(( I was thinking the same thing, so sure. Do you wanna make the thread, or me? ))
(( I'm gonna add a character, but I don't feel like filling out a bio. I'll just do an intro. He is a pup, about Toboe and Karma's age, and he looks like this.

His name will be Arrow.
So, yeah. Thats what he looks like. I'll Rp out his personality and stuff. ))
Arrow watched the wolves from behind the bushes. There were three dens, one smaller than the other two. He laid his stomach closer to the ground, careful not to be seen. He positioned his body closer to the ground and narrowed his eyes to see better through the branches of the bushes. This bush was just recovering from a forest fire from a while back, like a lot of other trees and plants are. It had barely and leaves, and the leaves that were on were just growing on. He sighed quietly, remembering how his mother died from suffocation during the fire, leavijg him to fend for himself. He shook his head, trying to shake the memory from his mind, and continued to watch the two wolves in front of the dens and in the field.
Koga nodded, and grinned, "Yeah." He looked over his shoulder. Having the feeling they were being watched made a chill rush down his spine, and he decided not to tell Kaito. He sat down and his eyes bored into the green grass... starting to become brown, because of the lack of rain. But they would have rain soon, since the rainiest season was coming - Fall.