6:47pm Jul 30 2012
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Posts: 1,432
Looking towards the forest, she smiled. "Hey, do you and Atsuki want to go swimming? It's a nice way to cool off."
8:13pm Jul 30 2012
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Posts: 2,290
"I'm up for it..." He looked over at his brother and sighed. He went over and crouched. "Yo, wake up."
Atsuki stirred and opened his eyes. "What?"
"Want to go swimming?"
He shrugged. "Sure, why not?" He stood and began to walk off, leaving the city and going to the large lake just within the forest.
Akira followed his brother. -Please be alright.- He thought worried for him, especially since the extent of his wounds were more severe than last time.
8:54pm Jul 30 2012
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Posts: 1,432
Summer smiled and walked into the forest behind them. She took off everything but her underwear and laid it down on a rock just beside the lake. She smirked as she ran right by the boys and cannon balled into the cool water. Summer resurfaced and looked over to the boys and smiled.
9:01pm Jul 30 2012
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Posts: 2,290
Their eyes were wide with shock before the two looked away.
"Ummm...could you all least wrap something on your upper chest?" Akira asked blushing. He stripped, wearing only a pair of skin tight shorts. He then entered the water.
Atsuki took of his clothes as well, only wearing skin tight shorts. His was black just like Akira's. He kept his back facing away from Summer as he too slipped into the water.
9:06pm Jul 30 2012
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Posts: 1,432
She blushed nervously, "Oh hehe my bad, I didn't realise you would be uncomfortable." she said as she got out. She walked over to her clothes and found a think ribbon and wrapped it around her breasts. Walking back over, she slipped into the water and dove to the bottom vanishing from the sights of the boys.
4:45pm Jul 31 2012
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Posts: 2,290
"We've never seen a girl half naked before." Akira said under his breath before jumping in and swam after her.
Atsuki relaxed in the water, keeping his back from Summer the whole time. He didn't want her to see how bad his back looked.
4:47pm Jul 31 2012
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Posts: 1,432
She smirked under the water and blew bubbles right under both of them and swam a little far off to hide among the Cattails. She had seen a glimpse of Atsuki's back, but she didn't say anything to prevent hurting his feelings.
4:49pm Jul 31 2012 (last edited on 4:49pm Jul 31 2012)
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Akira smirked and swam a ways off before circling around to come at Summer from behind. He tapped her should and swam off. The way he swam could be likened to the fluid motion of a fish. He was fast and no movement was a waste.
4:54pm Jul 31 2012
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Posts: 1,432
Summer jumped in surprise and was shocked at how Akira managed to sneak up on her. Giggling, she caught up to him and took hold of his feet and dunked him in the water.
5:00pm Jul 31 2012
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He smirked and easily switched positions with her. He then let go and swam off again.
Atsuki watched, a small smile forming.
5:02pm Jul 31 2012
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Posts: 1,432
She gasped as she was dragged under water and laughed as she resurfaced. Looking over at Akira, she stuck out her tongue childishly and splashed both him and Atsuki.
2:02pm Aug 1 2012
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Atsuki winced ever so slightly as some of the water hit his back, making it sting. A smile formed anyway, do to watching her playfulness. He splashed a huge amount of water back.
Akira laughed hard, blocking the incoming water with his arm. He then splashed her back as well.
2:07pm Aug 1 2012
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Posts: 1,432
Squeeling with laughter, she dove under the water to get away from the barrage of splashes only to jump out of the water and cannon-balling back in causing a huge wave to erupt and cover the boys.
2:16pm Aug 1 2012
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Posts: 2,290
(can I borrow 100k from you? ill pay it back by no later than friday) Atsuki winced big time as the water hit his back with more force.
Akira noticed his brother's wince and swam over to him. "It's that bad huh?" He only got a nod in response. "I'll clean it up again when we get back, as well as putting on fresh bandages." Again all he got was a nod.
4:48pm Aug 1 2012
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Posts: 1,432
resurfacing, she saw Atsuki wincing. She swam over and watched them both carefully. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked
((Sure let me get it))
4:48pm Aug 2 2012
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Posts: 2,290
(Thanks a ton. have 55,000tu now, so i should have the rest tomorrow.)
"The water just stings a little." He told her. "I'll be fine." He gave her a smile to try to reassure her.
Akira sighed inwardly and gave a smile of his own. "He's tough."
4:52pm Aug 2 2012
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Posts: 1,432
Not fully believing him, she just nodded and swam over to the shore, where she climbed out of the water and sat on the dry grass to get some sun on her already tanned figure. "when do you guys think we should head back?" she asked with her eyes closed.
(Thats fine ^^)
4:54pm Aug 2 2012
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Posts: 2,290
"When the sun starts to set." They said together. They then looked at each other and laughed.
5:03pm Aug 2 2012
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Posts: 1,432
Smiling, she nodded and relaxed completely under the warmth of the sun's rays.
5:55pm Aug 3 2012
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Posts: 2,290
They got out of the water and laid down on the ground next to her. They looked up at the sky, watching the clouds grow from small to large as they moved across the sky.