he didn't slaughter me." Sediam said.
"That wolf sounds like he likes to kill other wolves. " Rook said. "And if that's true, he could be very useful to us."

5:51pm Oct 3 2011
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Koga shot a glare at Malu, but sighed. "I... I can't hurt her." He whimpered. ~ Haji arrived with Amburus and Cheza following. He padded up next to Lythia and Cheza as next to Haji. Haji stared at the alphas for a moment, and to his mate. ~ Cheza waited for someone to speak up. ~ Crow flew along the trees, looking for food for his family. He saw a pack of badly scarred wolves. He narrowed his eyes and saw a familiar shape: The shape of a wolf... that was strangley familiar to him. That rabid wolf? He narrowed his eyes more and relized... That was the wolf... But how? He flew lower until he as just above the trees to hear their conversation. ~ Neveah nodded to the other pack's male alpha when he arrived. ~ Toboe whimpered.He turned back to his father. "Wolves are coming here to hurt us?"
6:06pm Oct 3 2011
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( Crow's back! :DDDDD)
Malu only had one thought when Koga said he couldn't hurt Sediam. But he could hurt me, she thought, couldn't he?"Then she'll hurt you." Malu said.
Lythia spoke up. "Haji, we are joining these wolves so that we can protect ourselves when the raid comes. All four alphas will remain alphas."
Ailos looked up and saw crow, but didn't realize that it was the particular bird that had been in his former pack. "Filthy scavenger." He muttered, then kept following his packmates.
"Are we almost there, Sediam?" Ailos asked.
"...Yes." She said.
"I'm afraid so, brother." Karma said.
6:15pm Oct 3 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Yeah that smexay crow is back to help xD ))
Koga softened his glare and looked down at his paws. "If I have to protect you guys... then..." He looked at Neveah and Gangvar. "Then I will." ~ Haji knew it would be best for all of these wolves, so he nodded. "Okay then." He sighed. "Who's territory will we stay at?" He asked. He smiled and said, "This one is pretty awesome. My pack has to sleep in trees..." ~ Toboe looked at his sister and frowned. "Karma, I will kill a wolf that ever does this to you!" He pinned his sister to the ground and playfully bit her neck. ~ Crow noticed Ailos look up at his, but he didn't care. All crows look alike. He wouldn't notice him from a distance. ~ Neveah smiled when Haji agreed with their decision. "Yeah. You guys better stay here with us." She said, but confused when Haji said that he and his pack have to sleep in trees...
7:01pm Oct 3 2011
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Malu nodded. "...I...I will too." She said.
"We should stay here." Gangvar said.
Karma laughed and knocked him off of her.
"We're here." Sediam whimpered quietly. The wolves remained in the shadows where they couldn't be seen.
4:53pm Oct 4 2011
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Koga sniffed the air and laid his ears back, smelling the scent of wolves. He lowered his head and padded into his den until Sediam and the other wolves decide to attack. He stared at the outside for any signs of unfamiliar wolves, her eyes tearing up, but his heart beating out of his chest in exitement to see Sediam. He wasn't all that sure wheather to be happy or scared for seeing her again. Maybe it's a wolf that looks like Sediam. He thought, but he was full of doubt on that. He sighed and kept his eyes on the outside. ~ Toboe smiled and stood up, and watched Koga slowly pad into his den. He laid his ears back and sat down quietly. "Dad?" He asked. "I get to fight too, right?" ~ Crow saw that the wolves had stopped, and he looked around to see Haji, Lythia, Cheza and Amburus with some other wolves. He looked down at the wolves below him, wondering what was going on. But he soon realized what they were going to do. ~ Neveah sat down and shook her head in disgust. "Sediam..." She said. "She wouldn't hurt us." She sighed. "I hope." ~ Cheza frowned when she heard what Neveah muttered to herself.

4:44pm Oct 5 2011
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"No, Toboe." Gangvar said. "You're too young to fight. Go into the den and take your sister with you."
"I hope so too," Curee said to Neveah.
"Now." Rook commanded, and the wolves sprinted toward Haji and Lythia and Gangvar and Neveah's Packs. Except Sediam.
Rook stopped and turned around to look at her. "I said NOW."
"I can't."
"Go, or I'll kill them all." Rook snarled.
Sediam ran out too, snarling. She went toward Koga- hoping that he would forgive her if she had to attack him.
5:18pm Oct 5 2011
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Koga leapt out of his den with a furious snarl at Sediam. He hesitated to hurt her, and he sighed and stopped snarling, not caring if Sediam hurt him. He looked at Rook and snarled, and turned away from Sediam and pinned him to the ground. He glared at the wolf with chocolatley brown eyes, waiting for the wolf to try and hurt him. ~ Neveah gasped as the wolves charged out, and pushed her ups into the den with her paws. She turned back and snarled, her lip curled, showing her teeth, waiting for one of the wolves to hurt any of these wolves. ~ Toboe rolled into the den and went to a sudden stop. He stared out at the wolves, his mouth gaped open in horror as the unfamiliar wolves charged at his pack. He looked over to Karma, whimpering. He started to wonder why Sediam wants her hurt us. He cowered to the back of the den onto his grass bed, shaking in fear. ~ Crow saw the wolves attack, and it seems like Haji, Lythia and the packs knew this was going to happen. They didn't seem surprised at all. He flew into the area and onto Ailos's back, pecking at his head as hard as he can. ~ (( I just remembered that Lythia is pregnant... )) Haji saw Crow fly into the scene to help, and faintly smiled. The smiled quickly faded away as her started to snarl and run in front of Lythia. ~ Cheza's tail went between her legs as the wolves charged into the scene. She snarled lowly, not wanting at all to fight. But she will, for everyone.

5:43pm Oct 5 2011
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Aevra noticed the pups. The first one (Toboe) had gotten into a den, but the second wasn't quite there yet. She grabbed Karma, pulling her back and away from where she was trying to run.
"TOBOE!" Karma shreiked.
Rook snarled but remembered that part of the deal was that he couldn't hurt Koga. "Sediam.." He growled,"...Deal with him."
Sediam laid her ears back, but snarled and ran at Koga. She bit his leg, then tackled him. She didn't want to hurt him, but at that moment she happened to remember: Koga has killed so many wolves. She paused and looked at him, then opened her jaws and started to close them on Koga's neck.
"DON'T!" Came a snarl from across the camp. It was Malu. She sprinted, letting all her fear go. Normaly she would be tooscared to move. She knocked Sediam off of Koga and into the dirt before she could bite himhard enough to kill him.
Ailos snarled and tried to bite Crow, but couldn't.
Rook turned and saw Cheza, smiled evilly and started to come toward her.