4:33pm Mar 6 2013
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Posts: 2,290
He took a step back, uneasiness filling his being, but he forced himself not to bolt.
Ryu sat down on the bed and watched.
4:51pm Mar 6 2013
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Posts: 1,432
Stopping in her approach, she quietly stood there watching the figure. ~I don't mean to harm you, please do not go. Maybe you can help us.~
5:59pm Mar 7 2013
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Posts: 2,290
He tilted his head. -How so?- His curiosity grew by the moment.
5:09pm Mar 9 2013
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Posts: 1,432
~you can help us find out what we need to be looking for here.~ She puffed a bit of smoke from her nostrils as she continued to watch the figure.
5:58pm Mar 11 2013
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Posts: 2,290
He nodded. -I'll see what I can do, but I don't know if I will be much help.-
6:05pm Mar 11 2013
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Posts: 1,432
Nodding she turned her back to the figure only to motion for Ryu to come out so they could see what the visitor looked like. Walking outside she was hit with a soft breeze that made her scales make soft chiming noises as they tapped against each other. She followed the breeze and watched it softly caress the mysterious male before blowing into the trees with a peaceful rustle.
6:12pm Mar 11 2013
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Posts: 2,290
He stuck in the shadows, as if afraid of the sun itself...of the light.
9:16pm Mar 11 2013
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Posts: 1,432
She slowly made her way towards the stranger. She had been focusing on his eyes so she wasn't paying attention and didn't realize how close she was to him until she was 10 feet in front of him. Stopping in her tracks she thought for a second that the man may be more comfortable with something a little more similar to himself.
With that in mind, shadows licked at her feet and slowly moved up her body transforming her into her shaded demonic form. With her metal brassiere clinking she held out a hand in hopes that he would take it.
5:11pm Mar 12 2013
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Posts: 2,290
He shook his head, which was barely noticeable. He liked her looking the way she did not, but she was still in the light...that which he feared. It always burned him whenever he tried to enter it. He didn't like to stay in the dark, but there was nothing that he could do.
Ryu continued to sit on the bed, watching in curiosity. -Why isn't he moving...can he not go out of the shadows.- He shrugged wondering if that was even possible.
5:29pm Mar 12 2013
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Posts: 1,432
Seeing his hesitance she moved over into the shadows thinking that he wasn't able to go into the light. Her shadows spread out a little and calming whispers floated around the two.
6:23pm Mar 13 2013
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He relaxed, glad that she was now in the shadows as well. Now he didn't feel left out...alone. He nodded his thanks.
2:01pm Mar 14 2013
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Posts: 1,432
She smiled at him and shifted her footing. ~Do you know why you are here or how you got here?~
5:53pm Mar 14 2013
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Posts: 2,290
He shook his head. -No I don't...I don't remember anything...not my name...not even where or who I am.- He hung his head, ashamed with himself.
7:22pm Mar 14 2013
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Posts: 1,432
Feeling bad for hurting his feelings she stepped forward and rested her hand gently on his shoulder. ~Its alright, maybe we can find out together.~
9:34pm Mar 15 2013
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Posts: 2,290
He looked up, his eyes shining happily. They were the only thing of his facial features that were noticeable. -I...would like that...very much.- He said feeling suddenly shy.
10:22am Mar 16 2013
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Posts: 1,432
She couldn't help but chuckle at his behavior. "Ryu, come here and meet our new companion please." she looked back at him with a pleading look in hopes of getting him out.
12:04pm Mar 16 2013
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Posts: 2,290
Ryu sighed and walked over. "Hey...Ummm...yeah...I'll let her deal with you...not good with strangers." He went and leaned against the nearby wall.
The shadow nodded in understanding. -Don't worry about it none...-
3:37pm Mar 17 2013
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Posts: 1,432
She shook her head at Ryu and grabbed the stranger. Pulling him through the many shadows provided by the trees, she managed to get him into the cave without harming him. "You can stay in here with us until it gets dark out, then we can find out why we are here."
6:56pm Mar 17 2013
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Posts: 2,290
He nodded his thanks and went and sat down in a corner to wait.
Ryu watched him with uncertain eyes. He had a bad feeling about this person, though he hoped he was very wrong.
2:25pm Mar 19 2013
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Posts: 1,432
Watching Ryu's body, she could read him like a book. He didn't trust him and she understood why but they both needed to know why they were here and she knew that he was one of their only links. She had been thinking quietly when the murmurs of voices outside broke her train of thought. Reacting out of instinct she grabbed Ryu and the stranger and shoved them deeper into the cave. Not even a moment later, her memories replayed when she, Akira, and Atsuke walked into the clearing.