2:17pm Jun 30 2012
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"If your sure. Alright, be careful." she said as she walked back towards the castle.
5:45pm Jul 1 2012
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He nodded and watched her go. "Should I go after her, or stay here...Maybe I should see if I can lure whoever it is that wants me dead, back out." He chuckled and began to climb out of the gorge, reaching the top in a matter of seconds. He stood there and looked around before heading towards the forest, in the direction of where the unknown person had come out of.
5:52pm Jul 1 2012
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Kaylee was deep in thought when she tripped. What she didn't know was that the creature from before was following her. Dusting herself off, she continued walking towards the castle with her shadow slithering across her body. Hearing a rustling in the trees, she stopped and looked over to see what it was. When Kaylee turned back around, she was attacked from behind and she screamed bloody murder before she was knocked unconscious.
5:00pm Jul 2 2012
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He heard her scream and bolted in her direction. He saw the creature standing over her. He let out a blood chilling cry of anger and rage. He charged at the creature, tackling full on.
5:09pm Jul 2 2012
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She was unconcious but heard Daisuke attack the figure. then she felt herself being dragged away by something other than Daisuke. Opening her eyes, she looked up to see an evil smile and was aware that there was no color other than black. She was thrown across the room and landed on the floor with a sickening thud. After hearing the door slam, Kaylee curled up in a ball and cried.
2:46pm Jul 3 2012
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When the figure fled, he looked around for Kaylee. He could not see her, but he could smell her blood. He swiftly followed it, not making a sound. -Where did they take you?- He thought.
2:52pm Jul 3 2012
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Slowly losing weight and muscle, she felt as though she were dying. The miniscule amount of food they provided her was barely enough to keep hunger at bay. She was cut all over, her wings were torn and she was too weak to stay in her transformed state. Kaylee lied in the corner of the room in a stagnant puddle of blood, her blue hair dirty and mangled and her bright red eyes were dull and lifeless. She knew she would have no chance of breaking free, so she closed her eyes and slept.
((This is after about 7 days...I thought it would add a little more drama))
2:58pm Jul 3 2012
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(That's Fine.) Ryu and Kay worried greatly since Kaylee and Daisuke had not come back. They had agreed to remain in the castle in hopes that they would come back. If they left, they thought that the two would be greatly worried if they came back and found them gone.
He picked up on a smell of a large amount of her blood. He growled darkly, swearing to kill whoever had hurt her. Little did he know that it was a trap to draw him out, using Kaylee as bait. He soon found a secluded cave and entered. Moving through the tunnels with ease, he continued to follow the smell of her blood. It kept getting stronger and stronger. -Soon.- He told himself.
3:01pm Jul 3 2012
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She heard something coming near the door and shuffled as far back into the room as she could. She was terrified of her captors and knew they would beat her. Covering up what she could with the scraps of her outfit that were left, she hid in the shadows with silent tears running down her face.
3:08pm Jul 3 2012
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He opened the door and his eyes widened in horror. He rushed over to her and held her close. "I'm here, I'm here." He kept repeating over and over to her, as he cradled her in his arms. Silent tears ran down his cheeks.
3:12pm Jul 3 2012
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Whimpering when the figure rushed toward her, she thought she was hallucinating when she saw that it was Daisuke. When he picked her up, she snuggled as close as she could to him, shaking the entire time. She tried to speak, but no words could come out. She knew it was from the shock and abuse that caused her to become mute, but she didn't care anymore. She felt so safe in his arms that she finally was able to close her eyes and dream peacefully for once in that hell-hole.
3:16pm Jul 3 2012
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He stood, holding her closer, and began the trek back out of the caverns. He wished he had gotten there soon and blamed himself for not following the scent faster. He had worked as hard as he could, and had not had any sleep for five days and nights due to his hunting for her.
3:24pm Jul 3 2012
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She knew her captors would be furious when they found out that she was gone, but she didn't want to go back. All she wanted to do was stay in the warm embrace that Daisuke was producing. She felt him pick her up and she relaxed slightly with the gentle rocking. She hoped they would not find her again, but if they did she would be ready.
3:26pm Jul 3 2012
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He leaned his head down to kiss her forehead, before looking back up. He picked up his pace and broke into a run. He knew he had to hurry and get her away from there.
3:31pm Jul 3 2012
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The shadow felt the Shadow Woman leave with the Fanged One, so it quickly followed. It did not want to be far from his new master for long.
She felt Daisuke's worry and snuggled up closer to him in an attempt to reassure him. Deep in her mind she felt the shadow calling out for her and hoped it would find its way back to her.
3:34pm Jul 3 2012
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He sensed the shadow and slowed just long enough for the shadow to catch up. When he felt it reunite with her, he couldn't help but smile. His face then grew serious once more, and again broke into a run.
3:38pm Jul 3 2012
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She felt more complete with the shadow but was still in severe pain and could not think properly, she started to twitch in pain and tears slid down her face again. ~I feel so useless, its my fault I got caught and put everyone in danger and worry~
3:53pm Jul 3 2012
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Somehow he knew what she was thinking. "It's OK. It was my fault for not paying attention to the surroundings." He kissed her forehead again as he continued to run. "You did good for surviving." He chuckled quietly, again picking up his pace, his run becoming a sprint.
3:59pm Jul 3 2012
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His words did calm her down enough to stop crying, but she still would twitch in pain every now and then. She just hoped they would get to the castle soon or she wouldn't be conscious for very much longer.
4:07pm Jul 3 2012
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He reached the outside of the cave and gave a small sigh. He then sprinted in the direction of the castle, hoping to reach there before the night set in.