6:14pm Jul 3 2012
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She was fighting consciousness the entire way back to the castle. It was getting really easy just to fall into temptation but she didn't want to give up.
4:34pm Jul 4 2012
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He soon arrived. Ryu and Kay were there waiting. They helped him get Kaylee to her room and her wounds treated.
5:00pm Jul 5 2012
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All Kaylee could feel was pain. She knew she was back in the castle and was happy for that. She opened her eyes to see Ryu, Kay, and Daisuke hovering over her cleaning the wounds. She smiled even though it hurt and sent a telepathic message to each of them. ~Thank you so much.~
11:03am Jul 6 2012 (last edited on 11:03am Jul 6 2012)
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They all nodded.
Daisuke relieved that she would be OK. He was also glad that, before reaching the castle, he had returned to normal.
12:06pm Jul 6 2012
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Kaylee noticed that Daisuke had turned back to normal and realized that he was probably hungry and tired. Looking at Daisuke she smiled softly and spoke only to him.~Go eat, and then rest. You deserve it and don't worry, I have Ryu and Kay here to watch me~ With that said, she closed her eyes and fell asleep
7:02pm Jul 7 2012
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He gave a small smile and left to go drink some blood from one of the cows. Once out there he sensed something was watching him...something that either wanted him dead...or something else. (I'm thinking whatever power lies dormant within him)
Ryu watched her sleep, sitting down in the nearby chair.
Kay climbed into his lap, smiling. He soon fell asleep, his head resting on Ryu's shoulder where it meets the neck.
Ryu chuckled. He leaned his head back to rest against the back of the chair. He closed his eyes, and he too soon fell asleep.
7:11pm Jul 7 2012
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Sensing that they had fallen asleep, Kaylee sat up wincing in pain. ~damn, they really did a number on me~ she thought to herself. Getting up carefully, she made her way over to the mirror to look at her wounds. She was extremely thankful that they were there to patch her up or she would have surely died. Picking up her book off the table, she walked over to the chair and opened the book, looking up every now and then to check on things.
5:53pm Jul 8 2012
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He growled then shook his head, brushing off the feeling. He then stood next to a cow before biting down on its neck, and began to drink. The cow ignored him.(I'm assuming you sent the rain ^^ thank you. the fire is now 98% contained and should be finished being put out tonight with the rain ^^)
6:45pm Jul 8 2012
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(Im glad that the fire has been contained)
Finished with the book, Kaylee set it down quietly on the table and sat against the head board of the bed. Sighing she looked out the window and let her mind wander.
6:15pm Jul 9 2012
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When he finished he slowly began to walk back towards the castle. Should he even bother going back? He wondered. Wouldn't he just end up hurting them. He shrugged and continued to walk.
6:20pm Jul 9 2012
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Seeing Daisuke in the distance, Kaylee smiled. She got up despite her body's complaint and walked slowly down stairs to wait for him. She was still thankful to him for saving her and wanted to thank him properly, not through her mind.
12:49pm Jul 10 2012 (last edited on 12:50pm Jul 10 2012)
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When he entered the castle and saw her, he smiled. "You know you should be in bed resting." He told her with a chuckle. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug.
12:55pm Jul 10 2012
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"I know, but I wanted to wait for you to come back." she said with a smile. Letting him wrap his arms around her, she felt his warmth seep into her skin. Mumbling into his chest, "I'm sorry for causing all of the worry, I hope you guys can forgive me."
1:43pm Jul 10 2012
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"There's nothing to forgive. It should be me asking forgiveness from you, for not coming to your aid sooner." He kissed her forehead.
1:51pm Jul 10 2012
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"It's not your fault, it was hard to find me. I honestly still can't believe you found me, thank you." she said when she looked up. Stretching her neck pulled some of the wounds and she winced slightly, but tried to put on a brave face.
The shadow felt its new masters pain and tried to spread over the wounds to protect them a little better. It didn't have healing properties, but it did keep the skin in place much better than the wrappings.
6:53pm Jul 11 2012
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-Thank you.- He told the shadow telepathically. He kept his arms wrapped around her, before shifting and picking her up bridal style. "Time for bed, young lady." He said laughing. He then began to walk to her room.
6:56pm Jul 11 2012
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Giggling she allowed him to carry her to the bedroom. She relaxed in his embrace and listened to the steady pulse of his heart. "Will you stay with me tonight please?" she asked as she looked in his eyes.
8:12pm Jul 12 2012
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"If that is your wish, then yes I will." He kissed her forehead. He was surprised to hear his heart beat as well. -Shouldn't it have stopped?- He wondered. -I'll ask Ryu about it when he wakes up in the morning.-
8:19pm Jul 12 2012
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Smiling she hummed a soft tune as they walked to the bedroom.
8:29pm Jul 12 2012
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He smiled and then gently laid her on the bed, before laying down on the bed next to her. "Get some rest. I won't go anywhere."