7:24pm Jul 26 2012
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"thanks guys." she said as she picked up her basket. She led them past the pond and pushed aside some bramble branches and walked into a secret grove of berry bushes and apple trees. She walked up to the blueberry bush and began plucking fat juicy berries and setting them in her basket.
3:35pm Jul 27 2012
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Posts: 2,290
The two brother's help out, enjoying the work. They made sure that each berry that they picked, was large and juicy. Deep down they hoped that they could do this everyday, and not worry about their royal duties.
3:41pm Jul 27 2012
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Posts: 1,432
They all picked berries until the basket was full, that was when Summer stopped and grabbed the basket and led the boys to a small cave just outside of the bushes. She went in and grabbed a small leather pouch and dropped it into her pocket. Smiling at the cave that she had made her home for a long time, she unwound the flower from the basket and planted it at the mouth of the cave. She turned back to the boys and told them that she was ready to go.
3:46pm Jul 27 2012
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Posts: 2,290
They nodded, large smiles on their faces. They led her back to the city and to the castle.
(ummm...will write more...writers block)
3:47pm Jul 27 2012
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Posts: 1,432
((lol, thats fine..I am kinda stuck too xD))
3:49pm Jul 27 2012
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3:55pm Jul 27 2012
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As they made their way up to the castle, Summer began to get nervous. She was always on her own and didn't know how she was going to accustomed to the new lifestyle. She put on a brave face and followed the boys closer to the castle.
11:58am Jul 28 2012
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"You won't have to worry about doing anything." Akira said. "You will be treated as royalty. Do not hesitate to ask for anything, for it shall be given to you." He smiled kindly at Summer.
"That's right!" Atsuki added he too smiling kindly.
2:09pm Jul 28 2012
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"Okay, i guess." She said uncertainly. She was the type of girl that wouldn't make others do things for her, but she didn't want to say anything. Summer smiled back and continued to follow them into the castle.
6:53pm Jul 28 2012
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Once they arrived, they led her to the room that would be hers. "Here you go, they said in unison."
Atsuki ended up looking away blushing slightly.
Akira patted his brother on the back and grinned.
6:58pm Jul 28 2012
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Summer looked at the room with wide eyes. It was beautiful, not to mention huge! "Oh my gosh, this is amazing!" she said as she walked in, her bare feet being caressed by soft carpet. Not being able to resist, she ran and jumped onto her new bed like a child laughing the entire time.
7:02pm Jul 28 2012
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The two laughed.
"She is so cute." Atsuki whispered.
"That she is." Akira replied.
7:03pm Jul 28 2012
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She looked up when she heard the laughter and blushed in embarrassment. "um, do you guys know where I could take a bath, or get some new clothes." she said is she looked down at herself.
7:07pm Jul 28 2012
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Atsuki pointed at the other door in the room. "Through there. It leads to your personal bathroom."
"I'll go get you your clothes, so do not fear." He gave a bow and left to go get some nice clothes from his mom. The clothes had once been their sister's but she had died five years before. That had been another reason why his brother was so hard on people. He didn't want to feel the pain of loss again. He felt that this girl would definitely make a good sister for him...for them both, and a good daughter for their mom.
7:19pm Jul 28 2012
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"Okay, thank you. I truly appreciate everything you have done for me." and with that, she disappeared into her personal showers and started the water. Stepping into the heat relaxed her muscles and she started the task of scrubbing all of the dirt from her body. Done with her body, she grabbed a bottle that smelled like pomegranates and began to scrub the dirt and grime out of her hair. Summer turned off the water and stepped out to grab her towel and dry off. She wrapped the towel around her body and walked into the main bedroom, not realizing that Akira was coming back with clothes nor that Atsuki was still in the room.
7:22pm Jul 28 2012
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Atsuki sat on her bed, waiting for her. "How was it?" He asked.
Akira knocked on the closed door with the clothes in hand. "May I come in?" He called.
7:24pm Jul 28 2012
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"It was so nice, I feel clean for once. Yes you can come in Akira." she spoke as she went over to sit on her bed next to Atsuki
7:29pm Jul 28 2012
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Akira walked in and carefully set the clothes on the bed. "Here you are." He said giving her cheek a small kiss. "Welcome to the family." He told her. "Mother gave her complete support."
Atsuki said nothing, but was filled with joy that he now had a sister once more.
7:31pm Jul 28 2012 (last edited on 7:32pm Jul 28 2012)
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She blushed and smiled in pure joy. "Thanks for everything." she said before taking the clothes back into the bathroom to get dressed. Once dressed, she walked back out and looked at the boys for their opinion. "So what do you think?"
7:37pm Jul 28 2012
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Both of them had their eyes wide open in shock.
"Gorgeous." Atsuki gasped out.
"Down right beautiful if I must say so myself." Akira said and gave her another bow. He took her hand in his, raising it to his mouth, and kissed it.