11:16pm Feb 8 2013
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He continued to hold her, unsure of what to say or do.
Daisuke knelt in front of the finished grave, head bowed. -I'm sorry...I couldn't save you.- He thought.
6:15pm Feb 10 2013
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Her breathing became steady and she looked up at Ryu, her eyes showing defeat and sadness. She felt hollow inside and without hope, her heart was torn to pieces and her emotions were going haywire. She felt numb as she was held by the man before her and knew that he was there for her, but could not react to it. Her mind was running like mad trying to figure out what could have killed Kay and how she would get her revenge, but her heart and mind were on two different planets.
8:03pm Feb 10 2013
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"It will be ok...We will sort this all out. Kay will be avenged." He said knowing full well what she was thinking. He hugged her a little tighter, wanting her to know that he would never leave her...That he would be there for her through the thick and thin.
5:01pm Feb 17 2013
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She felt the emotions flowing off of Ryu and gave an emotionless smile before getting up. She looked at him with dead eyes and turned around to walk out of the room, intent on heading to the library.
7:38pm Feb 17 2013
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He followed without a word. He wanted to be there...be her guardian...her protector.
8:11pm Feb 17 2013
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She heard him get up and follow her. Padding quietly through hallways she ended up looking into the library. She turned her head towards the dead fireplace and shot a little fire ball at the dry wood making it crackle and burn. Her pupils shrank as the light from the fire blazed and she turned back to look at the plethora of books lining the wall. Spotting an unusual blackish purple book in one of the shelves, she walked over and picked it up. The ti tle was odd in her mind and was uncomfortably fitting for what she was dealing with, Killing demons: A guide to the sinister shadows. She walked past Ryu and brushed shoulders as she moved to the sofa. Sitting down, she layed the book on her lap unsure whether or not to open it.
4:26pm Feb 18 2013
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He moved to sit next to her, an arm snaking around her shoulders, as he tried to comfort her. "What is it you are hoping to find?" He asked, curious as to everything she thought and planned.
4:07pm Feb 19 2013
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Looking up at his question she shrugged her shoulders. She didn't honestly know why she grabbed this particular book, but she felt deep in her gut that this book would help them deal with the creatures that have been plaguing their lives. Sighing she leaned into Ryu when she felt his arm wrap around her shoulder.
4:50pm Feb 20 2013
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He smiled and laid his head down on the back of the couch with a sigh. He had been awake far too long, especially since he was still recovering from his wounds from before. He soon fell asleep, a contented smile on his face.
4:42pm Feb 21 2013
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Posts: 1,432
She felt his breathing even out and looked up to find his face relaxed and peaceful in sleep. She smiled but it did not reach her eyes. Turning back to the book she opened it and began to read, but from all of the overwhelming occurrences that day she was to exhausted to stay awake and soon fell asleep curled up and laying on Ryu's chest.
4:44pm Feb 21 2013
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Daisuke followed the sent of Kay's blood, hoping to track to whoever, or whatever had killed him, wondering if it was the soul eater from before.
4:47pm Feb 21 2013
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Her dreams carried her away to a peaceful forest lit up with the rays of sunlight that weaseled past the protecting leafy canopy. She smiled and breathed in the damp smell letting it calm her mind. Looking around brought old memories of her running through here with Ryu and Daisuke when they were princes. Spotting the worn path she followed it silently to her old cave standing welcoming next to the pond she grew up near.
4:30pm Feb 22 2013
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Posts: 2,290
Daisuke lost the scent when he reached the edge of the small lake. He hissed angrily. -*censored.*- He growled. He through a large bolder, that had been near by, into it in his anger.
4:42pm Feb 22 2013
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Posts: 1,432
She felt so happy to be in her old home, so without another thought she ran happily into her cave. Finding her old bed she jumped into it playfully and giggled like a child. ~Wow I really miss this place.~
4:55pm Feb 22 2013
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Ryu was for some reason asleep under her bed and groaned in his sleep as she bounced on it, which in turn was squishing him some.
4:59pm Feb 22 2013
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Hearing the quiet groan put her on alert and she growled with smoke coming from her nostrils. ~Who is in here?~ she growled fiercely as she looked around the room.
5:01pm Feb 22 2013
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Turns onto his side in his sleep, almost curling up into a ball. Acting just like a little kitty.
11:59am Feb 23 2013
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Looking around the room and not seeing anything, she walked back over to her bed and sat down wondering why her dreams sent her here.
3:53pm Feb 23 2013
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Ryu starts making a loud, deep purring sound as he continued to sleep. His dreams were full of hunting and eating of meat...the dreams of his dragon self. The cave slowly began to grow cold.
3:59pm Feb 23 2013
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Posts: 1,432
The drop in temperature was beginning to scare her, so in retaliation to the cold she began to heat the room up climbing to the temperature of magma. Humming at the comfortable temperature, she laid down on the bed and looked at the drawings on the ceiling of the cave.