5:57pm Oct 5 2011
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Koga stood up in an instant, seeing that Malu is helping him. It hurts him to see her hurt Sediam, but she tried to hurt him. His neck bled, but not very much. He didn't care, though. He was scared for Malu and Sediam's saftey. He sprinted to Malu's side and snarled at Sediam, but not making a move on attempting to hurt her. But is Sediam did anything to hurt Malu... He wouldn't want to live with his self if he just stood by, watching his first love kill his... true love...? ~ Toboe let out a loud yelp when his sister was pulled away. He might not be strong, because he was a pup, but he was smaller and quicker than an adult. He sprinted out of the den and jumped onto Aevra's neck, biting it with his small, but sharp teeth. He layed down on top of her neck and bit down as hard as he can, so it would be quite hard to take the pup off of herself. ~ Crow continued to irritate Ailos. ~ Cheza saw the wolf come toward her, and her cowardlyness turned to courage. He tail stuck straight up and she snarled. She ran up to Rook and scratched him across the face with her claws, snarling feriously.

6:52pm Oct 6 2011
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Sediam snarled and tackled Malu instead of Koga. She bit Malu's ear, and Malu yelped, but the white wolf threw Sediam off of her.
Malu stood inbetween Koga and Sediam for a moment, then Sediam attacked again, this time grabbing Malu by the neck, Malu falling to the ground and Sediam letting her go.
Sediam turned to Koga, growling.
Aevra laid down and rolled over onto her back in an attempt to crush the pup who was biting her.
Ailos bit up at Crow again, this time catching the bird's wing between his teeth.
Rook winced, but snarled after a few seconds. "You'll pay for that!" He snarled, and Bit Cheza's ear.
4:47pm Oct 7 2011
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Koga glared at Sediam and snarled. He was at a loss for words, and he wanted to tell her that he still loved her, but the words never came out. Instead, he hit her with one massive paw on her shoulder. He didn't want to do that, and he didn't even try, but it just happened. He turned away quickly, too disgusted to look at her, and walked to Malu's side. "Are you okay?" He whimpered. ~ Tobow whimpered as the wolf rolled, but jumped off her back just in time. He saw this as a chance, and he ran to Karma and yanked her out of Aevra's grasp, and pushed his sister hard enough for her to fell fully into the den. He ran in after her, and stopped to look at Aevra from the den. ~ Haji saw Ailos with Crow in his mouth, and he sprinted over to them and knocked over Ailos. ~ Crow attempted to get out of the wolf's mouth and flew onto Haji's back, bleeding behind his feathers. ~ Cheza whimpered and yanked her ear out of Rook's jaws. It bled very rapidly, the blood rolling down her face. He jumped onto Rook and locked her jaws on his front paw, shaking rapidly back and forth.

10:21am Oct 9 2011
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Malu stood up. "..Yeah." She said.
Sediam snarled at Koga, and bit his hind leg.
Aevra growled at the pups, but didn't even attempt to enter the den. It would- in her opinion- just be a waste of her time.
Ailos growled, and got up, then knocked Haji down.
Rook snarled and whacked her with the paw that wasn't in Cheza's mouth.
10:29am Oct 9 2011
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Koga clenched his teeth when Sediam bit his leg, and he turned around and knocked her down, and scratched her in the face with his paw. He no didn't care that he still loved her, because he was more worried about Malu then Sediam. Grief still filled his eyes, but he replaced that with his power to hurt Sediam. ~ Toboe saw that the wolf wasn't going to come back, and he walked over to his sister. "Karma, are you okay?" He whimpered. ~ Haji snarled and bit at Ailos's neck, but only a quick, but hard bite. ~ Crow flew onto Ailos and pecked him, harder, this time, in between his eyes. ~ Cheza felt the pain of Rook's paw, but kept her jaws locked on his paw, determined to give him no mercy.
10:49am Oct 9 2011
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Ailos threw Haji and Crow off him as the scar on his neck was ripped back open when Haji bit him. He quickly lost blood, fell down, and died. Died for good. Died to the point where he was so dead that Kupa wouldn't even try to make him come back and confuse Demon again. (Lol.)
"Yeah." Karma said. "I'm pretty sure she was trying to kidnap me, not kill me."
Rook growled and bit Cheza's face.
Amburus snarled, and ran into the fight, biting Rook's tail.
Sediam winced, and snarled up at Koga. "Don't you love me anymore?" She growled.
11:07am Oct 9 2011
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(( Lolness )) Koga stopped growling and sighed. "I honestly don't know anymore, Sediam. You left me, and made me think you were dead. I thought that the first wolf I ever loved was gone for good. That tore me up inside. Now that you are going against me... I just don't know anymore." He said sadly. ~ Toboe smiled. "Well..." he said. He tried to cheer her up. "I told you I would hurt anyone who tried to hurt my sister!" He smiled. ~ Haji got off of Ailos's body, and growled, looked back at the others. Amburus was helping Cheza with a wolf. Lythia was fine. He saw Koga with Sediam, and wondered why he didn't attack. He stared at them and watched. ~ Cheza winced, but kept her jaws locked on his paw, and bit down even harder, trying to get rid of the pain. ~ Crow flew onto Haji's back with out a word
7:57pm Oct 11 2011
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(Sorry I took so long to reply. To make up for it I typed up an awesome post XD)
Sediam snarled. "Koga, these wolves said I had to participate in this raid, or they'd kill me. I disagreed, until they promised not to hurt YOU. I did this for you, Koga, and...I wasn't with them. Not before, anyway. I did this because I loved you, but the fact that you'd leave me this easily...I don't trust you anymore!" She paused, a single tear falling from her face as she said; "...And...I don't love you anymore."
"Thanks, Toboe." Karma said, smiling. She sat down, leaning against the back of the den in case that dark colored laughing she-wolf decided to return. "That wolf was really freaky, you know." She said.
Rook growled, and finally managed to rip his foot out of Cheza's mouth. He turned to Amburus. "You're nothing but a worthless traitor." He snarled.
Amburus looked at Cheza for a moment, wanting to ask her if she agreed with Rook.
(Hmmm....I'll add to the drama XD)
Lythia watched the fight. She couldn't fight, because she was pregnant and knew that she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she got her and Haji's pups hurt. Normally, she'd be beating the living hell out of all these wolves, but she couldn't, and it sorta sucked. She couldn't fight and just had to watch her packmates get hurt. She suddenly felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She growled. This was just her luck. Worst. Timing. Ever. Everyone was in the middle of this battle, and one wolf had been killed- luckily the dead wolf was from the rival side, mut still, it was Ailos, and she'd known him- and Lythia was pretty sure that her puppies were coming. She winced. "Haji!" She barked.

8:36pm Oct 11 2011
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(( Awesomeness, Kupa xD )) Koga stared at her, and looked shocked. He didn't know what do say. "But..." He whimpered. "It's not my fault the way I grew up! You know what happened in my past, you knew I was never loved until you showed up. Do you think it's that easy for me?" He sighed, and said, "I can't trust or be trusted by other wolves. I'm sorry that I 'left' you that easily.... It's not like I wanted to..." ~ Haji perked his ears and ran to Lythia. He just had to take one quick glance at her and he knew what was happening. His eyes widened in shock as he thought, Perfect timing! He looked around for someone to help him. He saw that everyone was busy, and he delacatley lifted Lythia onto his back and looked over at Cheza, and then Amburus, and ran into the woods with Lythia on his back. ~ Cheza got furious with Rook and walked up in front of him. She wondered why Amburus was a traitor. "He is NOT worthless. You're pretty worthless, seeing that you and those other mutts are on a killing spree!" She snarled, whacking Rook across the muzzle with her paw. ~ Toboe went to the back of the den next to his sister, looking outside at the fight. "Yeah. Scary. She is soooooo ucky I didn't rip her head off, because I could." ~ Crow flew behind Haji and Lythia.

7:24am Oct 12 2011
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(Crow is a stalker XD)
Sediam snarled. "I found out the wolf I loved was a horrible murderer! Do you think THAT was easy for ME?" She looked away from him, and at Malu, then back at Koga. "...And...and who's this?" She turned to Malu. "As soon as you think I'm gone you fall in love with another wolf?"
Lythia growled. "Haji, I'm pregnant, not parylyzed.(lol) You don't have to carry me around like a pup, I can walk."
Rook wasn't shaken at all by the insult, he just sighed. "And don't you know why?" He simply asked.
Amburus knew why, and he knew it wouldn't be something Cheza was going to want to hear, because the whole cause of the problem lived in their pack, and it wasn't even Amburus. He just hoped that Rook decided not to tell her.
Karma sighed. "Yeah." She said.
2:31pm Oct 12 2011
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Haji rolled his eyes, annoyed but worried. "Well, it would be a little easier than just walking by yourself, with pups about to be born." He sighed. He continued to run, but stopped behind a bush and set Lythia down. He set a worried look on her. ~ Koga set a fierce glare on Sediam. "I wish I wasn't like that Sediam. I could have stopped any time I wanted to. It's hard to watch my parents kill. And they teach me how to kill." He paused and sighed, and his tone got softer. "It wasn't any of your business anyway. You begged me to tell you, and I knew that eventually we would end up like this." He said, looking around at the blood covered area. He looked over at Malu, and said, "And I'm not in love with her." But he wasn't sure if that was true. "I honestly don't want to love anyone anymore... seeing that we ended up like this." He looked back at Sediam, with his ears layed back. ~ She stared at Rook, and then looked at Amburus, and back at Rook. She wanted to ask why. She hesitated, but said, "I kind of want to know why your like this..." ~ Neveah snuck into the den to check on the pups. "Are you guys okay?" She whimpered. Toboe jumped up and said, "That scary she-wolf tried to kidnap Karma!" Neveah's eyes widened, and she looked at Aevra. "Oh really...?" She mumbled to herself. She growled and said, "You two stay in here, and call me over when one of the wolves ever tries to do that to you." She padded outsde and glared at Aevra, but didn't attack yet.

5:56pm Oct 12 2011
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"I'll be fine. Go back and protect the others. They need a leader." Lythia said.
Malu was behind Koga, so thankfully he probably wouldn't see the heartbroken ex pression on her face. She slowly crept away, quietly enough that no one heard her. Either that, or no one cared enough to say anything. As soon as she couldn't see the battle anymore, Malu ran off like a coward. Like the coward she truly was. She had no reason to stay, no reason to go back. No reason to live, now that she thought of it. But suicide was a horrible thing. She wasn't going to kill herself, because one of the many things she was afraid of was death.
Sediam growled, then chuckled slightly. "Oh, now look what you've done, Koga. You've broken that little snowy-colored wolf's heart. She's gone."
Amburus sighed. "I used to be part of a much bigger pack. My sister was there, too, her name was Jira. The Beta of the pack, Thalios, killed my sister, and I tried to stop the bleeding. I was so panicked, trying to save her, that I didn't notice anything else in the world- not even Thalios's escape. The alpha saw my sister's blood on me and banished me from the pack. I later found Rook and Aevra as a couple of starving loners, and I'd planned to track down Thalios and get my revenge on him. But Aevra and Rook just...overpowered me. They made Rook the leader, and both threatened to kill me if I tried to fight back. So I listened to them, and...I became a monster."
Aevra curled her lip, as if she was discusted. "..Uh, Can I help you, Ma'am?" She said, not even laughing, though it was intended to be funny.

4:43pm Oct 14 2011 (last edited on 4:44pm Oct 14 2011)
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(( Sorry I took a while. I was grounded for a day. )) Haji hesitated, but nodded. "I'll be back, don't leave from this spot, unless you really need to. Be careful." He nuzzled his ate and ran back toward his new territory. ~ Koga looked behind him and saw that Sediam was right, Malu did leave. He laid his ears back and looked over at Sediam. "Thanks for ruining my life. Death might be a little bit easier now." He said sarcastically. He ran past Sediam and the other wolves, and when he was past everyone, he looked around, hoping to see Malu's white coat in the forest, but he saw nothing. He whimpered but knew he couldn't just abandon his pack like that. He would go looking for Malu at night. He sighed and turned back around to the bloody arena where many wolves fought for who knows what. He padded back and, even though Sediam didn't love him anymore, he still couldn't hurt her. He looked around to see if any of his pack mates needed any help. ~ Neveah glared harder at Aevra. Being the little goody-too-shoes wolf she was, she was going to say things easy. "Well..." She growled, padding up to Aevra. "You could help my by getting you and your other dogs out of here. And..." She stopped for a dramatic pause, "Don't even think about laying your paws on my pups ever again." She jumped onto Aevra and bit down on her throat, but not hard, just hard enough that it would be hard to get her jaws unlocked. ~ Cheza laid her ears back while Amburus explained. She wasn't mad at Amburus, not at all, but more mad at Rook and Aevra for doing that to him. She turned over to Rook and glared at him, trying to figure out whether to talk or knock the sense out of him. But all she said was, "Why?" ~ Crow mouthed, "Good luck," to Lythia, and flew high into the air and above Haji.

8:30pm Oct 14 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(I'm not gonna rp a birth scene so I'm skipping Lythia for now.)
Sediam growled.
I should've known better than to trust pack wolves. Malu thought, running. They only break your heart. She kept running. She wanted to be anywhere except here. She reached a cliff, looked down, then howled a long, lonely howl in her beautiful voice.
Aevra tried to push Neveah off her, but couldn't.
"Because it's easy," Rook said, chuckling.
7:41am Oct 15 2011
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Haji arrived at the bloody arena and looked around. Neveah was fighting the other she-wolf, and it looked like Neveah was the dominant one, for now. He sighed, and looked around again, hoping to find someone to help. ~ Koga stared over at Sediam for a few seconds, and then at everyone else. He saw a dead body quite far away and cringed. He remembered about his past, and started to imagine himself in Sediam's situation, discovering that his love used to be a murderer. He sighed and layed his ears back, and stared into space, thinking about all the good and bad times he had with Sediam. He quickly stopped day dreaming and snarled, looking around. Sediam was the only one who wasn't fighting. And so was he. But his mind keeps drifting off every time he thinks about Malu. ~ Cheza glared at Rook, and stared at him. "Unless you and your remaining pack want to end up like that," She pointed her muzzle at Ailos's dead body. "I suggest you leave, and take those dogs with you, now." ~ Neveah saw that she had the upper hand, and she let go of Aevra, but still held her down. She didn't want to kill, no, she was too sweet for that kind of thing. She would just... make someone suffer to the point of mercy. In her angriest voice, she growled, "Get out, now."

3:16pm Oct 17 2011
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Sediam turned, seeing that Ailos was dead. It should've been Koga who died, she thought.
Rook rolled his eyes. Then, suddenly, he bit Amburus's face, and Amburus yelped and fell to the ground, not dead, but still in pain. "Now, I think you and the rest of your mutts should probably leave-" He paused, stepping on Amburus's neck, threatening to kill him-" We wouldn't want anyone else to get hurt, now would we?"
Aevra snarled. "And leave while you kill the rest of my pack?" Aevra threw Neveah off her and stood up. "Never."
4:23pm Oct 17 2011
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Koga glared hard at Sediam, but then back at the forest. He had to go find Malu, now. He slowly crept away from everyone and dashed into the forest, looking for Malu.I hope no one's gonna be mad at me... he thought to himself as he padded around in the forest. ~ Cheza snarled deepy and pushed Rook off of Amburus, and held him down. "We don't need to listen to you." She growled. "I live here. No one is gonna change that." She paused. "Not even a filthy, self centered mutt like you. Now, for the last time, GET OUT." She clawed Rook across the face, snarling. ~ Haji's tail twitched in anxiety, worried about Lythia and the pups. He wanted to be with his mate in a time like this, not fighting these wolves. He looked around, and saw that a wolf or two, instead of Lythia, were missing. He saw that Malu was gone, and that large male wolf was gone too. He laid his ears back and glared solemnly at every wolf, frustrated with pack life. ~ Neveah glared hard at Aevra. "Then take them with you." She said, as she shook the debris from her pelt.
(( I love how wolves take 'dogs' and 'mutts' as an insult xD ))

4:31pm Oct 17 2011
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Malu was crying, and had stopped howling. She whimpered and trotted aimlessly around the woods, not really sure where she was going. She couldn't understand why this had to happen to her.
Rook snarled and flung her off him, then stood up. "Fine. I'll leave. We all will. But you haven't seen the last of us." He threw back his head, howling a signal that meant to retreat, and his wolves turned and angrily followed him out of their territory.
Gangvar sighed. "Is everyone alright?" He was asking no one in particular.
4:56pm Oct 17 2011
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Cheza watched the wolves go away, and she turned to Gangvar. "I think so..." She said, starting to tremble. She trembled because she realized what just happened, that she stood up for herself and Amburus. She never stood up for herself before. She looked around to see if everyone else was okay. ~ Neveah padded next to her mate and looked around. "Where are the rest?" She said, her ears laid back. Once she realized who were gone, she said it out loud. "Lythia, Malu and Koga." ~ Haji padded over to everyone and said, "Lythia's having her pups..." He suddenly perked his ears up and said, "I have to go see her. I'll be back." He ran into the forest, on his way to where he left Lythia. ~ Koga broke into a trot and smelled the air for any Malu scent. He sighed, and let out a long, breathy howl to let her know he wanted to see her.
5:02pm Oct 17 2011
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Malu heard the howl, but it only made her angry. She broke into a run, sprinting away from it. She didn't want to see him anymore.
Gangvar turned to Neveah. "I kind of wonder...if maybe we should stay with this pack." He paused. "...I mean, look at the battle- without them we could all be dead."
(how many pups should Lythia have? Two, and maybe we could do the opposite of Gangvar and Neveah's litter- you rp the female and I rp the male? If you'd rather do something else just say so.)
(and sorry for the fail.)