Private between me, Anya, and maybe KittenKat. If you're lurking and you really really really feel like you need to join I guess you can rmail me.
So Anya and I both have characters that are humans turned pokemon. We don't know how we became pokemon, but we do know that before we woke up we were human. I guess we'll end up trying to help someone and learn around Rescue Teams from there. Then we'll make a Rescue team and hopefully by that point I'll have an interesting plot Idea thought up.
You can make your bio however you want to make it I guess. Once we've both got ours I'll make a little character list up here. I'm probably going to make a regular pokemon character to help us out in the beginning, if not throughout the whole rp.
Current Plot Thingies
1. We've been turned into pokemon and we want to figure out how and why.
2. Since we just sort of appeared we don't really have a house or anything so that's probably going to be a problem.