10:10am Jul 13 2012
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"mmkay" she said drowsily. Snuggling up to Daisuke's side, she fell asleep quickly.
The shadow walked with the Shaded Woman in her dreams to protect her. It knew that its master was still weak, but she had the Fanged One and itself to protect her.
11:50pm Jul 13 2012 (last edited on 11:50pm Jul 13 2012)
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Diasuke sat with her through the rest of the day and ended falling asleep as soon as night hit. Something deep down told him that he should. He entered the dream world and was in his true form.
He looked around and soon sensed Kaylee. He moved through the streets. He quickly found her, but kept at a distance so she wouldn't sense him. He kept to the many shadows.
9:44am Jul 14 2012
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Walking down the street, she could feel her dark form clawing at the surface but she was struggling to keep it at bay. Her wings were already changing and her tattoos were flickering on her body. Knowing that she couldn't hold it back any longer, shadows engulfed her entire body and when she walked out of them, she smiled wickedly and took off deep into the city.
The shadow knew what his master was after but didn't say anything when she transformed, all it did was merge with her skin causing all of her tattoos to come to life. It once again felt whole and was finally happy with its existence
12:55pm Jul 14 2012 (last edited on 1:03pm Jul 14 2012)
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He tilted his head confused, but followed swiftly as she took off. He never lost sight of her as she flew. -Where are you going?- He wondered silently to himself. He continued to follow, very intrigued as to what she might be planning.
12:59pm Jul 14 2012
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Posts: 1,432
Laughing the entire time, she ran through streets and alleys until she reached a storm drain that looked used frequently. Checking the area around her she slid down once she knew she was safe and disappeared down the sewer. Once she fell through the hole, she fluttered her wings so she barely touched the concrete before she started walking down the pitch black tunnels.
1:02pm Jul 14 2012 (last edited on 1:03pm Jul 14 2012)
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He followed her, not making a single sound. He could see perfectly in the pitch darkness of the sewer, so it was easy for him to follow. His crimson eyes, though, seemed to glow like small flames within the darkness. He sensed that fact so he closed them. Somehow he was able to still see her and everything else with his minds eye. It was like it was as clear as day.
1:11pm Jul 14 2012
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Posts: 2,290
(ok i have to poof for a while, chores. will be back on later)
1:18pm Jul 14 2012 (last edited on 1:21pm Jul 14 2012)
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Kaylee kept running and making turns here and there. She finally stopped at what looked like a dead end and stepped up to the wall. She tapped the wall a few times and a hatch opened to show a pair of black eyes. Smirking Kaylee knew the only way to get in was to speak the password. "Darkest Dreams" she said quietly. The hatch shut and a chunk of the wall opened up allowing Kaylee to walk in with the wall going back into place as soon as she was inside.
(alright :D)
9:03pm Jul 14 2012 (last edited on 9:03pm Jul 14 2012)
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He smirked as he heard her say the password. -Interesting.- He thought. He approached the wall and knocked. -Wonder if they would question the fact that they've never seen me before...but what about her?- He shrugged and waited.
10:48am Jul 15 2012
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As she made her way deeper into the cavern, she saw demons of all sorts; some were dancing to the DJ, some were drinking, and some were just hanging out. Looking up at the DJ table she smiled at who she saw and walked onto the dance floor.
3:23pm Jul 15 2012 (last edited on 3:23pm Jul 15 2012)
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When the slot in the door open, he gave the password. They let him in and he entered, ignore the slight look of fear on the door keeper's face. He kept to the shadows as he moved about, keeping an eye on Kaylee. He could not help but grin when he saw her walk to the dance floor. -I bet she's an amazing dancer.- He thought. He moved to the darkest part of the room and watched. No one else had seen him, let alone notice him.
3:33pm Jul 15 2012
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Posts: 1,432
Hearing the song change, she felt the rhythm flow through her body and began to rock her hips to the beat, soon she was dancing gracefully along with the song. Her dancing caused many to stop and watch her, she heard men making cat-calls and heard women grumbling but she didn't care, all that mattered was the music pulsing through her.
3:36pm Jul 15 2012 (last edited on 3:44pm Jul 15 2012)
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He smiled as he enjoyed watching her dance. -She really is good.- He thought. -Hope the music doesn't stop anytime soon, or anyone tries to stop her. They will regret it if they do.- His eyes narrowed slightly at the thought.
3:39pm Jul 15 2012
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Smirking, she and the song sped up and she was dancing like it was her lifeline. A few men had come up to dance with her so she willingly accepted it and danced with on and around them. Kaylee repeated this many times before the song was over. When it ended, she bowed and slowly made her way to the bar.
3:46pm Jul 15 2012
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He followed, again keeping to the shadows, his presence unnoticed. He stood in a dark corner next to the bar, waiting to see what she would do next.
3:50pm Jul 15 2012
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Smiling at one of the sever girls, she asked for a bloody Mary and waited for her drink. ~gosh i miss this place~ she thought sadly,her thoughts were interrupted when her drink arrived. Grabbing the drink she twirled around on the bar stool and sipped at it as she watched the clubbing demons party the night away and hummed along with the music.
3:53pm Jul 15 2012
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He signaled the serving girl over. "I'll pay for her drink." He whispered as he handed the girl the money. "Don't say a word to her, just tell her it was on the house." The serving girl nodded and left. He slipped back into the darkness, still unnoticed by anyone else.
4:00pm Jul 15 2012
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Posts: 1,432
She had just finished her drink and was about to pay when the server said it was on the house, Shocked, she looked from the direction that she had come but saw no one."Um, okay thanks" she said in slight shock. When she turned back around, one of the men had approached her and was standing not even a foot away. She growled and told him to back off but he just kept getting closer, she knew he was drunk but he was much stronger than her by far so all she could do was watch with terrified eyes as the man approached her and started rubbing her legs.
4:28pm Jul 15 2012
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His eyes narrowed and he approached the guy. He laid his hand on the man's shoulder who stiffened. "Let's go for a walk." He told him, not realizing that the shadows clung to his body, cloaking him. This made it impossible for anyone to see who it was. His voice had also deepened a great deal, so Kaylee and the shadow, that now served her, would not know it was him. The man said nothing but nodded in reply. Daisuke then led the man away and towards the back of the place, away from prying eyes.
4:30pm Jul 15 2012
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She didn't know who the man was, but was grateful for him intervening. Fixing her clothes. she turned around and ordered another Bloody Mary and payed for it.