5:50pm Nov 3 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(sorry I took so long, I'm still grounded. DO you want to time-skpi a couple months? We don't really have much to do right now.)
7:47am Nov 5 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( All right. Thats fine ^-^ I'll wait until your un-grounded before I post. ))
8:44pm Nov 7 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(Demon, you should just post. My dad says I'll be lucky to be ungrounded by Christmas.)
7:20pm Nov 8 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Oh. Okay. I'm probably gonna be grounded when my Dad ses my report card, anyway. ))
(Toboe and Karma are a little older now... lets say about 9 months. They are bigger, a lot bigger.)
Toboe woke up and yawned. He picked himself up lazily and padded to the
den entrance. There was fresh dew on the grass, and he looked around to
see if anyone else was awake. He seemed to be the only one awake. He
groaned and padded back into his den. He laid back down next to Karma
and fell back to sleep.
(If it's okay with you, maybe Koga, Gangvar, Neveah, Toboe and Karms can
be in the same den, and the others would be in the other den. If not,
I'll change this.
Koga is still depressed about Malu.)
Koga's eyes fluttered open and he sighed grumpily. He forced himself up
from the rocky bottum of the den and stretched his legs. He padded out
of the den and onto the wet ground. Every morning, he hoped he would see
Malu outside, or beside him when he wakes up. He laid his ears back and
grunted, sort of expecting not to see Malu. He padded over to the lake
for a drink, and when he arrived, he looked over to where him and Sediam
shared one last happy memory together. In the water, splashing each
other with water. He smiled slightly and quietly chuckled, but his
laughter was quickly replaced with a sigh. He bent over to drink water,
staring at his rippled reflection in the water.
Neveah woke up suddenly, after having a weird dream. She had a dream
about Koga, and herself, and Toboe all at the same place, with a
terrified look in each of their eyes. This dream only lasted a few
seconds, and she was bewildered when she woke. She laid her ears back
and laid her head back on her paws, staring outside the den.
(Giva and Cale are a few months - old enough to get into trouble and such.) Giva woke in an instant and stood up. She didn't know why she woke up so fast, so easily. She looked around and smirked, seeing that everyone was sleeping. She snickered and pranced out of her den, and ran across the field and into the forest. When she got in the forest, she looked back to see if anyone was following her. She let out a sigh of relief, and trotted around. Free, at last, she thought. She looked around for something to do, and saw a small pond with a couple of ducks in it. She smiled and thought she could easily take one of those ducks down. As soon as she touched the water, she jerked back, because the water was freezing. ~ Cheza woke up and fell back asleep, tired. (Lol.)

8:25pm Nov 8 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"...Mama," The little pup's voice came into Malu's ears,"How come I look different than you?"
Malu laid her ears back. "Why would you ask that, Briar?" Malu had never told the pup she wasn't really his mother, that she had simply found him. For all Briar knew, he was her son.
"I was talking to a black bird,"(It was a crow, but not like Haji's crow.) Briar began, his emerald-green eyes focused on his paws," And he said that if your family didn't look like you, they aren't really your family."
Malu didn't speak.
"But I know that's a lie." Briar said.
She remained silent.
"Why would the bird say that?" Briar asked.
"because birds that are related all look the same, usually. He wouldn't have known any better." She replied.
Karma looked over at Toboe. She nudged him, trying to awaken him. "Get up." She grumbled tiredly. She sat back and waited for him to wake up.
Curee padded over to Koga. "Koga...she's not gonna come back. I'm sorry. But you need to get over Malu- find somebody else. You can't sit here feeling sorry for yourself forever."

4:07pm Nov 9 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Koga shrugged. "Well... I guess your right. But looking for someone else is the last thing on my mind right now." He sighed. He was still very upset about Malu and Sediam, and he didn't know if he could trust himself with another love again. His ears flattened at the thought, and he continued to drink from the lake. ~ Giva watched the ducks fly away and when they were out of sight, she continued on her way. She saw a glack and white wolf, and a wolf that looked much like Haji (Malu and Briar). She padded a little closer until she could just hear their voices. ~ Toboe woke up again and groaned. "I could sleep a little longer." He moaned, but he knew he couldn't. They weren't supposed to sleep in for so long. "Curse Mom's stupid rules..." He mumbled quietly to himself. ~ Haji woke up with a yawn and stood up, nearly bumping his head on top of the den. He padded over to Cale, who seemed to be sleeping. He saw that Giva was up, and he looked around for her. He looked in the other den, and back in his den, and the rest of the pack's territory, and couldn't find her. He wasn't surprised - Giva always ran off when she had the chance. He was also worried about her. He went back into his den and nudged Lythia with his nose. "Hey..." He said. "Where's Giva?" Although he already knew Giva was probably in the forest anyway. ~ Neveah saw Toboe and Karma wake up, and she smiled softly and said, "Good morning," quite enough not to wake the others.

3:24pm Nov 12 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Bump ))
3:31pm Nov 12 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"You need to though, Koga. You can't think about those two forever, you know. You have to get over them. Both of them." Curee said.
"Well, birds are mean."Briar said.
Malu smiled at him.
"I could too," Karma said," But we have to get up so we don't get in trouble. I think we're supposed to go patrolling the borders today anyway." She turned to Neveah. "Good morning, mother."
"I thought she was wiht you!" Lythia said, standing up "Haji, go find her, I'll watch Cale and make sure he doesn't sneak out as well."
3:41pm Nov 12 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Haji sighed in aggravation, and darted out of the den and in search of Giva. He ran into the forest, and looked around. It was very quiet, and Haji was half-expecting his rambunctious daughter to jump out of a bush and say, "BOO!" But he shrugged and continued on his way. ~ Giva sat patiently, staring at the two wolves. One of them looked a lot, almost exactly like Haji. She wanted to play with the pup. The pup seemed friendly. She stood up, and just as she was about to jump out from hiding, she heard someone call her name. Oh, no... She thought to herself as she turned around to see her father. She stood up from hiding, and to seem cute, so she didn't get in trouble, she wagged her half-tail and turned around. Haji stared over at the pup. Not Giva, but the one that looked almost exactly like him. He saw another wolf who was strangely familiar, but couldn't tell who she was. She changed his stare to Giva, and said roughly, "Let's Go." He turned to the she-wolf and the pup, and said, "Sorry," Awkwardly. ~ Koga nodded in agreement. "I know. But that would be very, VERY hard..." ~ Neveah smiled and laid her head back on her paws. ~ Toboe mumbled, "Good morning, Mom," grumpily.

7:53pm Nov 12 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Briar's eyes widened as he saw that other pup and her father. He stared at the pup's father. He looked so much like him. Aside from his eyes, which were insanely green, they were almost identical. He said nothing, but hid behind his 'mother.' He didn't take his emerald green eyes off the other wolf though, as he remembered his conversation with the bird.
'Doesn't your family look like you?'the bird had asked.
'Well,no.' He had replied.
'Then they're NOT your family.'
He looked up at his 'mother, but she was looking at the wolf.'
"It's no problem, Alpha Haji." She said, sitting in front of her adopted son so that Haji couldn't look at him. Haji had been staring at Briar for a moment. "Do you have a problem with my son, sir?" She growled.
9:01pm Nov 12 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Haji's eyes switched from Briar to Malu, suddenly realizing who she was when she called her 'Alpha'. He stared blankly at her and said, "Well..." He knew who the young pup was. He remembered what happened months ago, and he really wanted to explain it all to Malu, but he knew if he tore apart 'mother' and 'son', Briar would be devastated. Sorrow filled his eyes, and he quickly said, "No." Before he could get another word out. He pawed at Giva and said, "Come on, Giva." He started walking toward the pack territory, and expected Giva to follow. Giva stared at Briar after she saw the sorrow in her father's eyes. She was told about the third pup of her litter, and how he never made it. She whimpered slightly, knowing Briar was her long long brother. She jumped when her father said, "Come on." And she turned around to follow her father. Haji mumbled every once and a while, "I knew I could have saved him." to himself, as Giva sighed every time he said it.
9:13pm Nov 12 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"Momma, who was that?" Briar asked.
"Haji." Malu said. "My...cousin." she lied, but only to protect him from being upset.
"And his pup?"
"What's her name?" He asked.
"Giva."Malu said, remembering what Haji had called the pup.
"Where was she?" Lythia asked, seeing Haji. She'd been going into the woods to look for him, and Cale was with her.
9:21pm Nov 12 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Haji stared at Lythia and sighed. "She was with Malu. And her so-called son..." He whimpered, disappointed. Giva looked up at her father and then her mother. "The third pup, or something." ~ Koga was just returning from getting water when he heard Malu's name. He walked over and said, "What?" hoping he misheard something.
(Fail on my part too.)
9:36pm Nov 12 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"The third pup..." Lythia's voice trailed off. "The one that looked like you?" She sighed. "Haji, your fur color is not uncommon in this forest. You have it. Aevra had it. Ailos had it. Gangvar has markings of that color. And I'm sure there are other wolves out there. I'm completely sure that the pup is really Malu's son." She paused, then turned to Haji. "I'm sorry."
9:39pm Nov 12 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Haji shrugged, and said, "I guess... I hope." His voice trailed off as he thought about the pup he had to abandon months ago. Koga stared at Lythia. "Her pup?" He whimpered quietly. "No..."
9:44pm Nov 12 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"I'll go look at the pup. I'll know if it's hers or mine. Koga..." she paused. "You're going to come with."
9:58pm Nov 12 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Koga's eyes lit up in excitement, but also in nervousness. He had mixed feelings about this, and he layed his ears against his head. "What...?" He whimpered, nervously. Haji looked at Lythia. "Alright. But good luck. She seems to be very protective over that pup, from what I saw."
10:03pm Nov 12 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Lythia started to walk into the forest. "Come, Koga." She said, then continued walking. What if the third pup was really alive? She would be looking for emerald green eyes, like hers, and if the pup had green eyes, it was hers for sure.
10:13pm Nov 12 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Koga hesitated, but followed Lythia a few feet behind. ~ Giva started to trail after the two, but Haji held out his paw in front of her and said, "Let them go, they'll be back." Giva huffed, and padded back to the den for a rest.
10:51pm Nov 12 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Lythia tracked Haji's scent back to where Malu was. "Hello." She said.
"Oh...Hi, Lythia." She said, "And...Koga."
"We came to see the pup."
"Oh...Alright." Malu said. "I'll get him." She padded into her den. "Briar?" the pup came to her, and she brought him outside to Lythia and Koga. "This is Briar, my son." She said.
Lythia immediately noticed the pup's green eyes, exactly like hers.
"Malu, I'm pretty sure this is my son, not yours." Lythia said. "He looks just like Haji, but has my green eyes."
"Wrong." Malu said. "He's my son, he gets the dark color from the dark brown markings on me, and the eye color from my mate," She paused to look at Koga, to see if he was jealous," whose name is Farook, and he's out hunting. He should be back any minute, actually, so if the two of you would politely LEAVE Kreig Pack's territory, it would be greatly appreciated."
"Kreig Pack?" Lythia asked.
"That's my pack." Malu replied. "Me, Briar, Farook, and two other wolves named Hati and Skoll, who are twins."
"And, Lythia?" Malu grumbled.
"Keep yourself, and the rest of your filthy mutts off my territory."
