9:48am Jul 29 2011
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Neveah shook her head back and forth. "No, whenever your ready. And you don't have to. We can be pup-less, if you want, I'm noy gonna force you. It's your choice." She said. She licked his cheek quickly and said, "Remember, the choice is yours. You can have time to think." In a gentle voice. Koga laughed a little bit. "Thats nothing to be afraid of. It was way off in the distance, not anywhere near us." He said, hoping Sediam would see thats nothing to be afraid of. ~ Haji walked over to Cheza. "All you have to do is take a good grip to a tree, and climb, like how you would climb up an elk while hunting it." He said, demonstrating on the tree Lythia was on. Cheza watched Haji climb up the tree. He made it look like a piece of cake. She shruged and took a head start, and grasped onto the tree. She slimbed up with ease, and reached the top. Crow watched from the tree next to the wolves.
2:17pm Jul 29 2011
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Thaybian smiled at her. "I don't want to be pupless. The reason I asked is because I've wanted pups, too." --- "Yeah." Sediam said. "They just scare me. I've seen wolves get attacked by them before." -- "Good job!" Lythia said. "And just jump out whenever you want to get down." Lythia leapt off one of the low branches, landing on her feet.
3:23pm Jul 29 2011
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Neveah sighed in relief. "Oh, okay." She paused. "When?" Koga nodded. "Well, everyone has a fear." He paused. "You know, I'm always here, if you ever hear or see a bear..." He said, a little flirty. ~ Cheza smiled. She jumped off, and so did Haji. Cheza landed and wagged her tail. "Was that good?" Haji nodded. "Perfect."
3:29pm Jul 29 2011 (last edited on 3:29pm Jul 29 2011)
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Thaybian paused, thinking for a second. "I don't know. Now, I guess." He said. Sediam laughed, rolling her eyes. "You can fight a bear on your own?" She asked. She paused, then added;"And Live?" --- "Yeah." Lythia said, smiling. (lol, they got over Ailos pretty quickly.)
7:40pm Jul 29 2011
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Neveah shrugged. "Okay." (( Skip scene, lol )) Koga puffed his chest out proudly. "Why, yes, I certainly can." Smiling, and laughing a little. ~ (( They did. Maybe Haji will get all sad now, lol. )) Haji smiled. He looked over to Lythia, but then suddenly remembered about Ailos. His ex pression saddened. But he tried to smile at the same time. Cheza saw the sadness on Haji's face, but why? Why so suddenly? She watched him closley, hoping he will spit something out.
10:32am Jul 30 2011
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(( Bump ))
6:51pm Jul 30 2011 (last edited on 6:55pm Jul 30 2011)
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(yeah,skip scene XD. im also posting from my phone.)Sediam smiled, then whacked Koga playfully and gently on his head with her paw. She laughed a little. (posting as Lythia...) Lythia lay her ears back as she saw Haji's face. "Haji...what's wrong?" She asked.
7:23pm Jul 30 2011 (last edited on 7:24pm Jul 30 2011)
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Neveah started to walk away, hoping Thaybian will follow. "Should we tell the other? About, you know..." She smiled. Koga chuckled and pawed back at Sediam at her chest gently. He bowed in his playing stance. (( There should be an incident where Sediam and Koga are alone and a bear comes xD )) ~ Haji shrugged. "Well, I just hate the thought of..." He looked over to where they buried Ailos. "Killing." He said, folding his eard back and lowering his head. Crow flew onto Haji's back. "It's okay. It was for the best." Cheza frowned. "Of course, it's hard, Haji. Crow's right."
9:54pm Jul 30 2011
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(yeah.) Lythia sighed. "Sweetheart...If you wouldn't have done that he could have bitten us all and made us all like that. That disease would've killed him eventually, you know." (posting as Thaybian.) Thaybian shook his head. "No. we can tell them later." He said. (bear comes Now XD) sediam got into the same stance, then her ears went back, Her tail between her legs, and her eyes widened as she saw a bear about fifteen feet behind her friend. "...K-koga...."
8:42am Jul 31 2011
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(( Maybe Neveah and Thaybian shouln't get back until after Koga and Sediam get the bear... xD )) Neveah nodded and sat down. She looked up at the sky and laughed a little. "That cloud kind of looked like a rabbit..." She said, staring at the clouds. Koga tilted his head. "What?" He looked the way Sediam was looking, and there was a bear - coming right at them. He looked over to Sediam. Then back to the bear, tail tucked between legs. As the bear approached, it seemed to have a elk carcass where she was standing before. The bear roared at Koga and Sediam, and Koga backed off and snarled. ~ Hahi thought for a moment. like Crow said, it was for the best, for him and everyone else. "Okay..." He puaused. "Thanks..." Cheza nodded.
11:38pm Jul 31 2011
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Sediam couldn't move. She was frozen in fear, except she was shaking. The bear came slowly toward her, and she was still frozen. It knocked her onto her side, and she only had time to get a glimpse of Koga and scream his name before its claws entered her body. (switching to Thaybian.) Thatbian smiled, and sat down, then layed down and flipped over onto his back to get a better look at the clouds. "That one looks a little like a wolf howling." He said, pointing with his paw at the cloud. (Switching to Lythia.) Lythia licked Haji's cheek. She smiled, then howled as it began to become night time.
1:21pm Aug 1 2011
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6:40pm Aug 1 2011
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8:19pm Aug 1 2011
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Neveah rolled onto her back and caught a glimpse of the clouds, just barley visable in the darkness in the night. She smiled. "Kind of. It looks a little like a squirell taking down a bear." She said, laughing. Koga was very, very scared. He didn't know what to do. But once the bear sunk his claws into Sediam, that just got him angry. He bit the bear's paw that clawed at Sediam, and the bear lowered his paw and raored in pain. He growled more and went for the bear's neck. He bit down hard as the bear tried to claw Koga off of it. Koga shook his head rapidly back and forth as he was getting so close to biting the life-pumping artery. ~ Haji smiled and licked Lythia backon her cheek. He looked up and saw that it was getting dark. He and Cheza joined Lythia's howl at the same time. Hajistopped, and looked up in the tree where crow was. Crow stared at him. Haji smiled, and a look of pleasure overtook his eyes. Crow shrugged and caw-cawed, as a sign of his howl with the pack.
8:46pm Aug 1 2011
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Thaybian laughed. "Look." He said, pointing with his paw at another cloud. "That one looks like a deer." He smiled and looked at Neveah, wanting to see how his mate reacted. -- Sediam couldn't move. It was no longer the fear, but the pain. She tried hard to drag herself away from the bear, knowing she was far too weak to help Koga, but couldn't. She whimpered, and the pain forced the tears to come to her eyes. She didn't want to look at the wound, afraid of what she would see, but she did anyway. The second she saw all the blood, it seemed like it hurt worse. She whimpered. She watched Koga. Please, Koga....be careful fighting that thing. She thought. -- Lythia stopped howling, smiling when Haji and Cheza and even Crow joined in. She laughed a little bit and then resumed howling. -- Pike rushed forward as the small group of wolves caught the trail of the pack they were tracking. Aevra was right behind them, and Rook led the way. They were fast and almost completely silent. The three wolves stopped in their tracks when they noticed that there were only two wolves, and they were fighting a bear. "Bad timing, I guess." Aevra laughed a little at the scene they came across. "I thought there were supposed to be four, Pike." Rook growled dissapointedly, none of the three wolves making a move to help Koga or Sediam. "There were." Pike said. "The other two could be hunting." He sat down. "Or dead." Aevra added. "Look at that huge bear!" "Just be quiet so that huge bear doesn't become our problem." Rook whispered.

12:12pm Aug 2 2011
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12:24pm Aug 2 2011
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Neveah smiled and roled to her side to face Koga. She licked his cheek and perked her ears. She stood up as she faintly smelled the scent of wolves, that did nott belong. She growled a little bit. Her hackles raised as she faced the direction the smell was coming from. Koga yelped as the bear smacked him with a massive paw. He hit the ground hard. He ignored the pain, and ran to attack the bear again. He bit in the same place he did before, and the bear hit him again. He went down, and back up. He backed off, to see Sediam's injuries. He saw the fresh bleeding wound. He cringed, but whined. He looked over at the bear, who was preparing to attack Koga. He could see the bear becoming weaker by the second. He run for the bear again and stuck his fangs into the wound he left as the bear wobbled around. ~ Haji howled. Cheza howled. Crow... Caw-cawed.
12:31pm Aug 2 2011
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Thaybian's eyes widened. "What's wrong?" He asked her. --- Sediam stood up weakly, shaking. I've got to help Koga... She came toward the bear and weakly bit its leg, but it almost instantly knocked her aside. --- Lythia stopped howling. She started looking around for a den or somewhere to stay. "We need to find a den." She said. --- "If this goes on, we won't even have to kill them." Aevra said. Pike laughed a little bit. "Well, it sure looks like that black one's gonna die." "We still need to find the other two." Rook said. "Just wait here, they'll come back eventually." Aervra sat down.
12:43pm Aug 2 2011
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Neveah smelled the air, lifting her nose higher. "I think I smell intrruders..." She growled. "Do you smell it?" Koga whined, seeing Sediam trying to help. "No, stop Sediam..." He mumbled. He finally bit the bear's life-pumping artery and slammed the bear to the ground. It felt like the world just shook. Koga watched the bears eyes close as he let go of it's neck. He looked for Sediam, and ran to her side. "Are you okay?" He whined. ~ Haji looked up at a tree with wide branches, enough to hold three wolves and a crow. "We could all stay up there tonight." He suggested, padding over to the tree. Crow flew onto Haji's back. Cheza walked behind Haji, staring up at the tree.
12:56pm Aug 2 2011
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Thaybian scented the air and growled. "I do now." He said, getting up. "Come on! They might hurt Koga and Sediam! He ran toward the scent. --- Sediam panted. "Not really, no." She looked at the wounds on her side, which were bleeding horribly. -- Lythia climbed up into the tree. She sat down on one of the branches. -- "Alright. Aevra, you attack the black one, but not until after Me and Pike go for the gray wolf." He's obviously stronger, and the two of us are going to handle him, just to be safe. If you ran out there first, it'd ruin everything." Rook explained. Aevra and Pike nodded.