11:54am Jun 27 2012
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"He's losing it. If he goes to far, the Daisuke we know could be lost forever." Kay said as he continued to try to wake him up, going so far as to bite him hard on the shoulder.
He did not notice what was going on with his real body, his complete focus on the shadow being.
Ryu began to punch Daisuke, also trying to wake him up.
11:58am Jun 27 2012
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Posts: 1,432
Getting angry, her aura burst around her blasting Ryu and Kay away from Daisuke."Beating him will not wake him up, I need complete silence or I won't be able to get to his subconscious." she growled.
The shadow could not believe this was happening, he didn't want to do this job, but was being forced to do this by its master. It just hoped the Winged Girl would bring the Fanged one out of the darkness.
12:01pm Jun 27 2012 (last edited on 12:03pm Jun 27 2012)
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Posts: 2,290
He let out a scream of pure primal fury, and began to try to tear the shadow being apart.
Kay and Ryu just stared at her in shock, but kept their silence, not wanting to make her mad.
(be back in a little bit, have to take care of some chores and eat.)
12:05pm Jun 27 2012
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Feeling the darkness surrounding his heart and mind, she took the risk and jumped in. She appeared in the dream world and looked up to see what she thought was Daisuke tearing apart a shadow. Leaping up to him, she grabbed him and yanked him away from the shadow. Nodding to the shadow, who then slithered up her arm and combined with her skin to create wispy tattoos. She knew he would attack her so she let Daisuke's rage take him over for the time being.
1:51pm Jun 27 2012
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He glared at her and charged forward slamming into her. He could sense the shadow near her, so he attacked. He wanted it dead and destroyed. He didn't even care if others got hurt in the process, as long as he succeeded.
1:55pm Jun 27 2012
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Smirking, she wiped a bit of blood off of her lip. "Not bad Daisuke, but I am not the weak little girl from the castle anymore. If you want to harm me or the shadow, you will have to kill Kaylee to do it." she said with her eyes watching his frenzied behavior. Vanishing and reappearing behind him, she grabbed his hair and flung him into a building.
2:01pm Jun 27 2012
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He flipped his body and landed on all fours on the side of the building, his head tilted up, looking at her. "Dai...suke?" No longer knew his name, his dark side almost in complete control now.
2:06pm Jun 27 2012
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Sighing, she flashed memories of them together hoping that they were enough to shake the dark side of his mind off. She knew that if he didn't get a hold of himself, she would die. "Remember Kaylee, she wouldn't want this! Fight your dark side for her, or you will kill her." She hollered
The shadow knew that the Dark Woman was the Winged Girl, but it felt like it belonged with this version of her. The shadow then made up its mind to fight along side the Dark Woman no matter the cost.
2:20pm Jun 27 2012
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As the images assailed his mind, he slowly returned to his old self. "Kay...lee?" He asked before collapsing to the ground unconscious.
Kay sighed with relief. "He will be fine." In his mind he added, -For now.-
Ryu sighed as well, not realizing that he had been holding his breath. "I'll go get some fresh blood for him, for when he wakes." He then headed back outside the castle with the water skin, to collect the blood from the cows.
2:24pm Jun 27 2012
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Letting herself slowly fall to the ground, she went to daisuke's body and sat down. Picking up his head, she smoothed out his hair and sat with him in the dream world until he was strong enough to get both of them out of his dream.
Outside, her body had relaxed slightly, but she wore new tattoos that seemed to shift constantly, as if they were alive.
2:41pm Jun 27 2012 (last edited on 2:42pm Jun 27 2012)
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He did not wake, but subconsciously he led them both back outside the dream.
Ryu came back with the water skin, now filled with blood. He sat it on the nightstand, before sitting himself in the chair once more with a sigh. He closed his eyes and in a matter of seconds, was fast asleep.
Kay went and curled himself up into Kaylee's lap. He purred happily, glad that everything was alright.
2:51pm Jun 27 2012 (last edited on 2:53pm Jun 27 2012)
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Opening her eyes, she saw that they were back in the room. She smiled down at Kay and patted his head a few times. She looked down at Daisuke and was relieved that he got out of his darkness. Running her hand through his hair, she felt the shadow's nervousness. Stretching out her other hand, the shadow slipped off of her body and sat in her hand like a bird, she then projected thoughts to calm the shadow down.
3:16pm Jun 27 2012
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Daisuke slowly woke and noticed the shadow in her hand. He felt no threat from it, and he chuckled. "Hey." He said to it. "Sorry about earlier." He rubbed the back of his head as he sat up.
Kay giggled happily.
3:20pm Jun 27 2012 (last edited on 3:20pm Jun 27 2012)
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The shadow melted back into her skin, and because of how happy she was that everyone was alright, her headpiece glowed bright pink. When she shook her head, her brassier made a clinking noise because it was metal."Its fine Daisuke, just don't do it again." She said with her deep alluring voice. She still wasn't used to it and hoped that Daisuke realized that she was Kaylee because she liked this form a lot more, it was more easy going and more in control of her emotions.
3:53pm Jun 27 2012
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He laughed and nodded. "I'll try not to." He grinned and laid back on the bed, stretching. He then grabbed the water skin and drank all the blood from it. He put it back with a contented sigh.
Kay crawled up onto the bed and snuggled against Daisuke's side.
3:58pm Jun 27 2012
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Shaking her head, she got up and walked out of the room back to her own. She sat down on the edge of the bed and began to think about what happened in the dream. ~I understand that he can get a little angry, but losing control like that shouldn't have happened. Did the shadow really piss him off that badly?~
4:05pm Jun 27 2012
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Daisuke stood. "Kay, get some sleep."
Kay nodded, curled up even more and was soon sound asleep.
He chuckled and walked out of the room, and out of the castle.
4:10pm Jun 27 2012
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Kaylee felt Daisuke leave the castle but put that in the back of her mind for the moment. She got back up and went to Daisuke's room to find Ryu still sleeping in the chair. Picking him up, she took him to his original room and set him down on the bed. Kissing his forehead, she covered him with the blanket and walked down to Kay's room and tucked him in the same way. After she had finished, she headed down to the kitchen to find something to snack on with her new shadow leaving wisps of black after her footsteps.
4:15pm Jun 27 2012 (last edited on 4:15pm Jun 27 2012)
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Daisuke stared up at the moon, before turning and climbing the outside of the castle to the roof. Once there, he laid back and continued to stare at the moon. -Who am I? What am I? What happens if I completely lose it next time?- He wanted to scream out his frustrations.
4:23pm Jun 27 2012
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Posts: 1,432
Finding some apples on the counter, she snacked on those when she realized she needed a bath. Finishing her snack, she floated up and headed to the pond that she and Kay were playing in the day before. Touching down at the pond's edge she took off her coverings and dived into the deepest part of the pond. She completely submerged herself and swam to the bottom and began to meditate in the cool water.