4:59pm Jul 20 2011
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11:42pm Jul 20 2011 (last edited on 9:45am Jul 21 2011)
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3:45pm Jul 21 2011
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Neveah leapt off the fresh kill and ran to Thaybian's side. She whimpered and licked his muzzle. "Thaybian? Are you okay?" She whimpered, tail tucked between her legs. Koga saw what happened to Thaybian, but he was staving. He tore at the flesh and ate his fill. ~ Haji leapt off the tree as Crow said, "I never saw a wolf climb a tree." Haji looked up and said, "Yea, I know. I taught myself. And another wolf." He said, lowering his head as he remembered how he and Lythia had first met. Crow flew onto Haji's back and said, "Well, what's wrong with that? You don't need to get upset over something like that." Haji shrugged, and said, "Well, I thing I lost her... forever." "Oh, so it's a she." Crow said. "She broke your heart, didn't she?" Haji shook his head back and forth. "No, I think I just did the wrong thing." ~ Cheza looked up when she heard Ailos's voice. He didn't look too injoured, just a few cuts here and there. But where was Haji? She looked at Lythia to see if she was wondering, too.
4:37pm Jul 21 2011
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(posting from my phone. ): )) Thaybian lifted his head. "Yeah. Just a little sore." He tried to get up, and managed to. He walked over to the kill, and began eating. (posting as sediam.) Sediam moved over away from the kill a little when Thaybian came and began eating. (posting as lythia.) Lythia looked at Ailos, concerned. "Where's Haji?" She asked, growling at Ailos. (posting as Ailos.) Ailos shrugged.
10:55pm Jul 21 2011 (last edited on 10:56pm Jul 21 2011)
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Neveah followed Thaybian back to the kill. She looked at him anctiously for a moment. She lowered her head towards the kill, nervous eyes set on Thaybian. Koga watched as Thaybian went to the kill and ate. ~ Cheza growled when Ailos shrugged. "You gotta know! You were right there with him!" She thought for a moment. "Did you hurt him?" ~ Crow flew up to catch a lighting bug. He caught it in his mouth and swallowed it. Haji cringed. "Why arn't you with her now?" Crow asked. Haji looked up at him as Crow flew back onto his back. "Well... I don't know. Me and... some other wolf, got into a fight. And she ran. And now I don't know where my pack-to-be is." Crow smiled and said, "Hey, cheer up. I can gather a million crows and make a pack for you." Haji chuckled, "Well, it won't be the same."
11:31pm Jul 21 2011
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Ailos backed off when Cheza growled. "I don't think so," He replied. "And...I really don't know where he is. He left. If he doesn't want to lead this pack, that's his problem. from now on, I am the alpha." He smiled evilly, and watched as Lythia's face saddened. He glared at Cheza, daring her to question him. (posting as Thaybian.) Thaybian continued eating. he could see that Sediam was done eating. After a little bit, Thaybian was full too.
11:32pm Jul 21 2011
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Ailos backed off when Cheza growled. "I don't think so," He replied. "And...I really don't know where he is. He left. If he doesn't want to lead this pack, that's his problem. from now on, I am the alpha." He smiled evilly, and watched as Lythia's face saddened. He glared at Cheza, daring her to question him. (posting as Thaybian.) Thaybian continued eating. he could see that Sediam was done eating. After a little bit, Thaybian was full too.
3:45pm Jul 22 2011
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5:29pm Jul 22 2011
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(( Ailos doesn't seem like the Ailoz from the beginning of the Rp, lol )) Neveah saw that everyone was done eating. She walked back towards the dens with a full stomach. She worried about Thaybian, even though he said he was only a little sore. Koga followed back to the dens. ~ Cheza glared back at Ailos. "Haji would never do that." She growled. "He just wouldn't. I know I just met him, but he isn't that kind of wolf, I just know it." She growled at Ailos, her hackles raised, knowing that she might start a fight. If so, it wouldn't end well, because of her small appearence. But she never fought another wolf... so, who knows. ~ Crow seemed to have rolled his eyes, but Haji couldn't tell. His eyes were black. Haji thought about Ailos. Did he go back to Lythia and Cheza? What if he said bad thing about him? Thoughts raced inside his head. He knew Ailos wouldn't be a good alpha. Curse that wolf. He thought. He looked toward where Lythia and Cheza ran.
6:12pm Jul 22 2011
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(I know. Oh well :C He shall be evil now.) "Oh, really?" Ailos began. "Haji told me that he didn't want to lead the pack. That he wouldn't be the alpha because he thought you were both worthless!" He lied, but his voice and ex pression were very convincing. Lythia gasped. "Haji would never say that!" She said, her voice full of disbelief. "I didn't think he would either." Ailos said. "But he said that, and then he ran off. Ailos had torn up ears, also, and they had been injured a long time ago, but when flies bit his ears they would bleed. Ailos decided to use this to his advantage as he smelt his own blood and knew where it was coming from. "And look what he did to me when I tried to defend myself- my ears!" Lythia was convinced at this point. "I....I can't believe I was stupid enough to trust him." --- Sediam followed Neveah back to the dens and crawled inside of her den. She laid down near the wall of the den and wondered what had ever become of her friend, Cheza. Thaybian began to go into his and Neveah's den, and tripped over a root that had been partially dug up. He fell onto his side and couldn't help but yelp (Lol ryhme) a little bit as he fell onto his side. He was still sore.

6:24pm Jul 22 2011
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(( Lolz :3 )) Neveah looked back immediatley to see that Thaybian fell. She went to his side and tried to nudge him up. "Are you okay?" She asked. Koga was the last to get back into the den. He went into his den, and curled into a ball. He didn't close his eyes, though, because he heard a yelp from the other den. Probably nothing. ~ Crow jumped onto Haji's head. "What?" Haji wimpered softly as he thought of the things that Ailos was saying to the she-wolves. He saw that it was getting pretty dark. Crow noticed too, still waiting for his answer. Haji trotted toward where Lythia and Cheza ran, his cuts and bruises making it harder for him to travel. "Where are we going?" Crow went back onto Haji's back. Haji didn't answer, just continued to walk. He found where he and Ailos fought. Then he smelt the faint scent of the three wolves. He started to follow it as it got closer and closer. He finally arrived, but was not seen behind the bushes. He saw Lythia's disgusted face, and Ailos's lieing eyes.Crow looked and saw the wolves. He ca-cawed and flew into a tree.

6:26pm Jul 22 2011
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(( Oops, here's Cheza. )) Cheza was convinced, but inside wasn't sure Ailos was telling the truth. She glared at Ailos with daring eyes.
6:39pm Jul 22 2011
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"Yeah." Thaybian said as he stood up. It took him a second to get back onto his feet. He limped into the den and layed down.
Sediam lifted her head when she heard the yelp. She laid her ears back on her head and scooted slightly closer to Koga, afraid. "What was that?" She whimpered.
Ailos sighed. "It's shocking. I know." He said, and began pacing back and forth. "I suppose that leading a pack is not a job for the weak. I'm still wondering what we should do if we see him again."
Lythia paused to think, and there was a dark, angered ex pression on her face as she spoke. "Kill him."
6:48pm Jul 22 2011 (last edited on 6:48pm Jul 22 2011)
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Neveah watched Thaybian limp into the den. She laid her ears against her head and nodded. She layed down next oto him and licked his forehead. Koga shrugged. "I think Thaybian is just sore. Maybe it was him." He looked at the lk carcass, that was farther out in the field. ~ Cheza didn't want to hurt anybody. The words that came out of Lythia's mouth made her cringe. But yes, she was really mad at Haji, but something told her Ailos was wrong. But it seemed so real. Haji's heart sank while he listened to the wolves' conversation. He layed lower to the ground. Crow's feathers ruffled up when he finally figured out who the wolves' were talking about. Haji looked up to Crow with a sad ex pression. Crow shrugged, not knowing what to do. Haji started to stand up and walk away, but then he made a twig snap. He closed his eyes tight, hoping that Lythia, Cheza and Ailos didn't hear.
7:02pm Jul 22 2011
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Lythia couldn't hear the twig snap. She looked at Ailos. "We need to find a place to stay." Ailos nodded. "Do you know of anywhere, Cheza?" --- Sediam nodded. She closed her eyes. "See you in the morning, Koga." She whispered, and began to fall asleep. (Sediam has got to be the most uninteresting character I've ever rped. XD) Thaybian smiled and he layed his head down on his paws. He closed his eyes. "Goodnight." He said, the smile still on his face.
10:16am Jul 23 2011
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Neveah watched as Thaybian drifted to sleep. She smiled and layed her head on her paws. She didn't close her eyes though. She remembered about her mother, brother and father. How they died because of her selfishness. She went onto her side, back facing Thaybian. Tears rolled down her face as memories drifted into place. Koga nodded. "Good night." He fell to his side and started falling asleep. ~ Cheza shrugged. "I really don't know..." She thought. She heard a twig snap. She perked her ears and said, "Hey, did you hear that?" Looking around. Haji wimpered, not hearing what Cheza said. He looked down at his paws. He wished he could tear Ailos apart. But he didn't know how to convince them that Ailos is lieing. Cheza and Lythia were against him now. The thought of Lythia wanting to kill him... made a tear roll down his face.
10:35am Jul 23 2011
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Thaybian wasn't alseep. He opened one of his eyes as Neveah went away from him, then watched as she began to cry. "Neveah, what's wrong?" He asked. Sediam fell asleep. --- "It was probably just a squirrel." Lythia said to Cheza. "Come on, let's go." She said to Ailos and Cheza. She began to walk away, and Ailos followed.
10:48am Jul 23 2011
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Neveah opened her eyes, not knowing Thaybian was awake. She layed up and sniffled. "Nothing. I was just thinking." She wiped the tears away by brushing her face against her foreleg. She tried smiling to show she was okay, but she wasn't. She regrets what had happened. Koga was asleep. ~ Cheza stayed and looked Haji's direction for a moment. She saw only a little bit of brown fur, but supposed it was a squierrl. She followed after Ailos and Lythia. Haji looked up when Cheza turned her back. He watched the love of his life leave. Haji growled silently because of Ailos. He knew what Ailos was trying to do. And he will not be an Alpha. Nor Lythia's mate. It would be a disaster. Haji followed behind in the bushes, silent as a mouse. His hackles raised when he looked at Ailos. Crow flew onto Haji's back. curious of what he was doing.
8:37pm Jul 23 2011
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(( Bump :3 ))
11:18pm Jul 23 2011
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(sorry. had a friend over.) Thaybian laid his ears back. "Neveah..." His voice trailed off for a moment. "...Don't lie to me. Please." He looked at her with pleading eyes. Sediam woke up, hearing a bear roar off in the distance. She was afraid of bears, and scooted toward Koga until she was laying against him. She felt safer, and layed down her head and fell asleep. --- Ailos walked. Lythia walked. (FAILS :C)