5:04pm Jan 11 2013
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(let me know if its hard to read and ill make it more legible) Ryu noticed as well and didn't even bother to ask questions. He raised his hand and the shadow froze in place, as if stuck in a giant ice cube. He turned his focus back on the humanoid praying mantis, planning on freezing it as well. His movements and everything else, seemed that of someone else, not the Ryu everyone knew and loved. This one was colder, literally, and had a heart and soul, just as cold.
5:13pm Jan 11 2013
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She watched Ryu with uncertainty, she knew that each of them took a while to turn back to normal if they transformed for the first time and she hoped it wouldnt last long after he destroyed the creature. Her mind was nagging at her heart again, she knew it was Ryu but she didnt know what to think of this cold hearted Ryu and didn't know how it would behave outside of battle.
1:05pm Jan 13 2013
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He looked at her briefly, then went back to scrutinizing the book and the creature. He wanted to figure out what it was, more than ever now. He would deal with the shadow later. He said nothing to her as his focus was still on the creature. He looked through the whole book and found nothing. He began to wonder if some alchemist or magic user had taken a human and did a fusion of sorts. This of course was illegal, but if it was true, then that person could have done this to others...with no regard to human life.
5:00pm Jan 13 2013
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She conversed with her shadows for a while on whether or not they could help, her shadows told her that they could identify what it was if they where to touch it, so Kaylee willed some of the shadows off of her body and watched them slink on the floor and silently crawl up the monsters body.
6:00pm Jan 14 2013
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Ryu finally growled angrily and chuckled the book across the room, before punching the wall. Where his fist hit, was now a small crater like indentation in the stone, ice in and around it. He turned and leaned against it before ending up in a sitting position on the floor, head in his hands. Frustrated and exhausted. He soon fell asleep like that, his hair and everything else about him, returning to normal.
(I'm thinking the creature is/was made through magic or something. and maybe they are meant to hunt that person down, I don't know...my brain hasn't gotten that far XD)
6:04pm Jan 14 2013
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Her shadows slowly separated themselves from the creature and briefly touched Ryu in comfort and returned to their mistress. She felt them complain that they couldnt get anything from the creature so she did the next best thing and banished it with a haunting melody. She watched the creature flee and knelt down next to Ryu. "Hey, Ryu you need to get up and go to your bedroom." she said as she shook his shoulder.
10:50am Jan 15 2013
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He didn't respond at first, but with the shaking he slowly woke up. "Huh?" He groaned as he shifted, too exhausted to even do that really.
1:55pm Jan 15 2013
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"come on, we have to get you to back to bed." She said as she lifted him up. She wrapped his arm around her neck and began a very slow journey back up to the bedroom before anyone noticed they were gone.
2:06pm Jan 16 2013
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He only nodded, a small smile creasing his lips. He was glad she was there to help, but at the same time, he felt pathetic. He didn't have the strength to do this himself. He gave a light chuckle. "I'm pathetic." He finally voiced. His features returning to normal.
2:18pm Jan 16 2013
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Frowning at his remark she shook her head "You are not pathetic, in fact you are the bravest and strongest person i know." she said with a smile. She turned the corner and readjusted Ryu as they continued to walk closer to his room. They both entered the room to find Daisuke still sleeping in the same position she left him in and turned to lay Ryu down on the bed to redress his wounds.
11:07am Jan 17 2013
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Ryu still looked away from her ashamed, but at the same time his mind kept running back to why everything had been covered in ice...why those things had attacked, and wondering what they were. He looked over at Daisuke and smirked before jabbing him hard in the side.
Daisuke woke with a hiss. "What was that for you *censored censored*?" He growled.
Ryu couldn't help but laugh. "You look like a cat that just got sprayed with water." He laughed harder before wincing due to the pain his wounds caused.
Daisuke hissed again then shook his head. "So why did you wake me, oh important one?" He asked sarcastically.
"Need you to investigate with Kaylee why everything turns to ice when those things attack...and what those things are..."
Daisuke sighed. "Fine...whatever." He stood and stretched.
2:05pm Jan 17 2013
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Kaylee watched the interaction in amusement and finished up with Ryu's wrappings. Looking up when Ryu mentioned the ice and creatures she shook her head."It wasn't the creatures causing the ice, it was you Ryu." she said after it got quiet again. She wasn't sure why he did it but it was him when she saw him transform.
2:19pm Jan 17 2013
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Ryu looked at her like she was crazy. "But...that's insane...isn't it?"
Daisuke shook his head. "Beats me." He said as he left to go investigate.
2:28pm Jan 17 2013
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Sighing she pulled the book, that Ryu tossed, out of her top and flipped to a page on ice demons and showed Ryu. "This is what you did, your hair changed color, your eyes were a piercing ice blue and your whole persona changed to a cold heartless monster." she said. She flipped the page and showed what happened when the ice demon reveals itself, it showed entire rooms filled with ice and almost everybody ends up frozen. "You did this unknowingly and i think its because the ice demon in you is trying to break free as often as it can."
2:40pm Jan 17 2013
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His eyes went wide in shock as he stared at the info. "That's...crazy..." He couldn't seem to get his mind wrapped around that information. "Did...I really do all that?"
2:43pm Jan 17 2013
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"Yeah, that was all you. Something weird happens when you go into that state as well, you didnt recognize me at all when you turned." she mentioned with worry and sadness edging her voice.
2:48pm Jan 17 2013
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He looked at her, worry now taking over his features. "But...I would never forget you..." He started to freak out slightly. He loved her, and the thought of somehow not remembering her, scared him.
2:52pm Jan 17 2013
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She hated the look on his face but knew she had to tell him. "i didn't think it was possible either but you did."
2:59pm Jan 17 2013 (last edited on 3:00pm Jan 17 2013)
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Posts: 2,290
He hung his head ashamed. "I'm so sorry..." A single tear fell and when it hit the bed, it didn't soak in. In fact it was now a crystal...a precious stone. He did not notice though, he didn't even know that he had shed a tear in the first place.
(have to go, will try to be on later)
3:02pm Jan 17 2013
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Posts: 1,432
Kaylee watched the tear fall and looked at it in awe as it crystalized when it landed on the bed. She looked up at Ryu and moved closer to him so she could lean over and give him a hug."it's okay.I dont blame you." she whispered as she ran a hand through his tousled hair.