6:41pm Jul 25 2012
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Posts: 2,290
He nodded. "Thank you, and don't worry me and him will keep the location secret." He gave another bow and left in a run to go to the training field to get his brother. "Yo, Atsuki, come here."
He walked over to Akira. "What is it?" He asked tilting his head confused.
"Come with me to meet someone. She is really nice and we are going to help her pick some fresh fruit." He grabbed his brother's hand and pulled him along.
"Ok, ok. You don't have to drag me." He said giving a slight grumble, causing his brother to laugh.
6:46pm Jul 25 2012
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Posts: 1,432
She smiled as he ran off to find his brother and took out one of the other apples in her pocket. She began to eat it and grinned ~good thing I took a couple of these with me~ she thought as she continued to eat.
3:28pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 2,290
When he came back, he was still dragging along Atsuki.
"What's the big rush, bro?" He asked confused. "I know you wanted me to..." He stopped when he saw the beautiful girl. "Is she the one you wanted me to meet?" He was amazed that someone so beautiful existed. "Is...she an angel?"
Akira laughed. "No, but I thought she was when I first saw her. Her name is Summer."
Atsuki went up to her. "Ummm...Hi." He looked away embarrassed, blushing slightly.
Akira grinned though he was surprised at his brother. He had never acted this way ever. "You know, now you're being cute instead of a *censored.*"
"Hey!" He lunged at his big brother growling.
Akira laughed and moved out of the way and ended up tripping and falling into the hay.
Kay watched from the loft, giggling loudly.
3:32pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,432
She laughed at the sight, her laugh sounding like a beautiful chime echoing through the stable. "Are you guys ready to go, or are you going to wrestle with each other in the hay all day?" she asked with a smile.
3:35pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 2,290
The two looked up grinning. "We're coming." They said in unison and laughed. They got up and brushed each other off, and walked over to her.
3:39pm Jul 26 2012
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"great, follow me." she said as she walked through the stable. She looked down to the right and saw a bright red flower and walked up to it, she picked it up and wound it into her basket and entered the forest with the boys following closely behind her. She began to hum again as she walked down the worn little path with her bare feet.
3:52pm Jul 26 2012
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They followed, thinking that she looked absolutely divine in the sunlight. They both wondered if she would look even more beautiful in the moonlight.
3:56pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,432
Summer checked back every now and then to make sure they were still following her. Soon they were in the deeper part of the forest and she walked through some of the flowers causing their nectar and scents to cover her. She knew that the sun was setting by the type of flowers blooming and stopped in a ray of light in the middle of a small clearing.
4:32pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 2,290
(ooops, the alert for you replying did pop up so i didn't know that you replied.)
Akira walked up next to her and gently took her hand in his, a smile on his lips. "Are you sure that you are not an angel?"
Atsuki hung back. For the second time in his life he felt shy. In fact the first time was when he had just met Summer earlier.
4:33pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 2,290
(hmmm...when did i stop italicizing? XD)
5:39pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,432
She blushed when Akira took her hand and complimenting her left her speechless again. ~oh gosh, he is so charming~ she thought. Shaking her head mentally to clear her thoughts she went over to Atsuki and grabbed his hand as well and pulled them further into the forest.
5:49pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 2,290
Atsuki's eyes widened in shock and he blushed.
Akira noticed his little brother blush and laughed. "Looks like someone finally is looking at girls."
"Shut it!" He growled looking away, embarrassed.
5:59pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,432
She chuckled and kissed Atsuki on the cheek, then she did the same to Akira. Once they were quiet, she continued to drag them along with her until they reached a small pond. Smiling she sat down on the shore and dipped her feet in. She looked at the boys and beckoned them over, "We will have to wait until the sun goes all the way down, that is when its best to pick the berries. Just relax until then, my home is your home." she said with a sad smile.
6:32pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 2,290
Akira looked at her confused, easily getting over his shock at being kissed. "Why so sad?" He asked his eyes mirroring his worry for her.
Atsuki didn't really notice that they had stopped, he was still too shocked at being kissed, even if it was just on the cheek.
6:52pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,432
Shocked that he had noticed, she mumbled a bit in her answer,"Well, I haven't had an actual home since I was 4. I have been living here since then, my parents were killed by bandits. This is the first time anyone has seen where I live, in fact this is the first time I have talked to anyone other than stable hands." She grew silent and looked back at the water and the small fish swimming in it.
6:56pm Jul 26 2012
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He smiled. "Well...would you like to live with us?" His voice was quiet, trying to reassure her that everything would be fine. "We can be your family."
7:00pm Jul 26 2012
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Summer looked back up at him with wide eyes. For the first time in a very long while, she cried. She jumped to Akira and hugged him, mumbling into his shoulder "That would be amazing, thank you so very much for showing me so much kindness. No one has ever done such kind things for me before."
7:05pm Jul 26 2012
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Atsuki realized what was going on and he smiled. "Great idea, bro. We could put her in the room next to mine." He said grinning.
"No way." He replied grinning. She can have to one straight across from us." He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "You're welcome." He smiled kindly at her.
Atsuki nodded in agreement. "I can see if mom can give us some of her old clothes that she keeps in perfect condition, for her."
7:10pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 1,432
She had never felt so happy in all her life, she was finally going to have a family. "Thank you so very much, this means more to me than you could ever imagine." she said with a smile. ~I just hope I don't get courted. I am unfortunately at that age.~
7:20pm Jul 26 2012
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Posts: 2,290
They nodded in unison.
"We will take you back once we help you pick your berries." Akira said.
He grinned. He had always wanted a little sister.