9:58pm Jul 20 2012
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(yes. going to bed, so this will be my last reply for the night. will do lots of replies tomorrow though. no classes. *sighs with relief* oh and the new stable boy will be kay, but his name in this life is Shinji. Daisuke's was Atsuki.)He walked to the stable wondering what the new boy would be like. Once there, he saw a kid with cat ears and tail. -What in the world?- He shrugged and walked over to the main stable hand. "How's the new kid working out for you? Not giving you any trouble is he?"
The stable hand shook his head and grinned. "He will do fine once he gets the hang of things. A real hard worker he is." He then returned to his work.
He nodded and went to check on his horse and his brothers. His was black with a white mane and tail, while his brothers was pure black. He loved being around the two horses. They were the only ones, besides his brother, who he could talk to and feel comfortable around.
The boy smiled as he saw the prince, but quickly got back to work. -Will I look that cool when I get older?- He grinned and hoped it would be so.

10:07pm Jul 20 2012 (last edited on 10:08pm Jul 20 2012)
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Posts: 1,432
She was finished with the the pies and had some free time so she grabbed 6 apples and put them in the pocket of her dress. Saying goodbye to the chef she walked out to the stables to greet the stable hand. "good morning sir" she said with a smile. Looking toward the stables, she saw a little boy with cat ears and a tail. She walked over to him and smiled. Hi there, you must be the new stable boy. My name is Summer, what's yours?" she said happily.
((Alright, good night ^^))
10:18am Jul 21 2012
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The boy giggled happily, already liking this girl named summer. "It's Shinji." He replied his voice sounding as if it was mixed with a purr.
He brushed down the two horses and fed them extra grain and oats, which to them was like candy to humans. If he could be with these two all the time and his brother, he would be the happiest person ever.
11:25am Jul 21 2012
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She laughed at the eager little boy. "So how do you like working here?" she asked as she helped him with his work.
10:30am Jul 22 2012 (last edited on 10:31am Jul 22 2012)
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Shinji giggled. "I love it. The horses tell me everything, and they are my friends." He gave them all oats and grain, avoiding the prince. He had the feeling that the prince wanted to be alone for the time being. That was fine, but he did want them to become friends.
6:28pm Jul 22 2012
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She giggled at his eager childish behavior and groomed the horses. She would have to wait for the prince to leave before giving the horses any apples or he would surely throw a fit. She began to hum the tune from earlier and smiled to herself as she continued.
5:37pm Jul 23 2012
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He finally left, hoping to catch his brother at the training field. Maybe he would even practice some, and show the soldiers who's in charge. Help whip them into shape.
Shinji climbed from horse to horse after he had fed and groomed them. He then climbed into the hay loft and jumped down into a pile of hay below, laughing all the while.
11:06pm Jul 23 2012
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She watched the prince leave and pulled out the apples she had snagged from the kitchen. Still humming, she walked up to each horse and gave them an apple and rubbed their heads. She had never seen the princes brother and wondered if he was as mean as Prince Atsuki, she secretly hoped he wasn't. Hearing the childish laughter caused her to look up and she laughed when she saw the young boy jumping into a hay bale. "You better get back to work or you might get in trouble." she hollered kindly to Shinji.
3:32pm Jul 24 2012 (last edited on 2:45pm Jul 25 2012)
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"It's ok, I already finished what I was supposed to earlier. I'm in training right now, so all I need to do is feed and groom the horses." He giggled and easily climbed back into the loft and jumped back into the hay, squealing with laughter.
A young man about 23 walked in. He had short black hair that had white highlights in the bangs. He nodded to Shinji and walked up to the large, 21 hand, pure black horse. He smiled kindly to it as he rubbed its forehead. He pulled out a large red apple and fed it to the horse. -You are always such a good boy, aren't you?- He told it through telepathy. The horse whinnied happily, its head bobbing as if to say yes. The young man laughed, his laughter sounding like cool water in a stream as it went over the rocks, both quiet and loud, yet soothing. His silvery-golden eyes shining with his joy.
(Plot Twist!! XD. Guess who his older brother is ^^)
4:55pm Jul 24 2012
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Posts: 1,432
((Amazing twist, i love it xD))
She heard footsteps and assumed it was just the prince coming back in because he couldn't find his brother, so she continued to pet the horses and hum. She jumped slightly when she heard the gentle laughter and looked up to see a young man with black and white hair and eyes that shined like gold and silver. Her soft peaceful tune stopped as she watched the man with a curious gaze, until it was interrupted by Shinji's childish laughter. With her attention broken, she shook her head and continued to groom the horse.
2:50pm Jul 25 2012
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Shinji ran over to him. "Toss me please, Mr. Akira?" He asked his voice barely audible.
Akira laughed even more and picked the boy up, throwing him into the air, catching him again, and tossing him into the hay. All this he did as if Shinji weighed no more than a child's toy ball.
Shinji squealed with pure delight the whole time, always begging for more, which Akira did.
5:37pm Jul 25 2012
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She smiled when she heard Shinji laugh and she moved to sit on a wooden post in the stable. Now that she was done with her jobs for the moment she was allowed some free time. Grabbing one of the apples from her pocket, she watched the elder prince play with Shinji.
5:52pm Jul 25 2012
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He noticed a girl watching him play with Shinji. "Give me a sec." He told him.
Shinji nodded giggling, knowing exactly what Akira was going to do. "Oks." He went back to climbing into the loft and jumping down into the hay below.
He smiled at Shinji before walking over to the girl. He took her hand in his. "My name is Akira, and you must be an angel, who has graced us with her radiant presense." He said grinning bowing down, bringing her hand to his lips and kissing it. He straightened and let go of her hand.
5:58pm Jul 25 2012
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She couldn't help but blush from the compliment and it took her a second to gather herself. "It's an honor to meet you Prince Akira." She said with a smile. She was truly amazed at how kind the elder prince was and was left speechless by his actions, her hand still felt warm from where he had kissed it.
6:06pm Jul 25 2012
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Posts: 2,290
"I noticed my brother leave here a bit ago...I hope he didn't cause you any trouble." He paused. "He really is a good person...but with how our parents treat him when no one is looking...Well, it's no wonder he turned out the way he did." He gave a small bow to further express his feelings.
Within his eyes was a sadness that had been deeply engrained due to the years of torment that his brother had gone through. He wished there was something he could do, but he had yet to figure that out.
6:11pm Jul 25 2012 (last edited on 6:12pm Jul 25 2012)
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"I am truly sorry for him, he doesn't really bother me too much nor anyone else, he just distances himself." she said honestly. She put her hand on his arm as a sign of comfort and offered him an apple. She only had a few more minutes before she had to go back into the forest to gather blueberries and strawberries for more pies.
6:15pm Jul 25 2012
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Posts: 2,290
He nodded. "I try to help him to learn not to distance himself...but he thinks that everyone is just like our parents...well everyone save me." He sighed and took the apple with a smile and bit into it. His smile widened and he looked down at it. "This has got to be the sweetest, juiciest apple that I have ever tasted."
6:23pm Jul 25 2012
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She giggled lightly "why thank you, I have an orchard in the forest that I harvest them from. which reminds me, I have to pick berries to make pies for the banquet tomorrow." she said as she went to reach for her basket.
6:30pm Jul 25 2012
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"Do you think that maybe...me and my brother could come? I think it would help him see that there are other good people out there." He looked at her hopefully. His eyes suddenly widened. "I'm sorry, I never asked you for your name. Where are my manners?" He gave a large bow in apology.
6:33pm Jul 25 2012
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Posts: 1,432
"You both are welcome to come, but you must not tell anyone of its location. hahaha, its quite alright, my name is Summer. Why don't you go get your brother and meet me back here." she said with a smile.