6:44pm Aug 16 2012
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"Only if you wish to go sit, or need refreshment. Otherwise I am good for another." He smiled. "Besides, I like dancing with you. You actually enjoy my company and don't do it just to get part of the kingdom." He gave a small sarcastic chuckle as he indicated, slightly with his head, the girls that were watching him like a momma hawk over her babies.
6:56pm Aug 16 2012
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"I would dance the night away with you. I am honored that you enjoy my company as well." She said with a smile. She looked over at the orchestra who were getting up to eat so she grabbed Akira's hand and dragged him out onto the balcony lit up by the full moon.
4:45pm Aug 17 2012
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He smiled and began to dance slowly once more with her. He loved the way the moon shined in her eyes, making them even brighter.
5:28pm Aug 17 2012
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She blushed and looked him back in the eyes as they danced slowly on the balcony. She had never been happier than right at this moment. ~I don't think this could get any better!~
(( This is soo fun :3 When do you think we should bring the original characters back in?))
3:56pm Aug 18 2012
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Posts: 2,290
(shoot i actually forgot about them, i was having so much fun with this XD....ummm...soonish? *plot twist poofs into my head* And so is revealed how the three died.)His back was to the garden and he stiffened suddenly, dropping to the ground. A crossbow bolt sticking out of his back, the head cutting into his heart, but not fully piercing it. He made no sound save a small gasp of pain.
Atsuki is sound asleep, but wakens when he feels a blade pierce his heart, the blade that his father held in hand. His eyes widened in shock. "Why?" He struggled to say, it coming out in a whisper. His body shuddered and his eyes closed as death overtook him.
Shinji is curled up asleep in the stables when he was jolted out of his sleep as someone shoved him into a burlap sack. He struggled to get free, especially when he heard a loud splash and water began to seep into the bag. He screamed for help but soon even those screams were silenced due to the water that now flooded into the bag. The world soon went dark.

3:57pm Aug 18 2012 (last edited on 3:57pm Aug 18 2012)
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All three woke from their dreams, the same questions on their minds. "What was that? Was that us? What is going on here?"
4:26pm Aug 18 2012
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She watched as Akira gasped and fell to the ground revealing a bolt sticking out of his back. Shocked, she looked out towards the garden where the bolt came from and was struck in the throat by another bolt. She gurgled a scream as she fell down, writhing in pain as she slowly died of blood loss.
Kaylee gasped when she jerked awake. ~What was that? Were those us?~ She tossed those thoughts through her head but was still quaking in fear at the horrible ending of her dream.
5:05pm Aug 18 2012
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The boys ran to her room. "Are you alright?" They asked trying to ignore their own shocks, fears, and worries.
5:09pm Aug 18 2012
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Looking at them with worry and fear in their eyes she was shocked to see the similarities between them and the boys in the dream. Kaylee nodded slightly and got up, walking to each of them and hugging them all.
5:30pm Aug 18 2012
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They all hugged her back.
Just then Kay dropped onto his butt and began to cry.
Daisuke and Ryu looked at him. "Are you alright?" They ask in unison and move to kneel in front of him.
Kay only shook his head and cried louder.
9:37pm Aug 18 2012
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Looking down at Kay she frowned and picked him up to hold him against her. "Shh, its alright Kay." she comforted. She held him to where his head was leaning against her shoulder as he cried. "Do you want to talk to me about what's a matter?"
8:55pm Aug 19 2012
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He only cried harder, almost sounding like screams of utter terror.
"I think his mind is still partially stuck in the dream..." Ryu said tilting his head slightly. He then noticed Daisuke on the floor, unconscious. "*Censored*." He rushed over and shook him. "Wake up *Censored*!"
What they did not know was, yes Kay was partially stuck in the dream, slowly feeling the water of death approaching, and Daisuke was just about to change history.
7:10pm Aug 20 2012
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She only held him tighter, hoping that feeling warmth from her body would snap him out of it. Hearing Ryu curse made her turn around, she caught him kneeling down next to Daisuke. She stared with wide eyes at the unconscious body and watched as Ryu tried to wake him up.
7:38pm Aug 20 2012
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The transformed state of Daisuke dove into the water and swam down to were the burlap sac was. He ripped it open and rescued the one known as Shinji. When he was sure that he would be fine, he returned to the real world.
Kay quieted and soon fell asleep, exhausted.
Daisuke opened his eyes with a sigh and sat up.
"Don't you dare do lose consciousness without warning again." Ryu growled and stormed off.
Daisuke sighed. "Sorry..." He said quietly.
3:29pm Aug 21 2012
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She rubbed Kays back and set him down on her bed to sleep. Looking at daisuke, she smiled softly and picked him up off the floor. "Thank you for saving Kay I appreciate it." she said before kissing his cheek. She turned around and exited the room in search of Ryu, she became lost down a couple of the hallways and ended up in a room that looked like the one in her dream. ~What the heck is going on?~ she thought as she looked around. Going to the closet, she found the dress that the girl was wearing in her dream the night she was murdered. Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed.
6:24pm Aug 21 2012
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Ryu came running to her, having been nearby. "What is it?" He asked, worry clearly sounding in his voice.
Daisuke gave a smile as she kissed him. He then sat down in the chair, next to the bed, and kept an eye on Kay.
7:49pm Aug 21 2012 (last edited on 7:49pm Aug 21 2012)
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"I swear I have seen this before" she mumbled as she fingered the dress. She looked over at Ryu and had a flash back from the man she had danced with in the dream. She gasped and stumbled back a few steps as the flash back vanished.
4:29pm Aug 22 2012
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He reached out and grabbed her. "Are you sure that you are alright?" He asked worry showing in his eyes even more. He had a distinct feeling that he had met her a long time ago, but could not place it.
4:59pm Aug 22 2012
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She nodded but clung to him to keep herself balanced. She didn't feel exhausted but she couldn't seem to stand up right. Resting her head on his shoulder, another memory from the dream popped up when the man purred while she and him were dancing. She laughed in her head but was to unsteady to try it out. "Can we move over to the bed?" she asked
8:34pm Aug 25 2012
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Posts: 2,290
(sorry. ive been sick. yesterday had 102 degree temp and today 101 and have been sleeping constantly. Ill try to be on longer tomorrow if im feeling any better.)
He nodded and picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bed before gently laying her down on it. He then sat down next to her.