7:44pm Jul 28 2012 (last edited on 7:45pm Jul 28 2012)
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Summer blushed at the compliments and smiled at their awestruck gaze. "Shouldn't I be meeting your mother now?" she asked as she began to brush her soft wavy hair.
7:50pm Jul 28 2012
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Akira straightened and looked away, blushing slightly as well. "Yeah, sorry. Come along." He began to walk towards the door.
Atsuki followed quietly. "She's really nice." He told her.
7:54pm Jul 28 2012
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Humming lightly, she began to follow the boys out into the corridor as they made their way towards the queen.
7:58pm Jul 28 2012
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Once at the queen's chamber, Akira knocked on the door. "Mother, it's us."
"Come in dears." She called.
They entered.
The queen sat that in a simple yet beautiful forest green dress. She had long raven colored hair, that was like silk. When she saw summer, her smile grew. "So you must be Summer. My boy, Akira has spoken very highly of your kindness and beauty. I welcome you."
8:04pm Jul 28 2012
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She looked up at the queen and curtsied. "I am honored to be welcomed here. Your sons are so very kind, and I am so happy that I have been given a home. Thank you for your kind hospitality." she said with a smile.
((I changed mah color))
8:18pm Jul 28 2012
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The queen nodded. "You are very welcome dear. Don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything."
Akira and Atsuki watched quietly, large smiles on their faces.
8:22pm Jul 28 2012
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"yes ma'am, thank you very much. I do have one question though. Do you happen to have a library?" she stated questioningly
8:36pm Jul 28 2012
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The queen's smile grew very large. "Yes we do, deary. It's the largest in over 900 miles. When you leave my room, head down the hall to your right, and down the stairs to the left. It will be the fifth door on your right. Akira, could you show her where it is."
Akira nodded. "Of course mother."
Atsuki looked at her. "What about me?"
"Could you stay here. We have something to...discuss."
Atsuki hung his head. "Yes, ma-am."
Akira took Summer's hand and led her out of the room and to the library.
After they had left, Akira saw his dad enter the room from the bathroom. "*censored.*" *Scene omitted due to violence and fowl language.*
8:39pm Jul 28 2012 (last edited on 8:39pm Jul 28 2012)
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"Why was Atsuki not allowed to come with us?" Summer asked curiously as they made their way to the library.
8:45pm Jul 28 2012
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Akira remained silent. They entered the library and he went and sat down in a chair, staring down at the floor. "Don't worry about it, just enjoy the library."
8:59pm Jul 28 2012 (last edited on 8:59pm Jul 28 2012)
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"Um, okay if you say so." she said as she wandered down the expansive shelves filled with books. Walking towards the fire place, she found a book called Myths & Legends. Picking it up along with a few other books and went to sit on the couch, after she got comfortable she signaled Akira over to sit next to her. "I have not met your father, is he a nice man?" she asked
9:02pm Jul 28 2012
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He got up and then moved to sit next to her. "Depends on what you mean by nice. In general, yes he is nice man...but when it comes to my brother...well that's a different story."
9:04pm Jul 28 2012
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"what do you mean?" she asked, the topic striking her interest. She moved to rest her head on his shoulder as she listened to him talk.
9:11pm Jul 28 2012
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He realized that he had said to much. "It's nothing, don't worry about it."
9:12pm Jul 28 2012
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"Aww come on, why won't you tell me. I will keep it a secret, I promise." Summer begged.
9:13pm Jul 28 2012
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"It has nothing to do with it being a secret or not. He can tell you if he wishes but I will not say anything about it."
9:17pm Jul 28 2012
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"Okay, fine." she said as she snuggled into him and opened one of the books. They had been in the library for an hour before she had fallen asleep. She held her book as she slumbered against Akira.
9:23pm Jul 28 2012
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Akira picked her up and carried her to her room. He then went to Atsuki's knowing full well that he would be there.
Atsuki lay on his bed, on his stomach. "Hey..."
Akira said nothing, but began to take off his brother's shirt and began to clean his wounds.
9:25pm Jul 28 2012
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She groaned when the heat disappeared but other than that, she remained asleep dreaming of demons and monster of myth.
10:10am Jul 29 2012
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"Sleep." Akira said quietly to his brother, who had fallen asleep while he cleaned his wounds. He tucked him in before going back to Summer's room to check on her.