11:04pm Nov 12 2011
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Koga's heart swelled up in anger and jeoulousness, but he tried to keep his mixed emotions to himself. He knew that his love for her wasn't important anymore. he quickly spoke up, "Filthy mutts?" He said, disgusted. "That's..." He paused, trying to find the words. He felt like a stranger to Malu. "Lets just go, Lythia." He was disappointed, he thought this meeting would turn out to be a dream come true, but it turns out it's just turns out to be a replay of his and Sediam's relationship. He was heartbroken, and his eyes got teary, but he sighed and turned away, and headed back to his territory.
12:36am Nov 13 2011
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Malu growled as they left.
"I'm going to go patrol the woods," Lythia said. "You can just head back if you want." She padded away from Koga, until she couldn't see him anymore.
Gender:Female, though her name sounds like a male's name.
Rank: Lone wolf
minus all the accesories.
Personality: Kaito definitely has a harsh sense of humor. She's childish and refuses to grow up. She is not, however, friendly, unless it's an extreme situation and she needs help.
History:Keeps it to herself.
Other:Yes, she does have the little fox, (in the picture) his name is Finnick.
Kaito desperately bolted over to the first other wolf she saw. (Koga.) "Sir, Sir, you've got to help me! These wolves- th-they're going to k-kill my friend!" Her panic made her stammer, and she was begging the wolf to help. Her eyes were tearing up. "Please!" She begged.
11:47am Nov 13 2011 (last edited on 12:06pm Nov 13 2011)
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Koga stared at the female he never saw before, and said, "Uh... Okay." And he went into a protective stance, looking out for the wolves. "Where are they?"
12:04pm Nov 13 2011
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(No, finnick's the one getting attacked.)
"They're east of here, they're going to kill my friend Finnick!" She conveniently left out the whole part about how Finnick was a fox, since that might make it seem like she was lying.
12:08pm Nov 13 2011
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(( Okay, I changed it. )) Koga looked east, and then back at Lythia. "I'll be right back." And he headed east, not knowing if Kaito will follow or not. He trotted, but when quickened his pace, wondering if he should go faster.
12:15pm Nov 13 2011
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Kaito bolted past him, leading the way. "Hurry up!" She barked, knowing that if they were too slow, they'd be too late. She sped up even more, and was now close enough that she could hear Finnick's yelping. There were four wolves there, and it was a miracle that Finnick wasn't dead yet, but the wolves were tormenting him. Playing with their food, as the attacking wolves thought of it. She looked back to see if Koga was still coming.
4:15pm Nov 13 2011
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Koga darted after Kaito, and saw the four wolves when he stopped next to her. "A fox?" He said curiously. But he has seen others - A wolf and a badger, a wolf and a turtle... A wolf and a crow. He didn't wait for her answer, he just bolted up to the wolves and bared his teeth, snarling viciously. His large size was sometimes enough to scare some wolves, but in this case, its four against one.
8:57pm Nov 13 2011
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Kaito rolled her eyes. What does this guy think he's doing? He just ran up to all four wolves. Idiot. Kaito figured she'd have to defend him now as well. She bolted over to the four wolves, only one of which seemed slightly nervous with Koga snarling at them. The first of the four was the one that had Finnick, and Kaito bit his face.
The wolf opened his mouth to yelp, and Finnick fell onto the ground, standing up after a little bit and muttering something about how he was going to kill them all one day.
The four wolves had split up at this point. two of them were attacking Kaito, and the other two snarled and moved toward Koga as they got ready to fight him.
6:08pm Nov 14 2011
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Koga glared at the two wolves, and snarled loder. He went over to one of them (Could be either one, doesn't matter.) And pushed him down, and bit down on their neck, but not hard enough to kill, just hard enough to cause serious pain.
9:14am Nov 16 2011
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(( Bump ))
4:57pm Nov 16 2011
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The wolf attacking Koga yelped when Koga bit his neck, and tried to get his friend to help him, but the other wolf backed up in horror, then turned around and ran off. The wolf tried to break free of Koga's grip.
Kaito snarled as a white and tan male wolf lunged at her, and quickly jumped up into the air and stepped on its head, forcing it down onto the ground. The other wolf, a silver and black colored female, snarled and bolted toward her. Kaito caught her by the back of her neck and flung her through the air onto the white male, just as he started to get back up, and he was knocked down by the black and silver she-wolf's weight.
6:00pm Nov 17 2011
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Koga ripped his jaws away from the throat, leaving a few scratches of blood on the wolves neck. He backed off, hoping that would be enough for the wolf to flee, like the other one. He then turned to the remaining two wolves, who Kaito had knocked down and taken cared of. He waited for one of them to get up and attack again.
6:18pm Nov 17 2011
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The wolf yelped, and ran off after his friend, who had left him.
The silver and black wolf got off of the white male, and turned to the two attacking wolves. She no longer had power in numbers, and she cowered to the ground, in fear of her life.
"Kerthsa!" The white male snarled.
"Sorry alpha," Kerthsa-the black and silver wolf- whimpered. She growled at Koga, hoping he wouldn't kill her. There was obvious fear in her eyes.
Kaito growled, and came toward the white wolf, apparently the alpha of 'Kerthsa,' and the other two wolves who had ran off. The white alpha snarled and lunged at her, but she opened her mouth, and as he passed her, Kaito's fang cut open his left eye.
There was a scream of pain from the white alpha, but Kaito simply narrowed her eyes as he fell to the ground, looking as if he were crying blood, and rolling around on the ground. Obviously in severe pain.
Finnick padded back over to Kaito, seeing that the fight seemed to be over for the most part.
6:23pm Nov 17 2011
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Koga looked over to Kerthsa. "You could leave now." He snarled. He padded over to Kaito's side and craned his neck to catch a closer look at her. "Are you okay?" He whimpered. (( So sorry for my fails :( ))
6:29pm Nov 17 2011
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Kerthsa nodded quickly and bolted away, her alpha quickly following.
"I'm alright." Kaito said, blood covering her muzzle. Not her own blood, though. "I used to be one of Cale's Raiders, (let's throw one of my old plots in lol) so I'm pretty much used to fighting." And killing, she thought, but didn't say it out loud. "Are you alright?" She asked the stranger.
6:33pm Nov 17 2011
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"Yes, I'm fine..." He didn't get hurt at all, just a bruise here and there from the fighting. He realized he never got to introduce himself to the wolf, and the fox. "I'm Koga." A smile stretched across his face as he spoke.
7:31pm Nov 17 2011
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"My name is Kaito." She said. "Thank you, Koga, if it wasn't for you both me and Finnick would probably be dead today." She smiled at him. "It was very brave of you to come and fight those wolves, especially to defend someone you've never even met."
"I'm Finnick." The fox said.
2:35pm Nov 18 2011
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Koga nodded in respect to Finnick, and turned back to Kaito. "Well, I know how it feels to lose someone... a few people, actually. It was no problem." He grinned, and looked back to where he left Lythia. "I better get back to my Alphess."
6:38pm Nov 20 2011
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Finnick glanced nervously at Kaito. Losing someone was a bad thing to bring up around her. There was obvious anger in his friend's eyes, but other than that it was impossible to tell.
"I know what it's like to lose someone, also." Kaito admitted. "To be forced to lose someone, actually, and have it be my fault." She said. "But...goodbye, Koga. Thank you. If you ever need us, just howl and let me know."
7:24pm Nov 20 2011
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Koga nodded, seeing how nervous Finnick was hen he brought up... something. He sighed, and said, "Okay, will do." He started to go back to Lythia, hoping she hadn't left yet, and looked back quickly at Finnick and Kaito, and continued on his way.