4:30pm Jun 27 2012
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He heard a splash and sat up and looked at the pond. He saw Kaylee dive beneath the surface. He smiled then became serious. -I can't hurt them.- He thought and jumped from the roof and ran into the forest, not looking back, not realizing he was starting to shift once more...This time in the real world.(DUN DUN DUUUUNNNNNN XD)
4:39pm Jun 27 2012 (last edited on 4:39pm Jun 27 2012)
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(Hahah XD)
Feeling the monster version of Daisuke run through the forest, she hoped he wouldn't stop at the lake. She stayed as still as possible and silently prayed that he was in control of himself this time.
5:00pm Jun 27 2012 (last edited on 5:07pm Jun 27 2012)
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(so i live about 35 miles maybe less from the fire, and the wind is so strong that its carrying pieces of burnt wood. i have a couple that are about 1/2 inch in size while others outside are a little bigger.)
5:01pm Jun 27 2012 (last edited on 5:01pm Jun 27 2012)
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He continued to run, no thoughts going through his mind, save that of getting away...away from those he could hurt and possibly even kill.
5:07pm Jun 27 2012
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Posts: 1,432
She was worried for his safety so she got out of the pond and got dressed. Swiftly she followed Daisuke and continued to ponder where he was going.
(Be safe please)
5:09pm Jun 27 2012 (last edited on 5:09pm Jun 27 2012)
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He felt someone was following him, but he put that in the back of his mind. He had no idea where he was going, only that he got away.(I should be unless something completely unprecedented happened.)
5:13pm Jun 27 2012
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She knew he was afraid to lose control, but he didn't have to run. All of them were willing to help, but apparently he didn't see that. She continued running after him, slowly closing the gap between them.
5:20pm Jun 27 2012
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He stopped when he reached a large gorge. He crouched then launched himself into the air. He easily landed on the other side. That was when he sensed it. Something other than Kaylee was following him...something that wanted him dead and out of the picture. He straightened, closing his eyes and tried to sense what it was.
5:27pm Jun 27 2012
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Posts: 1,432
She had watched Daisuke jump across the gorge,then she jumped and for an unknown reason, he had stopped running. The shadow told her that something with evil intent was behind them so she turned around and searched the area for someone or something.
5:30pm Jun 27 2012
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Posts: 2,290
He sensed it coming up behind her, and it planned on killing her if that's what it took to get to him. He launched himself back across the gorge and shoved her out of the way, feeling something slam hard into him. Him and whatever it was that planned on his death, fell into the gorge, soon hitting the bottom. He gasped in both pain and shock.
(I'm going to be volunteering at the salvation army tomorrow, serving out food and water to those who have already been evacuated.)
5:42pm Jun 27 2012
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Posts: 1,432
(Aww, how sweet)
Kaylee screamed when she saw Daisuke and the mysterious figure fall down the gorge. "NO DAISUKE!!!" She was pissed, she wanted to kill the monster who attacked them. Screaming into the wind, her aura blazed as she jumped off the edge and slammed into the figure, pounding him deep into the ground. She had lost control of her emotions and her headpiece burned like blood as she continued to beat him down.
5:45pm Jun 27 2012 (last edited on 6:18pm Jun 28 2012)
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What she hadn't realized was that the mysterious figure was gone, and she was now beating Daisuke.He gasped again, blood dripping from his mouth from some internal injuries. "Kay...lee."(I am so mean to Daisuke XD but hey, we all need drama.)
6:56pm Jun 27 2012
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Posts: 1,432
(Oh yeah we do, thats what makes these awesome :3)
When she heard her name whispered, the blood clouding her eyes vanished leaving her staring at a bloody Daisuke. "O-oh My Gosh!! Daisuke, I am so sorry." she said with tears running down her face.
6:20pm Jun 28 2012
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Posts: 2,290
He gave a small chuckle. "Hey, think of it as payment for almost killing all of you." He leaned up and gave her a peck on the cheek.
7:08pm Jun 28 2012
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Blushing slightly, she got up and offered her hand. ~I am going to kill that bastard~
7:16pm Jun 28 2012
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He took it and stood. His wounds faded then were gone. "Now then..." He looked away. He still didn't want to be around them. He could feel his thirst coming on.
9:14pm Jun 28 2012
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Posts: 1,432
"what are we going to do now that we know there is someone trying to kill us?" she asked him.
2:03pm Jun 29 2012 (last edited on 4:03pm Jun 29 2012)
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He shook his head. "I don't know..." He shifted uneasily, feeling very on edge.
4:18pm Jun 29 2012
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Putting her hand on his shoulder, she smiled "come on, lets go back. I dont want to leave them alone to long."
10:06am Jun 30 2012
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Posts: 2,290
"You...go on ahead." He said giving her a small reassuring smile. "I'll catch up. I have some...thinking to do."