3:28pm Jun 13 2012
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Posts: 2,290
Ryu quickly finished the his fish and a third before focusing on his wine. The bottle quickly emptied. He leaned back in the chair and sighed. "Now that was good."Kay ended up eating the rest of the fish and let out a happy belch. "Oops." He said and covered his mouth with both hands. Ryu and Daisuke both laughed hard.(when more than one person is combined, i will do in purple. I hope the color coordination helps with knowing who's talking as well.)
3:34pm Jun 13 2012
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Posts: 1,432
(yeah thanks drenn :D)
Kaylee laughed at Kay's behavior. She loved the little boy, and her love had changed the color of her necklace again, but into a warm pink color. She decided to grab all of the dishes and put them into the sink and walked outside to go get a bucket of water since the plumbing was broken.
She walked back in humming quietly with the bucket and her necklace still glowing, and began to clean the dishes. Her wings would sway with the tune she was humming but she hardly noticed.
4:27pm Jun 13 2012
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Kay ran over to her. "Can I help too?" He asked though he did not know what he would do if she said yes.
Ryu just gave the smallest of smiles at Kay's upbeat-ness.
Daisuke leaned back in his chair as well. He closed his eyes in contentment.
4:48pm Jun 13 2012
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Handing Kay a towel, she smiled and nodded. They worked together and eventually finished all of the dishes. Drying her hands, Kaylee turned back to the others. "what do we do now?"
4:52pm Jun 13 2012
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Daisuke laughed. "How bout relax until tomorrow."
"That sounds good to me." Ryu replied as he closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.
Kay giggled and ran outside and ended up falling into a large mud puddle. He began to laugh and started to splash around. He was soon completely covered in mud.
"Well...seems like someone needs a bath." Daisuke chuckled as he heard Kay playing.
4:57pm Jun 13 2012
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"Well if we are going to be relaxing, I will be in the library if any of you need me." She turned around, and she used the pale pink of her necklace to light her way as she went to the second floor.
5:17pm Jun 13 2012
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Daisuke called after her. "Will do." He then too fell asleep.
When Kay finished playing he went to find Kaylee. He was oblivious to the fact that he was completely covered by mud, which had quickly dried. He soon found her in the library. "Come play, miss Kay." He giggled since that was his name.
6:21pm Jun 13 2012
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"What on earth? you dirty little monster, what game do you want to play?" she laughed. She could not believe how one little child could make her laugh so much, and she didn't even know him very well. She set down her book, then ran and swooped Kay up in her arms and ran out of the room holding a cackling boy.
8:34pm Jun 13 2012
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He wiggled happily. "Can we go catch tadpole in the pond out back?" He asked squirming. "Or can we make mud pies?" His giggles grew louder. His tail flicked her neck playfully. With all his squirming, he was soon draped over her shoulder.
8:45pm Jun 13 2012
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"Whatever you want to do, I am all yours." she said as she tossed him in the air and caught him. Flicking his ear playfully, she ran out the door, hanging him over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
8:47pm Jun 13 2012
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His laughter soon became squeals of delight. "Yay! Then after that we can play chase through the flower fields." He was glad that Kaylee was so nice. He could play all day if he could...play with little naps in the sun now and then.
8:52pm Jun 13 2012
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Kaylees pendant began to glow bright pink from the happiness she was feeling by relaxing and playing with the innocent little boy. She loved Kay like a son and didn't know what she would do without his bubbly personality.
9:07am Jun 14 2012
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Kay slipped himself from her shoulder as soon as they got outside and he took off on all fours towards the pond. His body moved fluidly like a cat. In fact his body had adjusted the bones and everything in order to do so. His body was in the shape of a cats, though he was still humanoid.
9:24am Jun 14 2012
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Kaylee watched Kay run away and decided to try out her wings to catch him. fluttering them a few times, she slowly picked up the pace and began to hover. Soon, her wings were beating fast enough to where she was just a blur when she finally set off. Kaylee darted off in the direction that Kay went and hovered in a tree to wait for Kay.
10:53am Jun 14 2012
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Kay had already beaten her and was splashing in the pond, squealing with utter delight.
(*hugs a poor baby weasil that I had named spinny.* i found him in my garage yesterday and i dont know if he is dehydrated or not. he cant run straight without falling over and when he tries to run, anyway, he ends up going in circles.)
12:17pm Jun 14 2012
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Posts: 1,432
(*O* aww!!!)
Hearing splashing, she jumped up and ran in the direction of the noise. what she saw left her gaping "You little sneak! how did you get here so fast?" she questioned.
Deciding to be spontanious, Kaylee jumped into the pond and grabbed Kay. tossing him up and down, and dunking him in the water.
2:11pm Jun 14 2012
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Posts: 1,003
I'm great I just made a new thread want to join I have 2 just have a look at them please thx
6:01pm Jun 14 2012
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(send me the links and i will look ^^ i have issues find anything otherwise XD. and kat, if its still there tomarow, i plan to make it my pet ^^)Kay's squeals of delight grew louder. Even though he was now cat like, he loved the water, well at least if was sprayed at him. When she dunked him, he caught a fish in his mouth, so when she raised him back up, the fish was there flopping.
6:19pm Jun 14 2012
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"Hahaha, are you still hungry?" she asked incredulously. Laughing, she grabbed the fish from Kay's mouth and tossed it on the grass. ~well look at that, my clothes are absolutely soaked. Since its getting dark it will be getting cold, so I may just have to walk in my bra and underwear. I certainly don't want to get sick~
Looking at Kay, she asked him if he wanted to play a little while longer, or clean off and take off his soaking clothes and head back. A breeze blew by and caused Kaylee to shiver from the cold gust.
6:23pm Jun 14 2012
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Posts: 2,290
He hugged her, wanting her to be warm. "I'll get wood and make a nice big fire in that stone thing in your room." He said smiling up at her. In his mind he wondered what a bra was and what underwear were.