11:42am Jul 19 2011
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(( Kay, sure, I'll be co-owner. :D And I'll join, also! )) Haji smiled when Lythia nuzzled him. "I think we should do ranks now. Like alpha and stuff, ya know?" He asked. He waited for the wolves' answer. Cheza shrugged, and said, "Yes, lets do that." She smiled. She loved this part, doing the ranks and stuff. ~ Neveah looked over at Thaybian disapointingly. How could he be like this? "Well, no omegas. Omega's arn't treated fair enough. I would know." She had a past experience being an Omega, with a pack she was with for only a few moons. It was awful. Koga knew that Thaybian didn't like Sediam that much. He could tell, and certainly everyone else could tell. He agreed with Neveah. He was kind of like an Omega, because of the way his parents treated him.
11:48am Jul 19 2011
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(Are you sure? :P It has no plot because I'm lazy and ranks are different than in most rps.) Thaybian sighed, and looked at Neveah. "Fine." He grumbled. My ebil plan is ruined! He didn't want to argue with Neveah. "Neveah, I think that we should both be the alphas." Thaybian offered. Sediam stayed quiet. --- "Cheza, Ailos, you can be pack members. Do you agree, Haji?" Lythia asked. Ailos nodded, his cheek still sore.
11:54am Jul 19 2011
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(( It's fine. I'm up to anything Kupa would give meh XD )) Neveah nodded. Then her eyes widened, but filled with joy. "That would mean, that... we would have to be mates." She said, not knowing if he would mind. She certainly would love to be his mate, though. She started wagging her tail. Koga watched this whole thing take place. He stayed silent, also. ~ Haji nodded. He looked over to Lythia, and said, "I think that we should be alphas." He smiled, emphisizing the we. Cheza nodded.
11:59am Jul 19 2011
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((http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/near-realistic-wolf-rp-/~page/1/#post_1450686)) "I know." Thaybian smiled. He wagged his tail. He licked Neveah's cheek, then turned to Koga and Sediam. "Koga, you will be a pack member, and take my place if anything ever happens to me. " He nodded to Koga. "Sediam, you're a pack member." Sediam smiled, happy not to be an omega. --- Lythia considered it, then answered in a stern tone. "No."
(bet you didn't see that coming O.o) Lythia was silent after that. Sure, she loved him. But she had just met him. She wanted to wait. "I'm sorry."
12:07pm Jul 19 2011
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(( Oh meh gawd! I was like woah dude not supposed to happen AH! lol )) Neveah smiled and nuzzled Thaybian, and turned to Koga and Sediam. "Okay. You guys will share one den, me and Thaybian will share another." She said, he pointed her nose towards the dens. "They're right over there." Koga nodded and wagged his tail. He was important! This is the first time he ever had that feeling, ever. And he was proud. ~ (( Ailos should try to steal Lythia, like in the Unwanted Rp. That would make it more interesting. But trust me. Haji. Will. Get. Her. :3 )) Haji's tail went down and he lowered his head, embarrassed. "Its... okay," He said, attempting a smile and bringing his head back up. Cheza couldn't help but laugh a little bit when Haji got embarressed like that. But she immediatley stopped when Haji gave her a stern look.
12:15pm Jul 19 2011
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(kay.) Sediam nodded to Neveah. "Alright," She said. Thaybian smiled and stayed close to Neveah. (FAILS :C) Ailos. Could. Not. Hold. In. His. Laughter any longer. He collapsed, and rolled on the ground, laughing histerically at Haji's failed attempt. He knew there would be consequences. But he didn't care. He was laughing so hard he could barely breathe. (LOL.) Lythia sighed ans ran off.
12:26pm Jul 19 2011
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Neveah nodded and trotted towards the dens, hoping everyone else will follow. Koga followed. (( Fail on my part, too. )) ~ Haji growled at Ailos and attacked him, tearing at his stomach. Cheza gasped when she saw Haji attack Ailos. She stumbled back, and then followed after Lythia to get away. What a pack, She thought.
12:30pm Jul 19 2011
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Ailos snarled and got up. He bit Haji's ear and yanked backward, then let go and leapt at Haji, hoping to knock the bigger wolf over. Lythia heard footsteps and turned to see Cheza. "We're leaving." She said, and continued running. -- Sediam went into her den. Thaybian followed. (FAILURE. D:)
12:38pm Jul 19 2011
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Neveah yawne and stretched, and crawled into the den Thaybian made. She was tired, but it was only noon, so she wasn't going to sleep yet. She laid down inside the den and relaxed. Koga went into the den Seiam went in, supposing that's the den he should go in. He went to the back of the den and sat down. He wanted to sllep. It had been a long day. But he couldn't. ~ Haji got tackled to the ground, but he bit at Ailos's throat. It was a quick bite. He pushed Ailos off and stood up. He started to back ohh, not wanting to fight anymore. His hackles raised, he panted heavily and glared at Ailos. Cheza nodded. "They're at each other's throats back there!" She said, now side by side with Lythia.
6:09pm Jul 19 2011
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Thaybian crawled into the den nd laid down next to Neveah. He closed his eyes and tried to fall alseep, but he couldn't. He rolled over and faced her, smiling. Sediam layed down in the den as Far away from Koga as possible. She layed down and slowly began to fall asleep. - Ailos stood up and snarled. "You're not going to be the alpha, Haji." He snarled, but was smiling. "I am." There was blood on his fangs and he looked cruel and vicious. Lythia continued running.
7:08pm Jul 19 2011
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Neveah looked at Thaybian and smiled back. She laid her head on her paws and closed her eyes. She opened them when she heard a noise from outside the den. She silently stood up and looked outside the den. An elk herd had appeared in the distance, heading straight for the territory. She looked back at Thaybian and whispered, "Thaybian! Look!" Koga heard it, too. He looked outside and snarled. The alphas would probably call them out to hunt. He loved to hunt big game, but, he not that stealthy. ~ Haji growled. That made him, very, very upset. That would mean that he would choose Lytthia as his mate. But if Lythia really cared for him, why would she just run off like that. He stopped growling and looked in the direction where Lythia had ran. He looked back at Ailos and glared at him. "She's gone now. Thanks to you." He looked at the direction where Lythia had run, and then walked east of that direction. (So, Lythia left them and ran to Haji's left, so Haji's gonna run behind himself.) Cheza ran.

7:34pm Jul 19 2011
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Lythia ran. Ailos stayed put and sat dwon. (OHFAILS.) --- Thaybian smiled as he looked out of the den and saw the elk. "We can find one of the old or sick ones. We'll wait until it gets down here, and corner it at the stairs." Thaybian planned. "Sediam, you can attack it first, then the rest of us can bring it down. Sediam nodded and stalked towards the herd, hiding in some bushes. She examined them carefully for any flaw, or signs of injury.
8:20pm Jul 19 2011
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Neveah waited for Sediam to attack. And so did Koga. ( ( Flails! D: ) ~ After Haji was far enough, he sat down and looked at his reflection in a stream. A rock was thrown at it and he looked up and saw a crow. (I hope you don't mind :P ) "What? What'cha doin', looking all pathetic?!" The crow said in a southern accent. Haji growled and climbed up the tree the crow was on. He snapped at it but missed. "Watch it, big fella. I ain't tryin' to cause no trouble!" It said, flying to a higher branch. ~ Cheza ran.
8:58pm Jul 19 2011
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(OMG that crow should stay with the pack XD) Sediam saw a elk which was limping. She snuck out toward it, and then ran out into the open and bit its hind leg. It shook her off, knocking her to the ground. She stood up and snarled. Thaybian bolted at the elk. --- Ailos sat. Lythia stopped running. "I think we're far enough away now."
10:57am Jul 20 2011 (last edited on 10:57am Jul 20 2011)
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(( Yea that would be awesome XD )) Neveah bolted after thee elk, and leaped onto it's back, allowing someone else to give te fatal bite to the neck. She bit it's back and didn't let go, her jaws locked on her prey. Koga ran after everyone else, the last to be there. He bit the leg hard, and that knocked it off balance. It stumbled and was on its side, but got baack up. (( I hope it's okay for me to be the elk too XD )) ~ Haji snarled and hopped to the branch above him. He snarled at it, hoping it would go away. It stood there. Staring with black beady eyes. "Man, you gotta calm down, I ain't causin' trouble!" The crow said. "Just calm down!" It paused, and said, "Freak," under his breath. Haji calmed down, and finally sat on the branch, not snarling anymore. "My name is Crow." The black crow said. "..." "You got a problem with that name? Do ya?" The crow asked. "No! No, I don't. I just thought that someone would name their offspring an actual name. My name is not Wolf." Haji joked. "I am Haji." ~ Cheza stopped running and was panting. "I'm glad to be away from all that!" She attempted to say, panting. Crow! 

11:09am Jul 20 2011
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(I'll reply later, I'm so tired right now. I haven't gotten any sleep in the past two days because my brother came into my room at midnight for two nights in a row.
3:12pm Jul 20 2011
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(yeah, you ca nbe the elk too.) Thaybian leapt at the elk, open jaws aimed at it's neck, but the elk managed to stand up on its hind legs for about half a second, and kick Thaybian out of midair with its front leg. Then it came back down onto all four legs again, and watched angrily as Thaybian struggled to get up. Sediam locked her teeth onto the elk's hind leg, not seeing what had happened to Thaybian. She pulled backward, and could hear flesh ripping and taste blood pouring into her mouth. She only bit down harder. --- Lythia nodded. "We'll go back in a few hours." She said, sitting down. "Hopefully by then the fighting will be over." She laid down, then thought for a moment. "Do you think my choice of what I said to Haji was...right?" --- Ailos sighed and stood up. If I'm going to be the alpha, and Lythia's mate, then I need to go look for her. He thought. He stood up and tried to follow the scent trail of where the two she-wolves had ran.
4:40pm Jul 20 2011 (last edited on 4:41pm Jul 20 2011)
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(( Yay )) Neveah saw immediatley what the elk did to Thaybian. She growled harder and laeped at its throat. She bit down hard, and ripped the neck open. She shook her head vigourously and tore at it's flesh. It came down and struggled to get up, but it's limp leg didn't allow it. It went down and she continued to tear at it. Koga bit harder when it landed, and tore at the flesh, making sure it was gone for good. ~ Crow nodded and flew over by Haji. "Well, nice meeting ya." Haji smiled and wagged his tail, everything that happened a few minutes ago leaving his thoughts. "Hello. Crow." He said, laughing a bit. Crow ignored that. "Well, what'cha doin', out this deep in the woods?" "I'd rather not answer that." "I see, I see." Crow snickered. ~ Cheza shrugged. "Lythia, your choice is your choice. Whatever you think is best it what you'll go with. I won't direct you where to go in your life. Just do what's right." She looked back where Haji and Ailos were fighting, and cringed.
4:46pm Jul 20 2011
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Lythia sighed. "It's just that I met him yesterday and I don't want to be his mate right away. I like him. A lot. But I didn't want to be his mate because I don't know him well enough. I didn't mean to hurt him." She paused, looking down at her paws. --- Ailos followed the scent until he could see the two wolves. "Hey." He said, his head low to the ground. "It's dead." Sediam told them. She tore into it and began eating. Thaybian couldn't get up.
4:50pm Jul 20 2011
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(( Gonna reply in a few hours :) ))