9:53am Jul 24 2011
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(( It's okay :3 )) Neveah saw the pleading look in Thaybian's eyes and sighed. "Okay." She hated talking about her past, and normally would rip a wolf to shreads if they asked. But this was Thaybian. "Well... When I was a pup. I was a... very bad pup. One day I pretended I was sick so I didn't have to go hunting. Then my parents and brother did it for me.The food was scarce at the time, so they had to go into the two-legged place to eat two-legged food. Then an angry two-legged came out of their home and shot my mom for sneaking food from the garbage. And my Dad and Brother got hit by a car on the way back." She cried toward the end, but only tears racing don. Koga woke up and opened one eye when he felt something push against him. He saw Sediam laying against him and he smiled and fell back asleep. ~ Cheza saw an abandoned bear den (Or so she thought >:D) and looked over to Lythia and Ailos. "There is somewhere we could stay for a bit." She barked. She trotted up to the entrance and looked inside. Silence. She went in a little further, and she saw a little bear cub in the den. (Sorry if bears don't go in dens.... they do now.) It pawed at her nose and she snezzed. She growled and then something growled back at her. It was a humungous roar. Nit the cub. She looked past the cub and saw the mother bear. She ran out, hackles raised. The mother bear was coming out, prepared to kill. She growled and backed away slowly. Haji couldn't believe his eyes. Cheza just went into a bear den. And the bear was about to attack. He watched at the bear and Cheza sized each other up, growling and clawing at each other. Crow was speechless.

1:28pm Jul 24 2011
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Thaybian was completely shocked. He was speechless, with his ears layed back to the sides of his heaad, wide eyes, and his mouth dropped open. "I...." His voice trailed off and it took him a while to think of what to say. "...I'm sorry....." Thaybian was avoiding talking about the story, because he had no clue what to say except for that. "When I was younger, There was a bear that lived near my parents' territory. It always stayed away, but when my parents had me and my siblings, food was scarce, and I was the only one who survived... About a year later, when I was old enough to hunt and fight, that bear came to our den. It didn't come in, but it was outside, and my father told me and my mother he would chase it off. We waited, and heard roaring and snarling. Until it all got quiet. My mother looked out the entrance of the den, and my father was dead. I ran at the bear, and tried to attack it, but it nearly killed me as my mother saw her chance to get away and ran off." Thaybian sighed, and rolled over onto his back so Neveah could see the four scars on his stomach where the bear had tried to claw him open. Sediam slept. ---- (I can be the bear too, right? If not, I'll edit.) (Haji, Lythia, and Ailos remind me so much of Kaos, Rivka, and Meard. Especially now that there's gonna be a bear attack XD) Lythia gasped when the bear came out of the den. she approached it slowly, snarling. But the bear seemed mostly concerned with Cheza, probably since the black wolf had come so close to the cubs. I need to lure that bear away from Cheza....She's so small, I don't think she'd have a chance in this fight. "Cheza!" Lythia barked. "Get away from it!" Lythia hoped that Cheza had the common sense not to run, but Lythia wanted the small wolf out of this fight. The bear, however, seemed to have no interest in getting away from Cheza. It was ready to kill. Lythia growled under her breath as she tried to think of a way to lure the bear away from Cheza. She came up with something. Lythia ran into the bear's den, purposely making a lot of noise in hope that the bear would notice that she was in it's den. It didn't, so Lythia picked up one of the cubs. It cried for its mother, and that was when the bear turned its head- right at the moment where Lythia was walking out of the den with the cub in her mouth. Ailos stood there, stunned, and frozen with fear.

5:49pm Jul 24 2011
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8:43pm Jul 24 2011
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9:06am Jul 25 2011
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11:33am Jul 25 2011
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(( Yea, of course :) And Haji is like Maerd, Ailos like Kaos, and Lythia like Rivka XD )) Neveah sighed. "Life has it's difficulties, huh?" She shrugged. She stared at Thaybian's scars like they appeared just yesterday. Koga slept. ~ Cheza looked over to see Lythia trying to distract the bear. She gasped as the bear turned around and charged for Lythia. The bear hit Lythia with a massive paw. Cheza growled and attacked the bear, leaping on it's back and biting through the thick fur. Haji watched through the bushes, same thing with Crow. Crow knew how much Lythia meant to Haji. Crow flew off Haji's back and landed on top of the bear's head, pecking it's eyeball. Haji growled and charged out of the bushes, biting the bear on the neck, trying to dig his fangs into the bear's neck. After a minute, his fangs finally went through it's thick skin and he bit down harder.
2:11pm Jul 25 2011
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Thaybian nodded. He yawned. "Go to sleep." He said, tired. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep. Sediam slept --- Lythia yelped and dropped the cub, which ran back to the safety of the den. She had been knocked onto her side, and jumped to her feet just before the huge paw hit the spot where she'd been seconds ago. She snarled and looked a the bear, trying to find a way to fight it well. Don't attack it's head, it can just bite me and it can reach me with its claws. She didn't have much time to think. The bear ran at her, and scratched her hind leg, but just barely. She growled. The bear opened its mouth to bite her
5:54pm Jul 25 2011
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Neveah nodded. She rested her head on her paws and fell asleep. She relived her past in her dreams. Koga slept. ~ Cheza growled and bit harder and harder. She saw Haji and was happy that he came to help, but she didn't want him there at the same time. She growled louder and she glared at Haji. Haji saw the bear about to bite Lythia. He let go and blood poured out of the wound he left on the bear's neck. He Leapt at the bear's snout and closed it's powerful jaws shut using his own jaws. The bear growled and lifted it's paw and the claws shot against Haji's stomach. Haji fell off and the bear went for Lythia again. Haji snarled and closed the jaws shut again. Crow kept pecking.
6:22pm Jul 25 2011 (last edited on 6:23pm Jul 25 2011)
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I had to put a picture of my pregnant cat up... She's so very cute!!! lol 
8:49am Jul 26 2011
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(( Bump ~ ))
3:24pm Jul 26 2011
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(( Bump... ))
8:03pm Jul 26 2011
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Cute cat. What's her name? ) The bear roared and came toward Lythia again, opening its mouth even though Haji was biting it. It came for Lythia. Lythia saw Haji and snarled, still believing what Ailos had told her, but knew she could deal with him later. She looked at him and growled," Get out of the way! It'll kill you, idiot!" Then she leapt at the bear's muzzle and bit it, the momentum and gravity flinging her backward's onto her back, but she was now on the bear's neck. It had hurt to land on her back, but she'd had a good grip on the bear, and it had torn away some of the bear's skin when she landed. She let go of the fur in her mouth and stood up, then the bear roared in pain. Ailos snarled at Haji, but didn't attack the bear. -- Thaybian slept. Sediam slept.
8:41pm Jul 26 2011
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(( Sam <333 )) Neveah slept. Koga slept. ~ Cheza tore through the flesh as the bear growled in pain. Haji ignored Lythia and retreated from the jaws. He leapt at the neck and dug in where he did before. He finally reached the main artery amd bit down hard. Blood spurted out and the bear fell to its side, dead instantly. He let go of the bear and backed off. He looked over to Lythia with pleading eyes. Please forgive me. For what I didn't do. He thought, as he licked the blood from his jaws. Cheza backed away from the dead bear and looked toward the den. Two little bear cubs retreated from the inside and growled sadly at their mother's carcass.
11:17pm Jul 26 2011
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Lythia looked at what Haji had done and growled in disapproval. "Now we have to kill the cubs, too, so they don't die slowly of starvation." She shook her head at Haji, then headed toward the two bear cubs. She killed them both quickly and hoped they felt no pain. -- Ailos saw Haji. He knocked Haji onto his back, an evil grin plastered across his face. "Good evening," He growled, but it was a pleased growl," Traitor."
9:45am Jul 27 2011
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Haji got pushed down by Ailos. e struggled to break free, but couldn't. "I am not a traitor!" He growled. "You just watched the fight. You didn't help Lythia and Cheza, at all." He pushed Ailos off and walked over to him. "Who's the traitor now?" Haji looked over to Lythia, preparing hisself for another blow from Ailos. "Lythia, do you really want to believe him?" He said angrily, but then softer. "Lythia, I love you. I would never do anything to hurt you, or Cheza. I don't know what evil words came out of Ailos's mouth, but I knew nothing was good. But listen to me. I love you. And I don't want to hurt you, at all." Haji didn't know what else to say. Cheza just watched, still wondering if Ailos was telling the truth. Crow flew onto Haji's back. ~ Neveah slept. Koga slept.
6:58pm Jul 27 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Burp ~ ))
9:05am Jul 28 2011
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(( Bump ))
4:19pm Jul 28 2011
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(Sorry I took so long, I'm back.) Lythia thought for a moment, not knowing who to believe. "Ailos didn't fight out of fear." She said. "You should've been afraid. And I told you to stand back, and if you had, that bear wouldn't have hurt anyone. I had it planned out, and you came and screwed it up, and look what happened!" She pointed with her nose at the four huge claw marks along her side where the bear had hit her. Ailos nodded to Lythia, padding over to her and sitting down. "Sometimes fear is the appropriate response." He said," But anyone who leaves his pack is simply a coward." --- Thaybian slept. Sediam slept.
4:46pm Jul 28 2011
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(( Its certainly okay :) )) Cheza growled lowly, but still confused. Who should she be growling at? Ailos or Haji... Haji looked up at the sky, and saw the dark clouds. A storm was coming. He looked back over at Ailos and Lythia and didn't know what to say. Sorrow drifted into his eyes. "When you figure out how much I love you, tell me." He paused. "If you do." He looked at Lythia for a moment, and over to Cheza, who has stopped growling. Just then, a thunderstorm started, and the pouring began. Crow tried to hide his head under his wings, but it was no use. Haji walked away and into the shadowy forest. Once he was deep enough inside, he climbed up a tree to rest. Crow flew onto the branch, speechless. Haji started to wonder if he'd ever see Lythia again. And if she would see that Ailos was lieing. ~ Koga slept. Neveah slept.
4:59pm Jul 28 2011
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Lythia narrowed her eyes at Ailos. "You lied...didn't you?" She growled. "I..." Ailos's voiced trailed off. Lythia snarled. "I should kill you. Haji should kill you." She snarled louder, coming toward him. "Leave." She whispered. Ailos made no attempt to argue. He bolted away, in the opposite direction of where Haji had gone. Lythia turned to Cheza. "I'm going to find Haji. Stay here in case he comes back." Lythia bolted off into the woods after him, but soon slowed down as the pain in the cuts in her side became worse. She slowed to a stop, panting, and gasped as something knocked her over onto her side. She turned her head. "Good evening." Came the laughing, evil voice. "Lythia." Lythia gasped, seeing Ailos. She wanted to scream for help, but the words wouldn't come out, and Ailos was going to kill her. (Haji has permission to kill Ailos, by the way.)