5:30pm Oct 17 2011 (last edited on 5:30pm Oct 17 2011)
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(( Yeah, we can have two, and I'll be female, you could be male. )) Neveah nodded slowly. "That would be better for us... If something like this happens ever again." She looked over to the forest, that was just starting to recover from the fire a while ago. Then back at her pack. "Should we go look for Koga and Malu?" She asks, laying her ears back. ~ Haji continued to run, and came to a quick stop when he saw Lythia. He smiled and padded up to her. "Are you okay?" ~ Koga whimpered when he heard no response to his howl, but his whimper couldn't be heard, because of a crash of thunder. A storm was coming, and it would be here soon. He attempted another howl, but didn't expect a response. His howl clearly said, Please, I REALLY need to talk to you...
4:44pm Oct 18 2011 (last edited on 4:46pm Oct 18 2011)
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Malu heard the howl, and could tell it was actually close to where she was. She was so aqngry and upset, but still, she howled back,the howl simply saying 'I'm here.' So that Koga could find her.
Gangvar shook his head. "No. They both ran off, and I'm sure that they'll be back. But we should wait until the other pack's alphas get back to ask if they'd like to join the two packs together."
Lythia nodded and smiled at Haji, then looked down at the puppies- three of them (yes, I meant to say three, I've decided to play two males.)- two males and a female. The larger male puppy was dark gray and white, probably getting the dark colors from Haji and the gray from Lythia. Her smile faded as she nudged the smaller male puppy toward her mate. The puppy was dark brown, brown, and tan, and looked similar to Haji. "Haji, this one has something wrong with it, I don't think he's going to live. I think he's sick, and we can't have him around other puppies. Other wolves, for that matter. I...I don't know what to do."

5:43pm Oct 18 2011
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Haji frowned and looked down at the small male. "He does look pretty sick..." He whimpered. He looked at Lythia and said, "But... I'm willing to take my chances with him... He will just have to be separated from the other pups for a while. I don't think he could get us sick, or any of the others. We just have to keep him away from Gangvar's pups... and ours." He started to think for a minute. "Maybe these two pups and this one can take turns with the milk." He was desperate to keep all of his pups. He wasn't about to let this one down. His thoughts were interrupted by something nudging his front paw. He looked down and saw a female pup... That looked much like Lythia. The same coat color, although her head took the same shape and color as Haji's. She was an unusual looking pup, at that... She had an unusually short tail, half the size it should be, if that. Besides that, she looked pretty healthy. Haji looked back at Lythia with a smile and said, "What do you think? Should we keep this pup?" He looked down at the sick pup. (( So, basically, Haji is trying to say that the sick pup could take turns having some milk, but be separated from the other pups. If you have something else in mind, let it out. :3 And, I will go work on how my pup looks now. )) ~ Koga heard the howl and sprinted toward the sound. He almost ran into her and stumbled back when he reached Malu. He stared sadly at her and said, "Sorry... I..." He whimpered. "I didn't know..." He opened his mouth to say, I love you, but nothing came out, because he was way too nervous. He only said that two times in his life... to Sediam, and to his father, but he didn't mean it, because he only said it so his father wouldn't hit him again. he sighed and sat down, wrapping his tail around his legs. He looked up at Malu, this time straight in the eyes, so maybe she could see that he really did care about her, but see through his eyes. ~ Neveah nodded. "Okay..." She sighed, looking back at the forest where Haji left.

4:41pm Oct 19 2011
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Lythia sighed. "Haji, I want to keep him just as much as you do, but he could spread whatever is wrong with him to the other pups and kill them, and I won't risk it. I'm sorry, Haji, but you need to take him into the woods and leave him there." She had tears going down her face at this point. "I'm sorry."
Malu growled. "Did you really think," She snarled," That if you came and found me that I'd just forgive you? Well, you were wrong! You don't love me. Remember?" She was furious, and heartbroken at the same time. She turned away from him, and without even looking back, she began to walk away. "Goodbye." She snarled,"I hope you're happy now." She broke into a sprint, and after years of running from everything that frightened her, she was an exceptional runner. She ran into the darkness of the woods and looked back, too far away to be able to see Koga any more.
6:38pm Oct 19 2011
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Koga stared at where Malu left, and said, "Wait!" and he broke into a sprint. When she was close enough to where he can just see her, he shouted, "I know you wouldn't forgive me." He padded up closer until they were a few paw steps away from each other. "And I only said that... because I'm not used to being loved. And... It's really hard... If you knew what kind of life I had when I was a pup, you would see how losing my first love... Sediam... would really tear me up inside. I was never loved - no, actually, I was hated until Sediam showed up." He sighed, "And... I do love you. Really, I do, you pretty much saved my life after that fire. It's just hard for me to..." He sighed again, feeling awkward, "express my feelings." He realized that he was talking too much, and snarled lowly, quietly to himself, so he would be the only one to probably hear, "My life is so... messed up." ~ Haji looked sadly at the pup, and nodded, tears starting to run down his face, too. "Okay..." His voice was raspy as he talked. He picked up the pup and started to walk off. He looked back and said, "I'll be back." He padded farther into the woods, and set the pup down. He stared at the pup. He looked so much like him. He sighed glumly and set the pup under a bush. "Sorry... I love you." He whispered as he nuzzled the pup gently before heading back to Lythia.

5:46pm Oct 20 2011
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Malu thought for a moment. "I understand. But life in the pack isn't for me, and you need to stay with your pack. They need you. I'm sorry, Koga." She said, turning away from him "But you aren't going to change my mind. Goodbye." She began to walk away.
The pup was so confused. It was cold now, and something seemed to have left him. He let out a whimper, hoping someone would take him back to the warmer place. He curled up into a ball, but that didn't do much to keep him warm. He couldn't see or hear yet, but he didn't know of anything different.
Lythia looked down at the pups as she waited for Haji to come back.
5:57pm Oct 20 2011
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Koga watched her walk away, not knowing what to do to bring her back. "But..." He whimpered. "Your gonna leave me? Just like everyone else?" He tried to fight tears back, but the thought of losing another wolf he loved was unbearable. ~ Haji trotted through the bushes, wanting to go back to the pup and bring him back to health. He knew he could do it. But he... couldn't. He finally reached Lythia, and to get the pup out of his mind before he started to cry, he said, "Well, what about these two? They need names."
(( When I read what the pup was thinking I felt so sad :( ))
6:02pm Oct 20 2011
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"I'm sorry." She said, not even looking back. "I'll come back some day. I...just need some time to think." She sprinted away from him.
"I think that we should name the dark gray pup Cale." She said, smiling. "Do you have any ideas for female names?"
6:06pm Oct 20 2011
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Haji smiled, looking down at the female. "Well... How about Giva?" (Gee-vah) ~ Koga watched Malu run away. He sighed and sat down. I should get back to the pack, He thought. He let out one more, angry sigh and he glumly started to walk back to his territory, his ears laid back and his tail low.
6:26pm Oct 20 2011
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Malu stopped running when she was sure Koga wasn't following. She heard something move, just barely, and turned her head. There was something brown underneath a nearby bush, and she padded over to see what it was. It was a pup- barely an hour old. And obviously cruelly abandoned. She sighed, and picked up the pup, looking around to see if someone would come back for it. Nothing. She carried the pup as she walked through the woods, knowing that since she had it with her she would have to find a place to stay for a while.
"Giva sounds perfect." Lythia said, her voice barely above a whisper. She nuzzled Haji. Cale and Giva, she thought. Their names were so perfect. They were both perfect in her eyes. She couldn't help but notice Giva's unusual short tail, but Lythia didn't see it as a bad thing. It was unique, in her opinion, and at least the pup was healthy.
6:37pm Oct 20 2011
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Haji nuzzled his mate back, and said, "We should bring them back to everyone else. I bet that the alphas will offer us to stay in one of the dens with the pups." Giva started to wander off, and she was shivering. He pushed her against his own paw and she curled up around his paw, her shaking gradually starting to stop. ~ Koga finally arrived to the others, and he stood next to Neveah, not saying a word. ~ Neveah saw the sad look on Koga's face, and looked back at Gangvar, confused and worried. ~ Toboe went into a crouching position. He set his eyes on the thing that waved back and forth. The furry thing. He narrowed his eyes into slits and attacked the fluffy thing, that stopped moving as he pounced on it. ~ Cheza let out a small yelp, and looked back to see Toboe on her tail, attacking it. She tilted her head to the side and smiled, ignoring the small pain from the pup's sharp teeth.
11:12pm Oct 20 2011
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Lythia nodded, and picked up Cale. She started walking to the rest of the pack, assuming Haji would come with. She wondered how long that little brown pup would last alone in the forest, the one she'd told Haji to leave in the woods. She wondered if the pup was even still alive, or if something had already killed it. She sighed, and looked back to see if Haji was following her with Giva.
Curee padded nervously over to Koga. "...What happened?" He asked, hoping Koga wouldn't get angry at him for asking. "Where's Malu?" He was in a submissive stance, not sure if his friend was in a bad enough mood to bite him of not. He hoped he wasn't.
Gangvar looked at Neveah, not saying a word. Koga looked like he needed some time to himself, as much as Gangvar did dislike the wolf, because he thought he'd put Karma and Toboe in danger. Karma and Toboe had, however, been very good with staying out of trouble so far. Most wolf puppies wandered off all the time and got themselves killed.
Karma sat back, watching Toboe pounce on Cheza.

1:14pm Oct 21 2011 (last edited on 1:16pm Oct 21 2011)
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Koga stared blankly at his friend, and sighed and said, "Who knows? By now, she's probably far away enough from me as she wanted to be..." He snarled lowly to himself and padded into his den. He looked back, and said, "But..." He was going to say, she told me she would be back. But he mumbled, "Never mind," quietly to himself and padded into the den. ~ Haji picked up Giva, as she made a loud squealing noise. He started to follow Giva, and started to think about Giva. He can already see the hyperness in her. She would be a troublesome puppy when she's older. He caught up with his mate as Giva began to squeal. ~ Nevevah watched Koga walk away, and laid her ears back. ~ Toboe continued to harass the fluffy, long thing.
4:37pm Oct 21 2011
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Curee laid back his ears. He didn't know what to say to Koga. "...Maybe she had a reason. Other than you. You apologized, right? For saying you...didn't love her?"
Lythia arrived at the camp with Cale in her mouth.
Karma smiled and jumped in, pulling backward on Cheza's tail and yanking a few peices of fur off it.
Gangvar shook his head, then turned to Neveah. "So, Neveah," He said, changing the subject," Maybe we should start naming the areas of the pack's territory? So we know where everything is. Like instead of saying 'the lake' we could say, for example, Silver Lake or something like that."
4:42pm Oct 21 2011
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Koga stopped at the den entrance and looked at Curee. "Well, yeah. Of course I apologized. But I guess that wasn't enough." ~ Neveah nodded. "That would be a good idea." She noticed Haji and Lythia come in with a pup in each of their mouths. ~ Haji arrived and stood next to Lythia, the pup still squirming in his mouth. ~ Cheza barked and rolled onto her back, pawing each pup gently, playfullu with her paw.
(( FAIL. ))
11:34am Oct 23 2011
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(( Bump ))
4:32pm Oct 26 2011
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Curee wasn't sure what to say.
Karma looked at Haji and Lythia with their pups. She padded over to them, sniffing the pup that Haji carried.
Lythia set the pup down.
4:46pm Oct 26 2011
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The world was so dark. Would it be like this her whole life? Giva felt something wet touch her small body. She let out a furious little yelp and clamped her toothless jaws on the wet thing that smelled her. ~ Koga padded into his den and sat down with a sigh. ~ Toboe heard the little puppy yelp and turned around quickly. He ran over to the puppy that made the squeaky noise and stared at her. "Mom, was I like that when I was a young pup?" He asked in disgust. ~ Haji laughed at Toboe's comment, although the vision of the third pup never escaped his mind. ~ Neveah smiled and said, "Yeah. You were." She barked, staring at both of the pups. ~ Cheza sighed silently to herself in relief when the pups went to go investigate the other, younger pups.
11:15pm Oct 30 2011
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Karma yelped. "HAJI! She's biting me!" She snarled.
(so sorry for the fail. D: I'm grounded and I don't have a lot of time to sneak onto the computer.)
3:32pm Oct 31 2011
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(( It's okay ^-^ I understand. I always get grounded, so... c: )) Haji gently picked up Giva in his jaws and held her as if she were an egg... Although she struggled to escape his grasp. ~ Giva snapped at the air... Not like she could see anything, anyway. She gave up after a minute and went silent for a small moment. Then she started to whimper and yelp, wanting out of her father's jaws.