8:36pm Nov 20 2011
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"Goodbye." Kaito said, her voice barely above a whisper. When he seemed to be gone, she turned to Finnick. "His pack is really lucky to have him."
"We're really lucky we didn't get our faces ripped off today." Finnick said.
"Maybe we'll see him again." Kaito said, wagging her tail.
"Yeah, maybe." Finnick grumbled.
"You should be more thankful, Finnick. He saved your a*s today."
8:52pm Nov 20 2011 (last edited on 9:00pm Nov 20 2011)
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Posts: 1,016
(( Imma make a wolf :D She'll add a little drama to this... ;) )) Name: Mahka Gender: female Age: young adult Appearance:  Personality: Mahka is a shy wolf around others she doesn't know, and not many wolves
know her because of that. Around friends though, it's a very different
story. She is usually bubbly around wolves she knows and gets along
with. Although she seems to be friendly, she does get mad easily,
especially when thinking about her past. She sometimes takes her anger
out on other wolves. History: Same as Koga's. Crush: None yet. Other: Koga's long lost sister. She went through the same thing he did when she was younger. ~ Mahka's eyes were filled with fear as she was being cornered by an angry mother bear on a cliff. She whimpered slightly when her back paw skidded off of the side of the cliff. The brown female looked down at the long, long fall. She did see two dens, and a forest at the bottom of the cliff. She was frozen in fear, not realizing the mother bear was raising her paw to push her off the cliff. She whimpered when her back paw stumbled off, and her other back paw followed. The ear watched her dangle, and then hit Mahka on the face with one massive swing of her paw. She stumbled down - down to what seemed to be her death. ~ Cheza woke in an instant when she heard a distant banging outside the den. She looked over to Amburus, who seemed to be sleeping. She padded over to him and pawed at his shoulder nervously. "Do you hear that?" She whimpered, looking nervously outside. The banging continued until a second later, when only the sound of crumbling rocks filled the air. ~ Koga continued on his way.

8:58pm Nov 20 2011
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( you already have a wolf named Giva. Lol.)
"Yeah." Amburus said, standing up with a growl. "It sounds like..something fell. Really far." He said. "Nothing like that happens naturally, or at least not that I've ever seen."
9:08pm Nov 20 2011
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(( Lol, I changed it. )) "I'm gonna go check it out. Coming?" Cheza said, not waiting for an answer, just heading outside the den and over to where the sound came from. She saw a brown, motionless wolf body lieing down in front of the cliffs farther away. She quickly padded over there, until she was far enough to just see the wolf in detail. The wolf had three massive cut wounds on her face, they still bled, She couldn't tell if the wolf had died, or had been seriously injured. She padded closer, and saw that there was a small, rhythmic breathing still in place at the wolf's stomach. She poked the wolf gently with her paw, and the wolf stirred a bit, but not much. ~ Mahka could hear something, but she didn't feel the need, or possibly not have the strength, to open her eyes. She tried to move her legs, but she wasn't at all successful. When she moved the, her back legs held a sharp pain. Her front legs seemed to be fine. Although her whole body ached, she knew she was a strong wolf. She was a massive one as well, just as big as the average adult male wolf. She gathered the strength to at least open her eyes, and her pale green eyes looked over to the black she-wolf standing over her.

9:14pm Nov 20 2011
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Amburus had followed Cheza, and when he saw the wolf, all he could say was; "Oh my god." The wolf was obviously really hurt, and then he realized this was the biggest she-wolf he'd ever seen. "Cheza, back up." He said when she opened her eyes. "She might be dangerous!"
9:22pm Nov 20 2011
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Mahka ignored the male wolf, and used her two front legs, the ones that weren't in too bad condition, to put her body in a sitting position, but her back legs still had a sharp pain, and she was unable to moved them, so they stayed in the same place they were when she fell. She whimpered as she got up, but being the intimidating wolf she was, she slightly whispered, "How could I be dangerous if I can't move...?" But she didn't expect the wolves to hear. She looked helplessly at the two wolves, and she felt the need to cry because of her aching condition. She fought back the tears, but there was obvious pain in her eyes. How am I alive? ~ Cheza stepped back when Amburus suggested, and she heard the wolf mutter something under her breath, but couldn't make out the words. She stared at the wolf, and then looked over to Amburus, wondering what to do.
9:27pm Nov 20 2011
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Amburus sighed. "Cheza, go get Koga so that we can carry her back to the dens." He said. He then turned to the she-wolf. "Did you FALL all of the way down here?" He asked, looking up at the cliff.
9:34pm Nov 20 2011
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Cheza nodded and ran over to the dens. She looked in the den he was normally in, and he wasn't there. "Great timing, Koga." She muttered. She then saw him walk from out of the forest, and she ran up to him. After explaining what just happened, she started to lead him over to the she-wolf. ~ Mahka nodded hesitantly. "I was... cornered by some mother bear. I guess I got to close to her cubs." She said, her voice shaken. "Then... Well, you can see what happened." She looked up at the cliff, seeing the bear had left. She looked down to see a small pile of blood on the grass, and she lifted her paw to feel where the bear had smacked her. She then looked at her paws, blood covering the paw pads.
9:39pm Nov 20 2011
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Posts: 3,371
What's taking Cheza so long? Amburus wondered. "CUREE!" He shouted, and waited for the brown wolf to show up. After about a minute, Curee was there.
"Yes?" He asked.
"Help me drag this wolf back to camp."
"What wolf?" Curee asked.
"There." Amburus gestured toward the wolf.
"Is she okay?" Curee asked.
Amburus shrugged.
"Is she gonna die?"
He shrugged again.
Curee then leaned toward Amburus and whispered in his ear. "She's pretty..."
Amburus did a mental facepaw and sighed. "Actually, Curee, why don't you go talk to Haji about this?"
9:47pm Nov 20 2011
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Mahka's eyes widened when the wolf asked if she was gonna die. She then got nervous. Was she? She watched as the black she-wolf and the... very familiar, large male. She had a weird feeling about the male. But why? ~ Koga approached, seeing the female in very bad condition. He didn't ask questions, he just walked up to the female, and waited for her to approve of him to pick her up. She nodded slowly, and he saw the awkwardness in her eyes. He nodded, and lowered his body under her's so then she was on his back. The she-wolf whimpered in pain as she was moved from her already comfortable position. He then padded over to the den - and looked back to see if Amburus, Cheza, and Curee were following. ~ Cheza followed.
9:51pm Nov 20 2011
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Amburus followed. "Who are you...exactly?" He asked the she-wolf as Koga carried her.
9:59pm Nov 20 2011
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Mahka looked over to Amburus, and said, "I'm Mahka." She then looked over to Koga awkwardly, to see if he knows her, in a way... "You probably wouldn't know me... because I'm a loner." ~ Koga's ears flattened when he heard then name. When he was a puppy, his sister's name was Mahka. The two were separated after their parents split up and took one of them with them. He was taken by his father, Mahka by his mother. He was curious to know if this was' Mahka'. He also noticed her coat. It was very familiar. He continued to listen to the conversation.
6:09pm Nov 21 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"Nice to meet you, Mahka." Curee said.
Amburus growled at Curee, who was supposed to be talking to Alpha Haji.
"Our pack can probably take care of you until you're healed, if you'd like." Curee offered, ignoring Amburus.
6:15pm Nov 21 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Mahka nodded. "That would be great. I hope your alpha doesn't mind me staying a while..." She sighed. As the wolves entered the den that Haji and Lythia had stayed in. Haji's eyes shot open at the slightest sound, and he stood up in alarm at what he saw. He asked no questions, he immediately walked up to Koga, and the strange she-wolf. "Is she okay?" He asked, not even knowing who the wolf was. Cheza padded up to her alpha, and said, "I guess a bear cornered her on a cliff over there, and she fell... She's in pretty bad condition." She looked over to Mahka, who nodded slowly.
6:46pm Nov 21 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(I edited the first post. It's now a list of every character ._.)
Lythia narrowed her emerald green eyes. "Well, we can let her stay until she's healed. After that, I would expect her to either leave or workjust like everyone else in the pack. I would also hope she doesn't try to turn on us like Ailos, Sediam, Malu, and...yeah, that's all." Lythia said. "Now, which one of you found her?"
6:50pm Nov 21 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Cheza stepped up again. "I heard her tumbling down. Me and Amburus went to see what happened," She barked. ~ Mahka felt a little insulted about Lythia's comment, but she tried not to take it personal. They didn't know her, why trust her right off the bat? ~ Koga's eyes looked down at his paws at Sediam's name, but he was determined to be strong. If he wasn't he would never get over her. ~ Haji listened. ( Haji's such a fail. )
6:54pm Nov 21 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"Then you and Amburus get to have the responsibility of taking care of her." Lythia said. "I've already got my paws full with Cale and Giva, and Gangvar and Neveah are busy with their pups as well, and so it's fair that you two take care of the mutt you brought in." The word 'mutt' slipped out, and Lythia hoped that no one would really pay any attention to it, but it seemed unlikely.
6:59pm Nov 21 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Mahka lifted her head, although it was painful, and looked at Lythia in disbelief. She then sighed softly and laid her head back down. ~ "I hope your not mad that I brought you into this..." Cheza whispered to Amburus softly, her ears flat against her head. "I'll be glad to do it." Cheza said to Lythia. ~ Koga nodded. "Since you guys stay in this den..." He said awkwardly, "I guess I should... uh... keep her here?" He then padded to the other side of the den and gently laid Mahka down, and waited next to her, seeing if Lythia approves of her staying in here. ~ Giva stared at the new wolf cautiously.
7:12pm Nov 21 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"...No." Lythia said. "You can go outside, and dig a seperate den for her to stay in." She padded over to Giva, and pulled her daughter closer to her, away from Mahka. "I will have her nowhere near my pups."
"It's alright." Amburus said.
7:19pm Nov 21 2011 (last edited on 7:19pm Nov 21 2011)
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Posts: 1,016
Mahka knew that she wasn't liked. It was a bad feeling, too. She hated it. Koga nodded an picked her up, bringing her outside. He set her down gently on the grass and silently started to dig a shelter. Cheza followed. Mahka watched the wolf dig the hole, and noticed his features. He was a large wolf, like herself. He had the markings of her father, while her marking were from her mother. She was surprised about how much she can relate to this wolf. She saw some of the scars from wolves... She had some scars herself. From when she was younger. As she watched the massive wolf dig, she asked, "What's your name?" Koga looked over, and said, "Koga..." hoping that something good would happen out of this. Mahka grinned slightly, and said, "Do you miss Mom and Dad?" Koga looked over to Mahka surprisingly, and knew, this was Mahka. The Mahka. He smiled, knowing he should be more excited, and said, "I don't." Mahka knew she should be more excited, too. If she were able to, she would run up to him and give him a nice wolf-like hug. "I missed you, so much." Koga smiled more as he dug. During this whole time, Cheza listened, and her head was tilted slightly. What was this all about?
