2:51am Jan 4 2010
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Posts: 93
"Pfft! What kin'a question is that?" Neriis hissed, picking his teeth with one of his claws and then licking the blood off them each. He shook dirt from his cloak like fur and then shifted into his human form, shaking his head and then walking over to Kasirn. "So, what happened to you guys? How'd we end up here?" he asked, obviously forgetting what had happened a few seconds ago, as if a chunk of time and space had been removed from his life.
3:02am Jan 4 2010
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Posts: 93
Neriis gritted his teeth together in frusteration.Seemingly, his other self was battling for control. His face retorted in anger and he swiftly screetched at Denatchi in his mutant form, "Ya don't think I can't hear ya sh!t-head?!" he crowed with wicked whispers behind his voice. Calmly, he went back into his human form and shook his head once more, holding it and then leaning against the wall, his pupils still a bit bigger that normal. "A-nyways, how'd you and Kasirn get to looking like that, Jerico?" he asked in curious wonder. 'Thats pretty cool...'
3:31am Jan 4 2010
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Posts: 93
"No." Neriis said with a dark voice, he turned mechanically to the police and glared at them, deep in the eyes. Each of the men fell, not dead, but paralyzed and wiped from reality the same with their memories. Neriis blinked a few times before turning, "Lets go." he said calmly, jogging off after the others, a voice cackling in the back of his head.
3:42am Jan 4 2010
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Posts: 93
Kasirn looked around before jumping into the air only to quickly shift into his mutant form. "Holy sh1t! Y'scared me!" he cawed with an embarrased chuckle, landing and turning back into his human form. "So, hows the disguise workin for ya? Have ya been actin' suspicious, cause if ya do, then it defeats the whole purpose of havin a disguise." he said with a sarcastic laugh. Neriis jumped a bit, bumping into Hinnati then turned and stepped forwards a bit. "Sorry about that," he said with a blush and a crooked smile. He looked down at Denatchi and a voice whispered in the back of his head, 'Go on, y'know ya wanna scare the livin' sh1t outta em' Neriis frowned,"Shut the hell up, you!" he murmered. "What now?"
3:56am Jan 4 2010
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Posts: 93
Neriis growled at the ground and then stopped, and coughed. "Hello? What now?!" he asked once more, getting a sudden headache. "Ow, um, I think," he said then turned serious in a snap. "We need t'keep movin' " he barked at them, looking back and hearing more police arrive. Kasirn looked back and nodded, "Yea...I thin' Neriis' right on this one, check it." he said, slowly backing up and then turning as more and more cops filled the alley-way like bees on honey. Neriis shook his head and followed after Kasirn. "Can't they just leave us alone! I'm not going to run forever,!" he said panting.
1:14pm Jan 4 2010
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Posts: 93
Neriis made a sharp turn into an abandoned warehouse, and leaned against a wall. "Man, I'm starting to feel light headed." he panted, sliding down the wall to sit. Kasirn leaned against a wall in the warehouse, and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. "Holy crap! I fergot I had these 'ere!" he said with a grin, and pulled one out and lit it, taking a few smokes. "Jerico, ya want one?" he asked, with the cig in his mouth.
5:55pm Jan 4 2010 (last edited on 6:01pm Jan 4 2010)
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Posts: 93
Neriis gave a scowl and growled low, He had heard! "Tha's NONE of yer business!" he hissed, scooting away from him. 'What the hell are you doing!? Don't shout at him, You!' Why the hell NOT!? Neriis looked up, and frowned. "I'd better just stay away from you guys for now, I'll be over there if you need me." he mumbled, walking to the other side of the warehouse and sitting down against the wall. Kasirn grinned, "Sure ok," he blinked a few times. "Now, focuse and don't think of any thin' else and then ya will go back to normal. The only thing y'need ta think about is yer name." He said, soon closing his eyes and concentrating, himself going back to normal.
6:28pm Jan 4 2010 (last edited on 6:30pm Jan 4 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 93
Giving an embarrased laugh Kasirn looked at Jerico. "I dunno, I guess 'cause, it jus' never works the same way as its done." he said, then looking over to Denachi. "Yea'? Well it's jus' somethin' my type'a mutant does, in the genes. Though, the power doesn't work on humans..." he explained. Neriis gave Hinnati a deathly glare, and curled his lip bareing his teeth. "Are you FnCKIN' DEAF!?" he hissed, shoving Hinnati away with a powerful thrust, making him crash through one of the warehouse walls.