3:54pm Jun 19 2012
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He didn't know what to say. "We a-aren't m-married..." He stammered as he blushed even more.
4:02pm Jun 19 2012
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"what does being married have to do with anything?" she asked naively. Still unsure of why he was being so nervous, she just continued to watch him blush.
4:08pm Jun 19 2012
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"Only, ummm...married couples...share beds." He shifted uneasily still blushing like a ripe strawberry.
4:12pm Jun 19 2012
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Not accustomed to this, Kaylee was incredibly puzzled. "what is marriage?"
4:14pm Jun 19 2012
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Thinks hard, trying to remember. After a bit he did. "It's when two people love each other very much and get married. That means they have sworn to be with each other through the thick and thin, through sickness and in health, ect."
4:17pm Jun 19 2012
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"Oh, but what does that have to do with sharing a bed? Ryu and Kay are sharing theirs." Kaylee stated honestly.~its not like I am asking him to anything inappropriate, sheesh~
5:18pm Jun 19 2012
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"But they're guys, and Kay's a kid anyway." Rubs the back of his head once more. He then sighed and shook his head. "If it is your wish to share the bed then...I'll do so." He blushed even more, if that was possible.
5:23pm Jun 19 2012
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"yay! See, was that so hard?" Scooting over, Kaylee made sure there was enough room for Daisuke and snuggled under the large blanket laying on the bed.
5:40pm Jun 19 2012
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He walked over and laid down on the bed with a small sigh. He closed his eyes, but did not fall asleep. For some reason he was beginning to feel thirsty...but for what? Water sounded terrible and so did everything else. Even though it was night, he was not tired. He was in fact, wide awake. -What is going on here?- He thought. -Am I going crazy? Maybe I am. I don't even have any memories before waking up here...wherever here is...-
5:45pm Jun 19 2012
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Kaylee heard the sigh after he laid down and wondered what was going through his head. She decided to relax and try to sleep, but she could sense anxiety coming from Daisuke and decided to curl up against him in hopes that he would relax enough to fall asleep. She snuggled into his side and her necklace began to glow a light shade of pink to represent calmness.
11:54am Jun 20 2012
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He gave a small smile and wrapped his arm around her, though he did not sleep. He did feel a little calmer though, having her with him. He did not notice that he no longer needed to breath, but it was now just out of habit. In fact he no longer had a heart beat.(Thinking that she wont notice the fact that he no longer has a heart beat just yet. I have a plot thing in my head, where something happens to him and she freaks, but he says I'm fine, see i healed, etc. that could be when she starts questioning, and later finds out about him not having a heartbeat. *shrugs*)
12:02pm Jun 20 2012
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Kaylee felt his arm fall over her and snuggled deeper into his embrace. She hadn't even known him until this morning, but she felt so safe in his arms. ~I am so glad I met him~ was her last thought before she drifted off.
12:18pm Jun 20 2012
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He watched her sleep through the whole night. He got up, careful not to wake her, when morning came. He didn't know how he knew it was morning, he just did. He went over to Ryu and woke him up. "Can you help me prepare breakfast?" He asked.
Ryu nodded. He picked Kay up, careful not to wake him either, and laid him on the bed. He then followed Daisuke out of the room and to the kitchen. Both glad that whatever had been there yesterday was gone. The smell of breakfast soon filled the castle.
Kay woke and sat upright. "BREAKFAST!" He yelled and bolted down to the kitchen, jumping up and down excitedly. "Is it ready yet? Is it ready yet?" He kept asking as he continued to jump and run around.
Daisuke laughed at Kay's enthusiasm.
Ryu nodded. "Yes, soon."
"Yay!" Kay laughed, not seeming to get worn out, and was not even breathing hard.
12:39pm Jun 20 2012
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Kaylee woke up to the sound of Kay squealing and stretched out on the bed. She walked over to her clothes and put them on thankful that they were dry. Once dressed, she walked out of the room and followed the smells into the kitchen.
Walking into the room, she greeted everyone "good morning guys." she said with a smile. Kaylee walked over to Kay and kissed the top of his head. Looking back up she asked "So how did you guys sleep?"
12:48pm Jun 20 2012
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Kay just laughed happily, clearing having had tons of rest.
"Quite well, you?" He asked. He stretched a little before setting the table.
Daisuke didn't reply. He didn't know how to respond. Should he say, 'Yes, I slept well, thank you,' or should he remain silent. He chose the latter. He hadn't slept at all and now that it was day time he was finally feeling a little tired.
12:51pm Jun 20 2012
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Smiling at Ryu she saw that he seemed more pleasant than he did yesterday "I had a wonderful nights rest thanks. What's wrong Daisuke, you don't look too good?" She looked at him and noticed he seemed a little pale and he looked like he hadn't gotten sleep in forever. ~I wonder whats wrong, I hope he isn't getting sick~
1:30pm Jun 20 2012 (last edited on 1:30pm Jun 20 2012)
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Ryu noticed too. "You alright there, Daisuke?"Daisuke looked at the two of them. "Can you guys finish with breakfast? I'm going to go lay down.""Leave it to me. You go get some rest." Ryu came over and began to finish everything up."Thanks." Daisuke then left to go to a room he saw earlier that he had liked. It had no windows and had a black and silver color scheme, with a touch of crimson. He laid down on the bed, pulling the bed curtain around him. He closed his eyes and was soon 'dead' asleep. (could not help but put that in XD.)
Kay was too busy being excited about breakfast to notice anything else.
1:35pm Jun 20 2012
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Walking up tothe kitchen counter next to Ryu she had a worried look on her face as she reached for the plates and other utensils. ~I hope he's okay~ she thought to herself as she set up the table. Realizing they needed more to drink, she went outside to go find some of the cows from thee pasture.
A few minutes later, she walked in with a large bottle of milk and set it on the table to go with breakfast and watched Kay bounce in his seat. Turning to Ryu she watched him cook and spoke up."Hey, do you need any help?"
1:45pm Jun 20 2012
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Ryu shook his head. "I have it pretty much taken care of...Why don't you go check on Daisuke...I'm getting kinda worried myself." With that he had indicated that he had noticed her worry. "I'll get Kay settled down and everything will be ready when you get back." A small, but kind smile was there, as he tried to reassure her that everything would be fine.
1:52pm Jun 20 2012
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Smiling back, she hugged him as thanks and ran off to find Daisuke. She searched the entire place and finally found a very dark room and if she wouldn't have noticed the door frame, she would have walked right by it. Walking in, she noticed that it was very gloomy in color, and made her think of death. She continued to walk around until she bumped into something,when she looked down, she saw the edge of a bed. Putting her hand forward, it touched a soft fabric and her curiosity got the better of her. She ventured further past the veil and looked down, and everything began to glow yellow because her necklace fed off of her fear. Kaylee gasped when she found Daisuke laying on the bed, she then she touched his face which was ice cold.