2:06pm Jan 18 2013
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He looked up at her in awe. "Why not? I could have killed you..." He looked down again. Maybe this was another reason he had fallen in love with her in his past life...and now even possibly in this one.
2:13pm Jan 18 2013
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"Even if you could have, you wouldn't have. You wouldn't hurt anyone of innocence no matter what form you are in." She smiled and looked at him. They were both exhausted after what had happened but she needed to reassure him that everything was okay.
2:17pm Jan 18 2013
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He nodded and fully laid down once more with a sigh, still not noticing the precious stone. He yawned silently and closed his eyes. Sleep instantly taking over, as his breathing slowed.
2:25pm Jan 18 2013
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Kaylee smiled at Ryu as he slept peacefully and picked up the tiny gemstone. She took her necklace off and placed the gem in it and watched her necklace warp around it until it was held tightly in place under the color changing stone in the center of the necklace. She put the necklace back on and decided to stay up and keep watch while Daisuke was out wandering.
2:27pm Jan 18 2013
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Daisuke walked in with a shake of his head. "Found nothing, and I can't find Kay."
Kay had in fact been taking by the creatures and already killed.
(sorry kay. XD ran out of ideas for you)
2:29pm Jan 18 2013
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Kaylee shook her head and looked up at Daisuke. "I'm sure he will be fine, but you need to go back to sleep. I am going to keep watch just in case something happens." She readjusted herself on the bed and opened her book and began to read quietly.
2:32pm Jan 18 2013
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He nodded. "Alright." He didn't leave, but went into a corner, sat down, and fell asleep. He wanted to be there in case something did happen.
2:39pm Jan 18 2013
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She smiled and after she was sure that Daisuke was asleep she got up and kissed them both lightly on the head before transforming and leaving to go down to the kitchen for a bite to eat. She shuffled around the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of berries, some bread and a glass of wine. "Mmm, perfect for a midnight snack" She silently padded out and headed back up towards the bedroom before smelling blood. She smelt it but thought it was from earlier and ignored it and entered Ryu's room. She sat down and began to eat the berries while she picked up the book and continued reading, checking on the boys every couple of minutes.
10:36am Jan 19 2013
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Ryu started to shift back in forth as he slept. The room going from comfortable to freezing and back again. He could sense something bad had happened to Kay, but was too weak and tired to do anything. This frustrated him immensely which in turn, contributed to his back and forth shifting.
4:59pm Jan 19 2013
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Kaylee jumped as she started to feel ice creep over her feet and watched as Ryu would shift uncontrollably. She pet his head in hopes of soothing him, ignoring the fact that she was getting extremely cold.
11:07am Jan 20 2013
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He did end up relaxing due to her touch. He curled up in a fetal position, as if trying to feel safe and secure.
11:19am Jan 21 2013
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She smiled down at him when he relaxed and went back to her reading. She finished her snack and set the bowl lightly on the bed side table and began humming the song that played during the ball that she and Ryu had danced to. She smiled as the memory flitted across her mind and unconsciously began to pet Ryu's hair.
11:24am Jan 21 2013
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He began to make a sound that was a mix between a murr and a purr. It sounded from deep within his chest, and was much louder than a normal animal would make. A smile played on his lips as he ended up snuggling against her.
Daisuke woke at the sound. "What in the world?" He looked around for a sec, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. When he realized it was Ryu, his eyes widened in wonder. "I did not know...anyone could be so loud..."
11:28am Jan 21 2013
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Kaylee couldn't help but chuckle at the sounds coming from Ryu and looked up when Daisuke spoke. "I didn't know he could do that, but whatever i am doing must make him pretty happy." She laughed again and looked back down at Ryu's sleeping form. She couldn't believe that someone so calm and innocent could become such a cold heartless being. Shaking that thought out of her head she stretched a bit and put a pillow behind her head to make herself a bit more comfortable before she began humming again.
11:53am Jan 21 2013
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Ryu suddenly wakes as a gust of wind blew from down the hall and into the room. He instantly sits up and shifts to his darker side.
"I smell blood." Was all he said as he stoop up.
Daisuke smelled the blood as well, also shifting in response, teeth bared. "I get first dibs."
"Whatever." Walks out to investigate with Daisuke close behind.
12:00pm Jan 21 2013
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Kaylee shook her head and transformed as well. Getting off the bed, she quietly followed her charges down the hall towards the smell and asked her shadows to produce a blade for her just in case she needed it. What they gave her was a pair of beautiful obsidian short swords. The swords were beautifully carved with vines creeping up from the hilt to the tip of the blade. They fit comfortably in her hands and were as light as a feather. She did a few practice swipes before following the boys again, but what she found was not what she had expected.
12:05pm Jan 21 2013
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When the two stopped, they stood in front of a now, very much dead, Kay.
"The poor cat." Daisuke said as he knelt next to him. "Now I feel bad about saying I wanted the blood."
Ryu only nodded in response as he sent out his mind, trying to figure out who or what had killed the cat boy, and if they were still around.
12:14pm Jan 21 2013
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When she saw Kay's mutilated body she felt her heart shatter and she couldn't stop the flow of anger and sadness coursing through her being. Falling to her knees she let out a blood-curdling, heart tearing scream. Without knowing, the room began to burn and heat up drastically, Kaylee's hair began to rise and flicker like a flame, her forearms and calves began to blacken and her voice became a dark hiss. As she cried, her tears fell and burned holes into the floor. Her anger was so fierce, it burned at her soul leaving her a body of fire.
12:41pm Jan 21 2013
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(oooo ^^ super nice, a true being of the nether world i take it ^^ *thinks of hell hounds when it comes to holes burning in the floor, and fire and what not.*) Daisuke looked at her in shock then smirked. -No wonder I've been falling in love with her.-
Ryu let out a hiss and moved away from her. The fire being too hot for him. His body automatically took precautions and he began to shift. He dropped to his knees in pain, scale like marking appearing all over his body, underneath the skin. The skin pealing off just like a snakes, revealing pearly pale, blue scales. His body than began to change shape as well.
Daisuke looked at him in what could be considered a look of horror. -What...are you?- He wondered as he continued to stare.
12:48pm Jan 21 2013 (last edited on 12:49pm Jan 21 2013)
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Posts: 1,432
Kaylee's head snapped up at the sound of voices and growled at both of the unknown males. She brandished her obsidian blades and smirked as flames spread onto them. She assumed an attack position as if to challenge them to attack, her form's pure anger making her forget everyone in the room. Her eyes were a burning ruby and the gaze they gave the boys smoldered and burned.
(thanks :3)