10:13am Jun 13 2012
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Hugging him, she smiled at the little boy, and softly rubbed his back. Shaking her wing slightly, she beckoned Daisuke over to sit next to her and try to talk to the child. She loved listening to the little purrs coming from Kay, and murmured little songs while she held him.
10:18am Jun 13 2012
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Daisuke walked over as indicated and sat down next to her. He smiled at the boy. "So I guess we are in this together." He gave a quiet chuckled. "Whatever this is." He reached out and rubbed Kay's head, making sure to rub the ears.
Kay's purrs grew louder and his little hands began to knead the young woman's shoulders, just like a kitten. He nuzzled her with his face, giving a tiny, happy giggle.
10:22am Jun 13 2012
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She leaned against daisuke's shoulder while she let Kay kneed her shoulders. She started to get sleepy and passed out not even a half an hour later, lulled to sleep by Kay's continuous purring.
10:30am Jun 13 2012
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Posts: 1,003
Hi Drenn
10:45am Jun 13 2012 (last edited on 2:58pm Jun 13 2012)
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(Hello Ivu. how are you?)Daisuke watch the two of them, and smiled as Kay too fell asleep. He got up and grabbed a blanket and draped it over them. He then went to go look around to see if he could find anything to eat. As he returned to the first floor, he found the young man from earlier looking in a pantry. "What are you doing?" He asked him.
"None of your business." The golden eyed man said as he looked up briefly to give a glare to Daisuke, before looking around the pantry once more.
10:53am Jun 13 2012
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She woke up when she felt Kay move, and when she looked around, she noticed that Daisuke disappeared. Worried that she would not find him again, she grabbed Kay and walked out of the room. She went down to the first floor and heard voices, so she entered the room and saw Daisuke talking to a mysterious new person. "What's going on?" she asked as she shifted Kay around.
11:04am Jun 13 2012
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I'm good yh and you
12:17pm Jun 13 2012 (last edited on 2:58pm Jun 13 2012)
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"Oh great...more people." The young man said sarcastically without looking out from the pantry.
Daisuke sighed. "Apparently we are not welcome around him." He gave a small glare, with a touch of sadness, at the young man. "We'll just have to look for food elsewhere."
(I'm alright. so what's up?)
1:46pm Jun 13 2012
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"Hmph! I don't care if we are welcome or not! I am hungry, you are hungry, and Kay is starving. He will have to get off of his high-horse and get over himself." she said angrily. Walking over to the young man, she confronted him." I don't know who you think you are, but you are not the only one living in this castle." Not realizing it, her necklace began to burn like blood and fire, feeding off of her negative emotions and pulsing power through her veins.
2:06pm Jun 13 2012 (last edited on 2:58pm Jun 13 2012)
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He turned and glared at her, his golden eyes blazing. "Do you really want food? Well guess what, there is none." He said slamming the pantry door closed. "All the food is spoiled, so have fun with it." He turned and walked off to see where the cellar was. -If they have wine, that works for me.- He thought.
Daisuke sighed, glad that the cat boy had not woken. He then noticed the girl's necklace. He pointed. "Ummm...It's glowing..." He said. "And don't worry. Watch the boy. I'll find us some food no matter what." He smiled and nodded to himself. His weakness was the fact that once his mind was set, nothing could change it.
2:16pm Jun 13 2012
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"What?" Looking down, she also saw the glowing necklace and gasped. She began to calm down and watched as the necklace also turned back to normal. "hmm how bizarre" she pondered. Looking down at Kay, she smiled and slowly made her way up into the library where she woke up. She hoped there were a few books that she would like, and she remembered seeing a few couches in there as well.
Once in the library, she set Kay down on one of the soft couches and walked to the bookshelves. About 20 minutes later, she had a pile of books suitable for her and for Kay whenever he woke up. She lifted Kay back up and set him in her lap and began to read, but stopped when her thoughts traveled back to the man with he golden eyes. "What is with that guy, I hope he gets stuck and starves to death" and before she continued reading, she silently hoped that Daisuke knew where to find her.
2:33pm Jun 13 2012 (last edited on 2:59pm Jun 13 2012)
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(hehehehe, gets stuck and starves. poor guy)Kay soon woke and yawned, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands. "I'm hungry." He whispered as his stomach gave a loud growl. "Is there any milk or anything?" He looked up into her eyes as he snuggled against her.
Daisuke headed outside to look around. There wasn't much, but there was a nice stream. He went back inside and had a quick look around in a storage closet and found an old fishing pole. It was a wood stick with a line attached and a barbed hook. He went back outside and began to fish. He soon had nine fish and went into the castle once more to cook them. Before long, the smell of cooking fish and herbs, that he had found, filled the whole place.
The young man with the golden eyes had found a good stash of old wine and had been drinking some when he smelled the fish. "Seems like someone is not a total waste." He got up and headed upstairs. "Need any help with the cooking?" He asked Daisuke, unsure why he even bothered.
Daisuke nodded. "Yeah. See those herbs on the counter there?" He pointed.
"Could you bring them to me?"
The young man gave a barely noticeable sigh and grabbed the herbs and brought them over.
"Thanks." Daisuke said with a smile. He wanted the young man to feel welcome. He took the herbs and tossed them in with the fish.
"Ummm...yeah...no problem." He went and sat down at the dining room table to wait.
Kay jumped up as the smell hit his nose. "FISH!!!" He cried out and bolted from the young woman's lap. He grabbed her hand. "Come on!" He shouted before taking off downstairs. When he reached the kitchen, he was jumping up and down with excitement.

2:40pm Jun 13 2012
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"Gah! hahaha, slow down Kay!" she hollered after him. Being almost dragged down the steps and into the kitchen she finally straightened her self out when Kay stopped and smiled at Daisuke but as soon as she saw the strange man, her collar began to glow even though her face held no emotion, and she could clearly smell the alcohol leaking from his pores so she wrinkled her nose in disgust.
2:48pm Jun 13 2012 (last edited on 2:56pm Jun 13 2012)
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He nodded to her without saying a word. He didn't feel the need to. Yeah he hated being around other people, but right now, the need to survive and food over ruled that.
Daisuke smiled. "Have a seat you two. The fish is almost ready. And he's not that bad." He chuckled as he indicated the young man with his head.
Kay laughed and ran over to the dining room table and sat next to the young man. "So what's your name? Huh? Huh? Huh?" He giggled, bouncing around on his seat.
The young man sighed. "It's Ryu..." He said no more, just watched Kay bounce around excitedly. He did not know how to handle a situation like this. If he did, he did not remember.
Daisuke focused his attention on the girl. "Ummm...Kaylee, can you grab those dishes that I washed over there and put them on the table? That would be a big help. Ryu helped with the herbs, so I will have Kay help with clearing the table after we eat."
2:51pm Jun 13 2012
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Calming down slightly, she laughed at Kay's eagerness and watched him bounce around the newcomer. Thinking for a second, she jumped up and ran out of the room. She had seen something that she wanted to get that would go wonderful with what they were eating.
2:56pm Jun 13 2012
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Daisuke laughed. "Guess I just missed her. Kay will you help with the dishes then."
"Ok!" Kay jumped up and grabbed the dishes then went to the table. "Uh...where do they go?"
Ryu stood. "Here, let me help you with that. This will be the only time I will do anything for you, so pay attention."
Kay nodded happily and watched as Ryu set the table. He put that information to memory. He then sat down once more. Ryu doing the same.
3:03pm Jun 13 2012
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She walked back in with some white wine, some wine glasses, and a cup of grape juice. She put the juice in front of Kay's spot and put the glasses in front of everyone else. Looking at Ryu she said " I followed your scent back into the cellar and found all of the alcohol so I decided to grab some." and looking back at Kay, she told him that she found a few cows and berry bushes outside in the field so he could have milk and juice.
3:08pm Jun 13 2012
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Kay screamed out in delight. "YAY!!! Cows and juice, cows and juice. Yum yum yum." He giggled.
Ryu shook his head. "Kids..." He paused and looked at the wine bottle. "Good choice." He then poured the wine for everyone but Kay. For Kay, he poured the juice.
Daisuke brought over the fish and served everyone. To Kay he gave two, along with Ryu. To himself and Kaylee, he gave one. He put the rest of the fish in the middle of the table so that it was up for grabs. "Dig in." He said and began eating.
Ryu did the same.
Kay drank some of his juice before he began to eat the fish as well.
3:08pm Jun 13 2012
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(*laughs* i just realized, we have a kaylee, you, and Kay, me XD)
3:15pm Jun 13 2012
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She ate her fish quietly, listening to everyone else. She didn't know why she was so protective, but it may have had something to do with he fact that she felt like Kay's protector or mother. She finished her plate and relaxed slightly, not enough to to relax her stiffened muscles, but enough to stop the slight blueish glow coming from her necklace. She realized that the necklace produced a different color for different emotions and she hoped that no one noticed.
She knew she was full, but did not want to be rude so to keep her self busy, she took tiny sips of her wine to pass the time. She wasn't a heavy wine drinker so she didn't even fill up her glass a second time. She just watched everyone silently from over the rim of her glass.